5: By Any Means Necessary

"I told you, I'm not 15 your students are just fucking stupid for believing me." Kyo insisted. 

Aizawa sighed. This wasn't how he wanted to spend his time after the Kamino incident but the fact they had captured a member of the League of Villains was kind of important. Although, he was expecting much more of a hardened criminal, this seemed like a teenage brat. 

"I've never had someone in police custody try to convince me they're more guilty." The pro hero said in his typical monotone voice. "You are a member of the League of Villains, correct?". 

"You know it. That's about as much as I can tell you about that though." Kyo answered with a smile. Or at least that was what he had told the heroes his name was. No surname although they hadn't pressed that one. They needed info about where the rest of the league was asap. 

"You may think you're getting away with a lot right now." Aizawa said, staring straight at Kyo "Not telling us your full name, not telling us your age, but we actually know a lot more about you than you think. I understand while Bakugou was held captive you two had an argument in which you said the words 'I'd rather be a villain than a slave'. Care to explain that?". 

Kyo flinched and Aizawa resisted the urge to smirk. The kid must have let his emotions get the better of him during the fight. The things Bakugou told them about the 15 year old were most likely true. The thought was unsettling considering the nature of 'Kyo's' words. "Has no one in this country ever heard of quirk trafficking or does the thought of it make heroes so uncomfortable they ignore it?" Kyo growled angrily. 

"You're saying you were trafficked for your quirk?" The pro hero clarified. Kyo looked at him like he was stupid. "I just told you. Yes.". Aizawa sighed. The kid had quite the attitude problem. "So based on what I know would it be correct for me to assume that you were sold into quirk trafficking and forced into prostitution?". The sinking feeling the pro hero and no doubt the police officers had waiting for an answer. 

Kyo stayed silent. He felt the familiar shaky feeling overtake his body as he stared at the floor. He could feel the pro heroes eye on him. The pressure was overwhelming but he wasn't going to give in. They wanted him to cry and admit innocence. He was in a tight spot though, he couldn't plead innocent as just being a member of a criminal organization was probably a charge. He couldn't go to jail. He just couldn't. The only other option would to make them think he was bad enough for isolation. 

"The fuck would that change? I'm a villain regardless." The teen fired back. Aizawa raised an eyebrow. "Are you?" He asked casually "Your own comrades admitted in front of a captive that you've never hurt anyone before. At this point you would be considered a misguided trauma survivor who was targeted by a villainous organization. You wouldn't be the first.". 

The black haired teen fumed with rage. "Now, do you have anything from your time being trafficked?" Aizawa asked, sorting through some paperwork. That was it, that was the last straw. 

"First you ask me about my life then you ask me to prove it?!" Kyo shouted, his voice getting hoarse from holding back tears. "I finally leave that shithole and still its all that matters! You want your fucking proof? Here!" Kyo pulled his button down shirt off, snapping several buttons in the process to reveal his collarbone. Something that had been covered by makeup when he first met Shigaraki and covered by the bathrobe when the league had seen him almost shirtless.

A tattoo. 

A permanent reminder of the hell that was his life. He didn't even remember getting it, much like he didn't remember his life before the brothel. It had just always been there. He had just always been there. 

Aizawa looked at the boy in front of him in shock. He recognized the kanji character and the placement, the pro hero had seen it before many times. Barely a few weeks before the kid was taken into custody there had been a raid on a potential illegal brothel. Everyone there had been held captive and they all had the same tattoo. They were all much older too, the youngest being 20. Or so they thought. 

But Kyo hadn't been at the raid, he had been sent out to garner business the day before and approached Shigaraki Tomura. The hero was horrified but didn't realize how close a call it had actually been. 

"You were in the red light district in Kamino then? The brothel was called 'Ren' was it not?" Aizawa said, his tone much more serious. Kyo glared at him "So you fucking knew? You knew and you did nothing?!" the teen shouted.

"Please lower your voice. You have to calm down." Aizawa told him, very conscious of the boy's trembling and the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes. Kyo didn't listen. 

"Do you have any idea how long I waited?!" He screamed, tears beginning to poor down his anguished face. "12 YEARS!" The teen cried out "I waited 12 fucking years!". The heroes eyes were wide in shock at the outburst. On the outside it might look like a villain screaming at a hero, maybe out of frustration at getting caught. But all Aizawa could see was a child. A broken child who couldn't handle the situation set before him. 

Police officers burst into the room before the hero could speak and shoved Kyo to the floor harshly. "I waited!" Kyo said through gritted teeth, glaring up at Aizawa as the police strapped quirk suppressing cuffs to his wrist. 

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ----- 

The students of 1-A wished they hadn't come. 

Well, not exactly. They all knew it was important, necessary even for them to see something like that. Hero work wasn't exactly the most pg of fields. They all understood that this was part of the job. 

But none of them had wanted to see it like that.

The sight of an abused and neglected teen even younger than them having a complete breakdown. Had he joined the League of Villain's to escape? How much had they hurt him by asking if he wanted to be a hero? Many questions hung in the air but for class 1-A at least the biggest was 'Can we save him'? 

Midoriya had compared it to Kota's hatred of heroes at first. Not liking them because of the loss of someone close to him or the disillusion of a personal hero. But Kyo's experience was something he didn't think even happened in Japan anymore. He knew some people were targeted and kidnapped for their quirks but usually the news of those events came from overseas. 

The dead eyes expression and limp demeanor that Kyo had displayed ever since the police dragged him off to a cell didn't help. 1-A couldn't help but think it wasn't fair. He hadn't hurt anybody, in fact he had never hurt anyone. Bakugou had caused people more harm than him and yet one was in handcuffs while the other stood to the side. 

That was when they brought a suggestion to principal Nezu. It would only work if they could identify Kyo from his blood test results but if it did they had a chance to save him. 

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- 

Meanwhile in the League of Villain tensions were high. All For One had made it clear in saying that they could not attempt to rescue Kyo like they would any other member. 

'If he comes back, you have become his family. If he does not come back on his own he will not want to leave'. Those were his exact words and unfortunately they all had to follow them. Not one member didn't want to rush into Kyo's holding place and murder all those in their way but they had to be patient. 

Shigaraki was nervous. Kyo hadn't committed any acts of violence and the most he did for the league was heal them and make coffee in the mornings. He might have no real loyalty. 

Kyo had also mentioned still thinking that heroes would come. If that truly was how he thought then being saved by the heroes is exactly what he wants and they can't stop that. If they'd managed to solve his flawed logic they could expect him at any moment. 


Wow, isn't this kinda depressing? I mean, I'm kinda depressed so of course it would end up this way. 

I love writing for Newbie because I can pour all the sadness into it and it suits the theme. That way I don't put all the angst in say, a chapter of Mayday which wouldn't fit the idea of a kind of cute story about an eight year old with a cool quirk that really likes the sun. 
