Chapter 43

Lucy POV

“Wow, shortie, you really suck at this.” Carter said as he blew my head off in a video game.

I groaned. “This is hard.”

“It’s okay, trouble, you will learn.” Matt laughed, patting my arm lightly.

“We could play a board game.” I said, turning to look at Carter with a small smile on my face.

“I’ll pass, short stuff. I heard that you cheat.” he said, turning the game off.

“I don’t cheat.” I huffed, placing the controller on the table. “It’s not my problem that Theo and Noah don’t know how to play.”

“You are right.” Noah said. “We don’t know how to play against a cheater.”

I shot him a glare, and he laughed.

“You don’t have time, anyway, love.” Liam said, scrolling through his phone. “Grandpa will be here to pick you up in half an hour.”

Theo tensed up, and the playful look disappeared from Noah’s face immediately.

It was Sunday, and it was time for me to leave with grandpa on our walk.

I spent the morning with all of my brothers and all of my cousins. They were trying to teach me to play video games. I’ve lost every single one of them. Needless to say, I will be sticking with board games from now on. That is if anyone will want to play with me after Noah and Theo successfully spread lies about me cheating.

“Are you excited, Shortcake?” Dylan asked as he sipped his coffee.

“I am.” I smiled. “It will be nice to spend some time with grandpa.”

I was worried about Noah and Theo, though. I thought about canceling more than once, but grandpa was so excited to spend time with me, and I couldn’t do that to him. He said he was taking me somewhere special, and I saw how much it meant to him.

“Do you know where he is taking me?” I asked my brothers and cousins.

“Yes.” Liam said, while others nodded.

“Will you tell me?” I asked, hopeful.

“No.” Liam responded.

“How will I know what to wear then?” I sighed.

“This is good.” Liam said, pointing at my clothes. “You don’t have to change.”

I looked down at what I was wearing. Jeans, a black t-shirt with a small white flower on it, and white Chucks.

“Are you sure?” I raised my head to look at Liam.

“He is taking you for a walk, shortie.” Carter chuckled. “You don’t need heels and a dress.”

“One, I don’t own heels.” I frowned. “Two, walks could be fancy.”

“You are perfect, don’t worry, Shortcake.” Dylan smiled at me.

“Okay.” I said, smiling back at him.

I really wasn’t the type of girl who cared much about clothes and makeup. I preferred jeans, sweats, and sneakers. I couldn’t wait for fall and winter so I could wear my hoodies. I really, really love cold weather. This heat is unbearable. If you ask me, it is much easier to warm yourself up than cool yourself down.

I just didn’t want to offend grandpa. If he shows up here in dress pants and a button-up shirt, I will smack my brothers and cousins.

The rest of the time flew by. I was talking and laughing with my family. Theo and Noah were getting more restless by the minute. I was thinking about changing my mind and staying more than once.

I gave up when I saw my grandpa’s excited face.

“Where is my little girl?” he asked happily as soon as he walked through the door.

I got off the couch and walked toward him with a smile on my face.

He was wearing jeans and a simple T-shirt. Good. I won’t have to smack anyone today.

“Hi, sweetie.” he said, kissing my forehead. “Are you ready to go?”

“Yes.” I smiled, looking up at him.

Two sets of arms wrapped around me from behind. Liam walked over to grandpa with a small smile.

“Two cars will follow you.” he said. “Don’t change the route, grandpa. Take her only where we agreed. My men have already cleared the area.”

I could feel Theo and Noah’s heartbeats on my back. I looked up at them worriedly. Both of them had their jaws clenched tightly. They were staring at grandpa and Liam.

“Don’t worry about them, honey.” Ezra said as he walked up to me, kissing my forehead. “They will be fine.”

I smiled at him, giving him a hug.

“Come on, sweetie, let’s go.” grandpa said, reaching out to take my hand in his.

“An hour, grandpa, not a minute longer.” Noah said, gripping my shoulder tight.

“I know, Noah, don’t worry.” grandpa smiled at him.

I turned around and wrapped my arms around my brothers. “I’ll see you in an hour.”

“Be careful, Lucy, please.” Theo whispered as Noah kissed the top of my head.

“I will.” I said as I let them go and smiled at them.

The worried look on their faces almost made me stay.

Grandpa placed an arm around my shoulders and led me outside.

“Bye!” I yelled at my cousins.

“See you later, short stuff!” Carter yelled.

He and Matt were back to playing video games. Dylan sent me a kiss and smiled.

Liam escorted us out. Three cars were parked outside. Two black SUVs were filled with guards. I saw Reece in the driver’s seat of one of the cars.

“See you later, love.” Liam said, kissing the top of my head.

I smiled at him and followed grandpa to the car. I sat down on the passenger seat, putting my seatbelt on.

I glanced at the front door and saw Noah and Theo staring at me with a worried look on their faces. I smiled and waved at them. My heart clenched painfully. I wished I could stop them from worrying this much.

Grandpa sat on the driver’s seat and started the car.

“Where are you taking me?” I asked excitedly.

“First, we are getting ice cream.” grandpa smiled. “Then I am taking you for a walk to Humboldt Park. It was your grandmother’s favorite place in Chicago.”

“Really?” I asked.

I always wanted to know more about my grandma, but I was always too shy to ask. Maybe he will tell me more about her today.

“Really.” he smiled. “It was also the place I found out I would finally get a granddaughter.”

“You wanted a granddaughter?” I smiled.

“More than anything.” he smiled, glancing at me. “I always wanted a girl. Don’t get me wrong, I adore my sons and my grandsons. But I always wanted to have a girl. I gave up on that dream after having two sons and five grandsons. Then one day, when I was taking a walk around your grandma’s favorite park, your dad called to tell me that Alana was pregnant with triplets, two boys and a girl. I almost cried. I think it was your grandma’s doing, you know? You are my little miracle, Lucy.”

“What was my grandma like?” I asked, hoping he wouldn’t be offended by my question.

A warm, loving smile spread across his face. “She was the kindest woman I’ve ever met. I loved her more than anything. You are a lot like her, sweetie.”

“I am?” I asked, smiling.

“Yes.” he said. “The way you speak with your brothers and cousins reminds me so much of her. Your uncle Daniel agrees with me as well. She was as loving and as understanding as you are.”

I smiled. It was really nice to know I have a connection with my grandma.

“What was her name?” I asked him.

“Beatrice.” my grandpa said with a small smile.

“I wish I could have met her.” I mumbled, looking out the window.

“She would have adored you.” grandpa said.

“What happened to her, grandpa?” I asked quietly, looking back at him and praying my question wouldn’t anger him.

Grandpa sighed, turning the car off. We were parked in front of the ice cream shop.

“She had a heart disease.” grandpa said sadly. “She died two years before Matt was born.”

“I’m so sorry, grandpa.” I said, reaching out and taking his hand in mine.

He looked up at me and smiled. “I love you, sweetie. I missed you so much.”

I smiled, and he pulled me into a hug.

“Okay, enough sad stories.” he said as he let me go. “Let’s go get that ice cream and go for a walk. We are wasting time. Your brothers will happily beat your grandfather’s behind if I bring you home a minute late.”

I laughed, opening the car door and following my grandpa into the ice cream shop.


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I appreciate every view, vote, and comment! Your kind words and your interest in this story motivate me so much.

I wish you a wonderful day and I'm sending you all hugs and kisses. 🤗😘
