2: Meet The Family

"You're 15?!" Toga squealed excitedly. She smiled widely as she looked the boy up and down. 

"15?" Dabi said skeptically "Is a 15 year old traumatized quirk trafficking's victim really what we need to carry on Stain's doctrine?". The scarred man loomed over the petit teen as he looked at Shigaraki. The leader knew to his subordinate he looked like an idiot but the kid was such a find he had no shame about it. 

The blueish white haired man laughed a little. "You don't understand what we can do with him as one of us." The villain gloated "Show him.". 

The young boy looked up at Dabi and sighed. "Sorry to say this but you're literally the worst case I've ever seen." He told the villain. The whole room erupted in laugher save for the purple man himself. Carefully the boy took Dabi's hand in his own. He brought it up to his mouth and kissed it before the villain had a chance to burn him. 

"What the fuck?!" Dabi shouted, waving his hand around. He stared down at it only to realize that the staples on his hand now resembled a piercing rather than a means to keep his skin intact. The skin on his hand was back to its normal colour an texture with no signs of the burns. 

Spinner, Twice and Toga stared at the hand in amazement. "I could do your whole body if you'd like, call it an offer of friendship." The kid offered, a wide smirk on his face. The league stared in amazement. 

"Healing power that puts Recovery Girl's to shame. His quirk can heal any injury that hurts, even if its just a tiny pinch. Jury's still out on disease. The only known drawback is making him sleepy and he's got one hell of a tolerance." Shigaraki explained "This is the key to our success.".

Toga raised her hand "Does the key to success have a name?" she asked with a wide smile. Honestly she was psyched to have someone younger than her on the team. 

"Kyo." The boy answered "I came from Kyoto and I don't remember my real name, so one of the ladies in the brothel named me Kyo.". Everyone nodded. It was the norm to pick your own name when you joined the league. To choose how you want to be seen instead of having that label placed on you. "Damn, I'm so fucking glad I haven't seen any of you before." he added. 

From the looks he got Kyo realized he would have to elaborate. "Villains aren't the type of people who can handle stable relationships so, you know, I was in a brothel so..." The boy shivered at the memories. He kept reminding himself that everything would change now. That he was free and no one here would try anything. "Wow, what a slut! He was abused!" Twice said, putting his leg up on a chair. 

"Yay! I get a friend! Can I braid your hair? Can I get some blood too? You've got a really pretty face." Toga said, bouncing up and down on the spot. 

"I was actually hoping one of you with knives could help me cut it." Kyo said, grabbing a fistful of his long black hair. Toga quickly ran over, cutting it into a choppy mess within seconds. 

"Better?" She asked with a smile. Kyo looked at the mirror across the room and smiled. "Better." He answered. Toga wasted no time braiding the hair that was now off of the boy's head and Shigaraki tried to pull them back into the topic at hand. 

"Kyo changes our whole plan for the camp." The leader explained "He'll be part of the Vanguard with the rest of you. He will be staying in one location so you can all retreat back to him if you get hurt. I also plan to use him in convincing the one we've had our eye on. Unlike the rest of you he's told me quite a lot about himself and its a real sob story.". 

The villains all nodded. Determination was in the air at the prospects of their next mission. A lot was resting on this including some of their personal goals. 

Kyo hadn't been in the league nearly long enough to realize his own true goals, but as his teacher had told Shigaraki when he mentioned the new recruit, 'he would learn'. The blue haired leader had no doubt in his mind that under the attitude and smile there was some deep resentment for society. 

---- ---- --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 

Normally the bar was silent at night. Shigaraki enjoyed staying late because of this. Well, it wasn't necessarily staying late if he lived there but it wasn't like he slept very often. It didn't really feel like home but he was too focused on the league to get an apartment. 

However on this particular night it wasn't silent. Permeating the blanket of quiet was sobs from upstairs. They sounded desperate and heartbreaking, although that assumes there is something left in Shigaraki to break. 

Tomura himself was curious though. It had to be Kyo since no one else was there but the two of them. He was interested in why the teenager was crying so naturally he mounted the stairs to see what this was about. 

Meanwhile, Kyo was terrified. No matter how many nights he had been away from the brothel the images still plagued his nightmares. When he woke up in the middle of the night he could still feel the tile of his 'room' pressing into his back. 

The blankets and mattress that Kurogiri had gotten for him only made it worse. Only when he was with clients was he allowed to be in a bed and ever since he got to the league he continued to wake up already mumbling out apologies to a captor that was no longer there. 

Not feeling comfortable in the bed Kyo dragged his blanket onto the floor and curled up in the corner. Sobs still wracked his body and his lip was bleeding from biting back apologies. Even though he had been assured by every member of the league that they wouldn't touch him or ask about anything the instinct that Kyo had developed over a lifetime still stuck with him. 

He had done this even before he was actually making money doing anything other than blowing kisses at clients. When he was blissfully unaware what they were doing with the women he called his older sisters, the instinct still existed. The moment you wake up somewhere nicer than you remember, you've done something very wrong. Even as a 4 year old Kyo had understood this and some part of him thought he'd be stupid to forget at 15. 

Suddenly, a knock on the door broke him out of the walk down memory lane. "Kyo?" Shigaraki called out, opening the door. Quickly the boy clutched the blanket around him and stared up at the man with wide wet eyes. 

Truthfully Tomura was prepared for a sarcastic remark or something more aggressive like he had seen from the boy before. This was...unexpected. Kyo was cowering in the corner, blanket wrapped around him like a child hiding from the boogie man. Shigaraki then realized Kurogiri and Dabi had been correct. Perhaps the trauma Kyo had suffered was too great. 

It was pitiful, the villain thought, to be so broken by society that he had lost the strength to fight back. "Don't cower." Tomura began, taking a step closer to the quivering boy "The only way to defeat the monsters is to become scarier.". 

Some part of what he was saying must have gotten through to Kyo as the tears soon slowed. "Do whatever you want.". 

Tomura stood still at those words. Did Kyo think he was going to assault him? "Do whatever you want, whatever you need to. I'll pick up the pieces." The boy continued "Just promise me you'll make those bystanders pay.". 

Tomura smiled. 


The tension mounts as we close in on Kyo's first mission! 

My little baby's all grown up and tearing down false heroes. 

(If you got that Mulan reference there's a 77.89% chance I love you)

But really he's got a long way to go before he can go from slightly angsty 15 year old to full blown villain and who knows, he might not even get there in the end. 
