11: Attack On My Pride

Kyo wasn't really sure what he was supposed to be doing. He couldn't really start attacking yet since he was 'backup' but he was beginning to get bored waiting in one of the gyms. 

The attack on U.A was going decently well. They had secured the premises to make sure no one can get near the school with Dabi's quirk. For a moment the 15 year old wondered if any civilians were dying in the fire they had set but in all honestly he couldn't care in the moment. Afterwards he'd probably get really frustrated with himself for letting innocents die but right now there was a goal. Kill All Might and show everyone that U.A was a monument to a flawed society. 

"Kyo, check in." A voice over his com device called out. Kurogiri, probably. "I'm in gym gamma. No one else is in here yet but I hear shouting outside. Over." He relayed. 

"Come to the front. Midnight and Cementos are down. We can't find Eraserhead or All Might." Kurogiri said. Kyo's eyes widened and he quickly tightened the harnesses keeping his weapons in place. Now that he could use guns it would be much easier to fight the 1-A kids. 

They weren't idiots, taking on a whole school at once would be too much for their small numbers. Instead, they waited until the third years were at a training camp. The league rallied street thugs and small time villains to give themselves their largest numbers yet with more fire users than ever to keep the city out of the fight. 

The first year kids still posed a threat since unlike the second years they would probably be with All Might. Kyo clicked his tongue at the thought and opened the gym doors slowly.

"There's one!" A voice shouted. Kyo spun around, gun in hand and came face to face with two   1-A students. His former classmates, you could say. Their quirks were creation and pop off if he remembered correctly. At least it wasn't the hardening guy. 

"Arai Yuuto!" The creation girl shouted. Kyo flinched. 

"Where did you hear that?!" He demanded, anger audible in his tone. The girl didn't seem scared but the tiny guy did as he took several steps backwards. "Who told you that name?".

"I don't have to answer your questions." The girl said, a shield appearing on her arm "Everyone says your innocent, please just drop your weapons and come with us.". Kyo smirked and grabbed a knife.

"Nothings easy." He said simply as he lunged at the uniform clad girl. She managed to block the knife with the shield but missed the second Kyo had taken off his thigh. It seemed to hurt pretty bad judging from how she fell to the ground clutching her abdomen. The grape boy jumped on Kyo's back. The 15 year old stabbed haphazardly at his back but only managed to hit one of the sticky balls which the 1-A student quickly threw away. 

The girl seemed like she would be down for a little bit and no one else was in the area so he turned his attention to the now detached grape boy. He cursed under his breath when he lost the boy. Certainly he hadn't just left his classmate to bleed out, right? Kyo turned back to the girl cautiously he walked over to the girl.

This is where the league said he would be weak. She looked like she was in a lot of pain and bleeding quite a lot. Kyo was going to cuff and lock her inside the gym anyways, so he might as well heal her. Except if he did she'd use her quirk to escape. The choice paralyzed him for a second and he made eye contact with the girl. She seemed to see his uneasiness about the situation. 

"Stop now." The teen said shifting away from him "You don't have to do this.". Just then a voice came over the com device. "Kyo, we need you at the front now.". Kyo bit the inside of his cheek and quickly cuffed the girl to the inside of the gym doors. 

"I'm sorry." He said, so softly he wasn't even sure the girl heard him "I need to live too.". 

---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ---- ----- 

The front lines were a disaster zone. Most of the school was collapsing around the heroes and villains inside and Kyo hated the thought of having to go inside but he sucked it up. The thought that someone really needed to be healed kept him moving forwards through the rubble filled hallways. 

He definitely ignored several groups of hiding students. General studies kids didn't deserve this mess anyways, he wasn't going to fight them just for going to school. After a minute or so he found Shigaraki who was facing off against Ectoplasm in the cafeteria. He pulled a facemask on to protect his poor lungs from the sheer amount of dust in that room, probably disintegrated clones. 

The leader noticed Kyo immediately and smirked. "You were so proud of landing a hit on me before," Shigaraki said, gesturing for Kyo to come closer "Well that won't last long.". The teen got the message and blew a kiss to Shigaraki's injured looking leg. It glowed red for a moment before healing and allowing the villain to stand without a limp. "Good as new. Now," He said in a low tone as the hero readied himself on the other side of the room "Find Toga, we think she's with the 1-A brats and All Might." 

Kyo nodded quickly and blew a kiss at Tomura's scratches. The occasional tune up of the scratching spots was practically a hobby for the 15 year old now with how often he had to do it. 

His heavy boots echoed on the ground as he ran through the hallway, blowing kisses to a few more villains as he rushed around looking for Toga. He was about to pass by another section of hallway completely when he heard a loud crash. 

Carefully the teen walked through the halls, anxious of every door he passed through. Eventually he saw one open weakly. "Toga?" The boy called out anxiously. No answer. Kyo approached the door to find a random General studies student. "Have you seen a blonde girl? Really likes blood, about this tall?" Kyo asked the cowering girl. 

Strangely enough she nodded and winced. Her neck was injured and bleeding. "Where did she go?" Kyo asked, desperate to know where his best friend was. 

"S-she was fight-ting the hero student-ts. That w-way..." The terrified girl stuttered out. Kyo smiled and blew a kiss to heal her neck. "My quirk just healed you, no downsides or anything. Thank you." He said as he ran down the hallway. 

'Please let her be okay' Kyo didn't know why he found himself thinking that. Toga was strong, stronger than him. She had fought them before, she could handle it. Yet somehow the thought still permeated his mind. 

Soon the hallways opened to large landing above an opening to the ground floor. "What do we do?" A hushed voice asked. "I don't know." Another dejected one said. Kyo recognized the voice. All Might. 

He quickly rushed onto the landing and nearly dropped to his knees. 

All Might and the brown haired girl were on the opposite side of the landing. The girl's leg was stuck under a pile of rubble and vomit was all around her. 

Also under a large piece of rubble was Toga. It looked like it had landed right on her torso since the ceiling piece was rested there and blood was spilling out of the area. Kyo panicked and ran on his jelly like legs over to his friend. Neither even attempted to stop him.

"Toga!" He said in a panicked tone "I've got you! Don't worry.". Quickly the boy blew a kiss to her torso as he moved the boulder. Her ribs looked crushed and her costume was drenched in blood. Kyo knelt down to kiss it, only managing to get his face covered in blood. No red glow. 

Quickly he moved to kissing her cheek, it healed wounds all around the body. When he did so his lips were only met with warm blood and cold skin. He felt tears well up in his eyes but Kyo ignored them. "Toga, look at me." He said, his voice shaking. She didn't move. 

Kyo cupped his friends cheeks and kissed her cold lips. It was the most powerful and quickest way to heal someone, he knew that despite having never kissed someone on the lips before. It wasn't allowed at the brothel. Kyo didn't give a shit about his first kiss in the moment though, he wanted Toga to be okay. 

Nothing. No red glow, no visible healing. 

Tears dropped down Kyo's face as his stared at his friend in shock. It wasn't working. He kissed her again, hoping it would change something. Nothing did. The tears were streaming down his cheeks at an alarming rate but Kyo barely noticed. 

He looked to All Might with wide crimson eyes. 

"You killed her." 


Its been a while ladies and gentlemen!

I'm so sorry for killing Toga, I didn't want to but you know how this goes. 

This will be wrapping up decently soon so I've got a new project coming out soon! I have several options in the running for my next big project so I might do a vote soon. If you guys have any types of stories you'd like to see I'm always option to suggestion and I'd love to hear yours! 
