
To keep up

Through all of this I felt like I was being watched. Not long after lighting up my makeshift torch, I hear growling...

This is the chapter where Jake meets Y/N and the Na'vi! There will be a little of their training here as well!! Also, I should have said this before, but Y/N is older than Neytiri by one year. So human years hes 19. Also Jake is 22, thats cannon! I had to look that up.


Any Na'vi that speaks will look like this
and Jake as a Avatar will look like this
While everything else is just normal!


(Y/N's POV)

I was on a tree branch looking down onto this sky person. Slowly, I put an arrow into my bow and pull back ready to strike. I can feel my muscles tense when I'm about to let the arrow go to kill him. Right then a woodsprite lands on the tip of my arrow, I stare at it for a second. Then I lower my bow and arrow, narrowing my eyes at the person below.

(Jake Sully's POV)

I move my torch and it shows me.. What the fuck are these things called again? Were- no.. VIPERWOLVES. Yeah Viperwolves... theres so much of them. But none of them are attacking. I snarl and yell "I Don't have all fucking night! Come at me! come on!" right then one attacked, like a blur. Everything went so fast and I can't recall all of the ones that came at me.

All of a sudden a a viperwolf gets shot with an Arrow. I look around to see where it came from then I see a flash of blue above me. Before I know it all the Viperwolves are either laying on the ground or running off. I look over to the Na'vi that saved me but he wasn't looking at me. He's looking at the ground, looks like he's listening to the forest for the wolves. Once the howls and yelps of the wolves stop he looks up at me. 'He's kinda pretty.. Wait what?' I thought to myself.

I get out of my thoughts when he takes my touch out of my hand and throws it into the near by river "Wait, Don't-!" I run to get my spear out of the water and then I look up to see the Forest. It's so pretty without the fire..

I look back over to the Na'vi and he's walking over to a Viperwolf that is yelping and trying to get up. The Na'vi leans down and takes his dagger out of its chests and he says "Forgive me,  My nek" (Translater: 'Forgive me, My brother'). He looks at the wolf with great sadness, then walks over to the wolf that he shoot with his arrow and pulls it out. While this is happening I try to speak to him "Look... I don't know if you can understand this but.. uh- thank you. Thank you"

Though, he ignores me and prays over the dead wolf. "Forgive me. May your swok tireaioang with the Great ikran" (Translater: Forgive me. May your spirit run with the Great Mother). He then stands up walking away not even looking at me. I start to run after him, trying to talk to him. "Wait! Wait, where are you goin?" I say while having to push some leaves out of my way to see him better. "All I wanted to say was thank you for killing-" I touch his shoulder and I get hit in the face with his Bow.. Hard. Then, I hear a accented, halting, and angry English.

(Y/N's POV)

I stare at the Sky Person I just hit onto the ground and narrowed my eyes and scolded in my strong accented English,"No! No thank. This not good! You don't thank for this. This is sad, sad. Only." The sky person stares back at me and puts his hands up, "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Whatever I said or did... I'm sorry" he spoke. I then point at all the dead bodies of the Wolves "They," making sure he's looking at them, "They.. did not deserve to die. This your fault!" I mourned for my forest friends.

"Wait what?! No they attacked me-" The person still on the ground argued, but I silenced him by pushing my bow into his neck. "Your Fault," I say looking over to the side and lifting my bow off his throat, "You are like a baby," I role my eyes "making noise. Not knowing what to do," I say moving my head all directions "You should not have come. All you sky people. You came and make problems. Only." While I was talking he slowly started to stand up and I stepped back.

I could see that the person faces me before asking "Well, if you like your forest friends so much," he starts walking slowly closer "Then why didn't you let them kill my ass? What's the reason?" For the first time I look into his eyes and answer his question with another question, "Why save you?" I tilt my head slightly. He stares back and says "Yes, Why save me?"

I again roll my eyes "You have strong heart. No fear." I lean closer to him then add "But stupid! Ignorant like a child!" and I step back again starting to walk away again. But the person follows me.

(Jake Sully's POV)

The Na'vi starts walking away again and I follow him onto a root that he easily walks on while I have to try and balance for a minute. I then look down and see that we are really far off the forest floor. "Well, if I'm so ignorant, why don't you teach me?" He jumps onto a different root, 'well shit.. hopefully I make this' "Sky people can not learn. They do not see." Surprisingly, I did make the jump and I had to jog to catch up with him. "Then, uh... teach me to see." He suddenly stops and I almost run into him. "No one can teach you to see."

After a few minutes, the Na'vi stops and turns around. Then, some kind of things start landing on me. I was about to hit one off but a blue hand stops me, "Don't." I then put my hand down lots of others start landing on me, "What are these?" I ask. "Atokirina. Seeds of the Great tree.. Very pure spirits." I watch him slightly smile.

After a little the spirits leave my body. Out of no where, I get hit and get tripped. I jump up right after I land. I turn to run, but I get trapped in by other Na'vi and their Direhorses.

From the side I hear the Na'vi I've been with this whole time say "Tsu'tey,  what are ngenga doing! Po is my spe'e!" (Translate: Tsu'tey, What are you doing? He is my captive!) Tsu'tey gets off his Direhorse and states "These demons are na'rìng here. Ohe will kì'ong this fko as a lesson to the others!" (Translate: These demons are forbidden here. I will kill this one as a lesson for the others!)

Tsu'tey looks away from the other and takes his arrow walking toward me. But the other Na'vi steps between us and cries "Tìftang! There has been a sign. This is a matter for the Tsahik." (Translate for first word: Stop!). Tsu'tey then looks at me, then looks at the others and commands "Tsmukan him." (Translate: Bring Him.)

Next thing I know, I'm being dragged.. or more like picked up by Natives and being taken somewhere. A few minutes of just being dragged, we finally make it to a beautiful tree. I'm guessing this is their base. Its pretty. They start dragging me closer to the center and some of the people just start touching me.. I have no idea how to feel about it honestly.

A tall, long chested, angry man, guessin thats the leader, then speaks to the unknown Na'vi "Pelun do ngenga tsmukan this mun'i here?" (Translate: Why did you bring this creature here?) Before the blue man answers he makes some kind of gesture, then replies with "Ohe was going to kì'ong him,  txìm there was a sign from tsleng." (Translate: I was going to kill him, but there was a sign from Eywa.) The leader then points at me and exclaims "Ohe have said kea kurakx will nìtut here,  to offend our meuia! His nìwotx lrrtok fills my ke." (Translate: I have said no dreamwalker will come here, to offend our home! His alien smell fills my nose)

From what I can see, The unknown Na'vi doesn't stand down, explaining "Txopu,  srak(e) atokirina came to this nìwotx" (Translate: Father, many atokirina came to this alien.)Me, Still not knowing what the hell is going on, cause I don't speak this language, asks "What's going on?" The other Na'vi turns around and responded with "My Father is deciding if he should kill you or not." I look up surprised "Father?!" The blue man turns around, and as soon as Im about to step forward, he puts his hand on my chest and shakes his head saying "No touch."

We all hear a strong female voice say "Step Back!" in Na'vi, I do know this one. A female, seeming to be in her mid 50's and another female about 18 human years come from behind the leader and walk forward. The 18 year old goes to the unknown blue man and hugs him, again doing the little gesture. While the other woman walks toward me after stating "Ohe will tutean this nìwotx." (Translate: I will look at this alien) I look at the other man and give her a look saying 'Who is this?' him getting what I'm saying pretty quick and explains "That is mother. She is Tsahik- the one who interprets the will of Eywa." he nods. I narrow my eyes in question "Who?"

As the woman walks by, the man looks at her and knees at her for respect, 'So she's important.' Then everything and everyone goes silent while the woman circles me, touching my tail and examining my build. She then asks me in a thick accent "What are you called?" while stopping in front of me.

I'm guessing that's her way of asking me my name so I reply with "Jake Sully." She out of nowhere, points me with a.. horn? Then, she tastes my blood. She starts asking me questions and I answer the best I can. There was one question though. "What are you?" like what the hell is that supposed to mean? "Uh.. I was a Marin- a warrior.. of the Jarhead clan." Then, Tsu'Tey exclaims "A yur! Ohe could kì'ong him ftue!" (Translate: A Warrior! I could kill him easily!) and he starts walking closer to me but The leader and the unknown Na'vi hold him back. The leader than says "Kea! This is the tswayon yur kurakx we have seen. We kawkrr to txìng skxawng about him." (Translate: No! This is the first warrior dreamwalker we have seen. We need to learn more about him.)

I don't understand half of what they are saying, so I attempt "What's going on? What are they saying?" But they ignore me and continue on talking in the native language "Tirol. Ngenga will teach him our way, to tukru lute as we do" (Translate: Son. You will teach him our way, to speak and walk as we do).

(Y/N's POV)
I look over to my mother and stare for a minute. Then I growl "Pelun me? Ohe fu wanted to tsmukan him here, ke'u teach him." (Translate: Why me? I only wanted to bring him here, not teach him). My mother stares back at me and glares "Si growl at me, ngenga will do it. Kea complaining." (Translate: Do not growl at me, you will do it. No complaining) I just snarl and turn toward Jake 'This is gonna be so fun.'

Mother also turns to Jake and tells him "My son will teach you our ways. Learn well, JakeSully. We will see if your insanity can be cured" then she turns to me, looking at me seriously, "You are responsible for him. Anything he does you are accounted for." Jake better not do anything stupid, all I do is nod and walk up to Jake to take him somewhere, I pull on his arm roughly. I can feel someone's glare on me and I look back to Tsu'tey but I just turn back around. Jake asks, "It's all cool right? You and m-" I cut him off before he can finish "Do not speak."


Words: 2131

This one is longer! And it took me to long to make lmfao. The chapters will get increasingly longer! The gesture I'm talking about is the 'I see you' one btw.
Anyway, I did use a translator for the Na'vi speak! So apologies if any of it is wrong.
The next few cheaters will be his training and some of Jake in his human form and shit! Also, some of my own events.
Have a great day/night/afternoon Y'all!
