15: You Can Take A Horse To Water

"Are we going to address the incident?" Aizawa asked. He, Midnight, Present Mic and All Might had all gotten together for this meeting but they were avoiding the topic at hand.

"I don't know what to make of it." Midnight said with a sigh "I thought there would be some adjustment but..." she trailed off. The others nodded knowingly. Aizawa let his mind retrace what had gone down hours earlier. 

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 

Kyo had been just fine in the dorms since he arrived. All sharp objects were sealed away in locked drawers only teachers could access so everyone felt safe. They were all strong enough to take down a 15 year old who was smaller than most of their students. 

But everything had been fine and although a tad abrasive, Kyo didn't outwardly hate any of the staff members. In fact he seemed to enjoy spending time with Recovery Girl and All Might.

That's why the incident came as such a shock.

There were two rooms to each floor and Aizawa shared his floor with Kyo. He had been sleeping peacefully until around 2 am when he heard sobbing that was loud enough to wake him up. Truth be told he was a light sleeper but he was still a little ways away from Kyo's bedroom. He assumed it was some kind of nightmare, something Hound Dog had warned them about after Kyo's psych evaluation. 

Aizawa had left his dorm when the sobs persisted and got louder. He wasn't prepared for what was happening thought. 

When he opened the door he could see two people, Midnight and Kyo. The teacher was standing barely out of the doorway with a concerned expression while Kyo was on the other side of the room curled in the blanket. "What's going on?" The underground hero had asked. 

It was like his presence only made it worse. Kyo's eyes became even more scared and he seemed to shrink impossibly into the corner. "I was just checking on his, for the night shift." Midnight said quietly, still in her bathrobe and very confused "And he was sleeping on the floor so I woke him up to move back to the bed and he just started crying.". 

The teacher looked over at Kyo and noticed he was mumbling something to himself. Aizawa couldn't quite make out what it was but he could tell it was repetitive. "Sweetie, why don't you just go to bed, huh? I'm so sorry for scaring ya." The art history teacher said, taking a few steps towards Kyo. 

All noise from the boy stopped and the room went silent. Soon the mumbling started up again and in the absence of sobs Aizawa could make out what he was saying. 

"Sorry, M'sorry sorry, sorry, sorry-" And on and on. His voice was broken and he sounded downright terrified. Aizawa quickly shooed an apologetic looking Midnight into the hallway and told her to head back to sleep. 

"Kyo, can you look at me for a second?" Aizawa asked, his feet firmly in place at the doorway. Kyo flinched and looked up. Silent tears continued to stream down the 15 year old's face. 

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been on the ground I didn't know anyone was coming I should have been-" "Should have been what?" "Prepared." "Prepared for what?" The hero asked softly. 

It was like that flipped a switch in Kyo's brain. His vision seemed to clear up and he took in his surroundings. This was his room at U.A. 

"Kyo, what about that made you so upset? What did Midnight say or do?" The teacher asked softly, no judgement in his voice. The moment Kyo came to his conclusion on what he thought he was doing, he looked at the floor, too ashamed to speak. Aizawa noticed this and changed his question, a sinking feeling in his chest. "What did you think was going on? What did you think she was going to do?" He asked, when Kyo didn't respond and began to tear up again, Aizawa's heart shattered. 

Kyo curled back into himself and Aizawa walked towards the boy who didn't protest. "Kyo, we would-none of us would ever do that to you or anyone else." The hero said, trying to keep his own calm in this situation. Kyo didn't respond instead he began to scratch at his arms, no doubt a habit he picked up from Shigaraki. "Please tell me you know heroes would never-" Aizawa cut himself off. He carefully pulled Kyo's trembling hands off his arms and placed them at his side. 

"Tomura..." Kyo said suddenly, taking the hero a little off guard. "I want Tomura, he makes it better. He makes everything better-" His breath hitched as he gasped for breath "Please I can't do this without him!".

Aizawa's heart clenched, if it was intact enough to do that. "You can't see Shigaraki, he's in prison." he explained gently. Kyo didn't want to accept the answer. "Please I can't live without him here I can't-I need to get better, he makes it better-I..." Kyo trailed off. 

It seemed all Aizawa could do was run his thumb over Kyo's hand and try to soothe the boy. 

----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 

Kyo never went back to sleep. He sort of felt bad, Aizawa had stayed up with him, but at the same time he was upset. Upset with hero society, as per usual, upset that he couldn't see Tomura and upset as his own weakness. He was supposed to be stronger now, how had he gotten worse? Was U.A scarier than the league to him? 

"Excuse me, I've got an emergency here!" Someone called out. Kyo whipped around to see a student bleeding all over their gym uniform while another supported them. The person who had spoke quickly helped the bleeding student to a bed before trying to get the blood of their own gym uniform. "We had an accident during training, I guess even us third years make mistakes." The student joked making their injured friend chuckle cynically. 

"Uh, Recovery Girl's out and I don't know how to stop stab wounds with basic first aid..." Kyo said nervously "Would it be really bad if I just used my quirk? I don't know if I'm really allowed to do that but-". Suddenly the uninjured student's eyes went wide. 

"You're the villain!" He announced with a wide smile "Its nice to finally meet you!" "Mirio shut up! Yes, you can use your quirk, do you want me to bleed out?!" His classmate said. Quickly the two stopped talking and Kyo hesitantly pulled the boy's face towards his. 

His lips barely ghosted the older teen's cheek but it was enough. In no time to wound was gone and it looked like it had never been there in the first place. "Wah, that's nothing like when Recovery Girl does it!" The student marveled. 

"Well I mean, her quirk just accelerates the healing process, my quirk actually heals any wound that hurts." Kyo said sheepishly. "I wanted to thank you," The hyper one, Mirio apparently, said suddenly "You helped save Eri.". 

"Is that the little girl's name?" Kyo asked, Mirio nodded. Something in Kyo's heart warmed at the thought. He had been right, the whole world was not full of abused little girls, but that one actually was an abused little girl. "I'm glad I helped you." Kyo said honestly "I got scolded for it but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that girl went through anything close to what I did. I'll never get those toes back, you know?". He laughed a little to himself, leaving the hero students confused. 

"The guys who sold me into quirk trafficking cut a bunch of my toes off, I only have 7 left. I didn't know it was them who cut them off until I was captured the first time." Kyo explained. Mirio looked up at Kyo and for the first time really took in what he looked like. He was tired, his skin was pale and his eyes bloodshot. His hair was messily cut, like someone had just taken a knife to it although realizing Kyo was once a villain that seemed probable. He was thin and around Midoriya's height and boy did he really look much younger than them. He was already too young to be in a high school, but somehow he looked even younger now. 

Mirio looked at him and saw what could have become of Eri. It didn't make the most sense but from what Midoriya had told him Kyo took whatever opportunity he could to leave his old life. Mirio would be eternally glad that he was Eri's first opportunity and not another villain. "You know, you kinda remind me of a little brother." He said, breaking the silence. At Kyo's confused expression he smiled. 

He could be Kyo's second opportunity. 

Meanwhile Kyo was thinking how the fuck he was supposed to explain the 'incident' the the heroes. Maybe it wouldn't be as hard as he thought to run away again. Ankle bracelets aren't all that hard to remove, are they? 


Unfortunately you'll have to wait until the next chapter to know what the teachers are up too.

Welcome Mirio to the cast of 'Kyo has a mental breakdown: The musical' 

Stay tuned, this series is ending soon! 
