10: Rope Me Back Into It

Midoriya took a deep breath and looked down at his phone. Still an hour until he was supposed to leave. 

His mission was simple, head to a part of town they had supposedly spotted Kyo and wait. If he saw the teen, Midoriya was told to approach him and just have a conversation. He was supposed to stall for as long as possible and hopefully convince Kyo to go with him willingly. 

Honestly Izuku was incredibly uncomfortable with the idea. He was a little nervous about facing off against the league in public if they happened to be around. But for his idea to work they needed Kyo's quirk. 

He felt obliged to help his mentor, even if the man himself insisted it wasn't necessary. Izuku couldn't just watch his idol waste away and if nothing changes he will. 

As the teen turned around to survey the area yet again, he spotted his target. If he had seen the teen from the back he might not have guessed it was the same person. He looked a bit taller and more built now and not at all like the malnourished child he had appeared to be the last time they encountered him. For the first time he actually looked like a 15 year old boy. 

"Kyo!" He called out with an anxious lopsided smile. The teen turned on his heels to look at Midoriya. He seemed a little scared for a moment but after looking around Kyo approached the hero student. 

"Trying to recapture me?" He laughed. Midoriya couldn't laugh, he was too nervous about screwing the plan up. "I mean, I'm not worried about going back with you. I'm never going there again." Kyo smirked. Izuku looked a little confused.

"I could be a trap." Izuku said, trying to gain the teen's trust with reverse psychology. Kyo just smiled and walked closer to the green haired teen. He leaned in to whisper something to the green haired teen and as he did the hero in training felt something cold push against his torso. A gun. 

"You could be, but if you call anyone here right now you know what happens." He threatened, the anger in his voice barely audible over the happy tone from the smile. "So," Kyo said, sitting down on a nearby bench "what's up?".

It was too casual for Midoriya, but he reminded himself that gun and all, Kyo was the same person he had spent a school day with. A younger kid he should look out for. It was easy for Midoriya to ignore Nighteye's prediction as he simply wouldn't let All Might die. 

"N-nothing much." Izuku said, sitting down beside the boy "Thank you for helping us find Eri. I do have a question about that though..." he trailed off, unable to let his own curiosities go.

 Kyo smiled a little at that "Is it about my involvement? I think how I knew where she was is pretty obvious." he said honestly. Midoriya shook his head a little and looked into the teen's chrimson red eyes. 

"I was actually wondering about her scars. Did she rewind herself or did you..." The hero student probed. Kyo stared at Midoriya like he was an idiot.

"I'm a villain, not a monster, not really at least." Kyo answered simply "But yes, the healing was my handiwork.". Midoriya clenched his jaw. 

"Then why are you with the league?" Deku asked, earnestly. "If you want to heal and save a little girl, why are you pretending to be bad? What did they tell you to make you join them?". The hero student was frantic for answers. He just couldn't comprehend how someone could willingly become an evil person, or at least try. 

Kyo didn't know how to respond, so he just let Izuku continue. "You don't have to be a hero, but you're already acting like one. Why are you wasting your life as Kyo when you could be Arai Yuuto again?". 

In a flash the gun was right under Midoriya's jaw, shoving his head into an uncomfortable position. "Say that name one more fucking time, I dare you." Kyo seethed. He had thought Midoriya would be more understanding. He thought the boy had gone out by himself to try to appeal to the villain's morals but this had gone too far. "I've got some news for you, green bean. The world isn't full of abused little girls. I have no interest in saving those who turned their backs on me." 

The 15 year old grabbed Midoriya's jaw with surprising force, more than enough to leave a bruise. "All you U.A idiots think I'm an innocent little child. I've got some news for you, its not that I'm innocent, just that the world doesn't miss the people I've killed.".

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 

"Kyo, I love you but sometimes your an idiot. I think he did great!" Twice said as Shigaraki stood over the teenager.

"We told you to play innocent until we make our next move and what did you do?" The red eyed man said, audible frustrated.

"I told a hero student I was a murderer. Its true though, I don't see a problem." Kyo said casually. Shigaraki itched at his neck and tried to dodge the healing kiss blown at him by Kyo, ultimately failing. "And now they're going to be looking ever harder for you! How is the league supposed to make their next move if you're off threatening high schoolers?!".

"To be fair, Dabi also threatens a lot of high schoolers." "You and Toga don't attend school, you don't count." "Dammit. Okay, to make up for my mistake I have some intel." Kyo said with a smile "They know we're trying to raid Tartarus.".

"They do?" Kurogiri said, suddenly appearing out of no where. Kyo nodded "When I was talking to Midoriya he mentioned that our effort to get All For One back was futile. They probably know much more than that if they were able to find me today.".

Shigaraki clicked his tongue and kept scratching. "We can't stay here forever, we much achieve our goal on teacher's behalf.". 

Everyone thought about it for a moment before Dabi walked up to the group. "We'll attack U.A. Sure, it'll be less satisfying but breaking their 'maximum' security school is sure to cause chaos. The people are losing confidence in the top school anyways.". 

"Kurogiri, develop a strategy and see if its possible." Shigaraki ordered, in a slightly better mood. 

Toga grinned widely and threw herself at Kyo, pulling him into a tight hug. "We call vanguard squad! I need my little ambulance!".

"I reject that nickname." Kyo huffed playfully.

It was all coming together and they didn't even need All For One. Shigaraki would see Kyo's combat skills again soon and he'd be in the vanguard squad for real this time. The teen was determined to not let his 'nice' quirk define him. 

He would be the one to name the next top hero.
