Chapter 3

Noah POV

I couldn’t breathe.

I couldn’t feel my body.

I couldn’t move my eyes away from her.

The only thing I could hear was my blood pumping in my veins.

It is her.

It has to be her.

The girl smiling back at us has our eyes. She has our hair. She looks like us.

It’s her.

It has to be her.

Her smile turned into a look of confusion. Her eyes darted between the four of us. I didn’t look at my brothers, but I am sure that all of us had the same expression on our faces. Shock.

“Is everything okay?” I heard her ask us.

She cast a glance behind her back toward what I assumed was the kitchen. Was somebody standing there? I had no idea. I couldn’t move my eyes from her.

What I heard next almost gave me a heart attack.

“Lucy, is everything okay?” a voice behind us said.



Theo POV


My Lucy.

My baby sister.

It’s her.

Oh, my God, it is her!

It has to be her. It’s not a lie this time. Nobody is trying to trick us this time. Nobody is trying to get to us for our money. This time is real. This time it’s her.

I know it. I can feel it. I can feel that missing part of my heart and soul coming back to me.

Nobody is ever going to take her away. I won’t let them. I will kill them.

I couldn’t even look at my brothers. I couldn’t even look at Noah.

But I know they are thinking the same thing.

It is her. It is our Lucy.

I clenched my fists, and I was about to stand up and grab her when somebody stopped me.


He grabbed my hand, stopping me from getting up.

My head snapped toward him, and I gave him a murderous look. What the fuck is he doing? She is mine. He is not stopping me.


Ezra POV

I watched Liam shake his head at Theo. I was sure that Theo wanted to stand up and grab her.

If looks could kill, Liam would be six feet under right now. Theo looked pissed. He always does, but this was different.

I looked back at Lucy. She was staring at Liam and Theo with a frightened and confused look on her face.

I cleared my throat, trying to get rid of the huge lump. We have to say something. We are scaring the poor girl, and that is not the best first impression.

“Hello.” I said with a small smile. “I am sorry. My brothers are hungry, and it makes them a bit cranky. You look like someone we know, and it took us by surprise.”

Theo’s eyes snapped at me. I shook my head at him. What the hell does he want? Tell her that she is our sister in the middle of a fucking diner and take her away with us?

Well, knowing Theo and the bond he had with her, that is exactly what he wants to do and will do if we don’t stop him.

“It’s okay.” she said and smiled.

Her dimples showed and my heart skipped a beat. She still has them.

“Do you know what you want to eat, or do you want to see our menus?” she asked. “Although, I have to recommend our pancakes. Our chef, Mike, makes the best pancakes in the world.”

She smiled and looked behind her shoulder. I followed her gaze and saw a tall boy around her age standing at the entrance to the kitchen, looking at us suspiciously.  He was wearing an apron, and there was a little bit of flour in his hair.

“Pancakes it is.” I looked back at my sister and smiled. “Can we also get scrambled eggs, bacon, and coffee, please?”

“Sure.” she said as she wrote down our order in her little notebook. “Anything else?”

I shook my head. I didn’t know if my brothers wanted something else, but they were too stunned to speak, so they will have to eat what they get.

She turned back around and walked away from the table. It took everything in me not to grab her and never let go.

As soon as she left, Noah started trembling. I grabbed his hand and he looked up at me with tears in his eyes.


Liam POV

I watched my little Sunshine walk away from our table. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest.

My left hand was wrapped around Theo’s arm in a tight grip. He was the first one of us who would jump at her and never let go.

I can’t believe we found her. We have been searching for 10 years. Our father never gave up. Before he died, I promised him I would find her. I just can’t believe I did.

Our family almost fell apart when our bitch of a mother took her away from us.

Noah was broken. He wouldn’t talk or do anything. He spent his days in her room. Eventually, he learned to hide his pain behind his smile, and he became the one who would always cheer us up.

Theo was always a grumpy child, but after Lucy was taken, he became cold. The only one who could reach him was Noah. The fear they both had of losing each other was sometimes hard to watch. They would scream and cry if we separated them. They don’t scream and cry anymore, but they still have a hard time being away from each other.

Ezra was always kind and nurturing, but after Lucy left, he made it his job and priority to take care of our younger siblings and sometimes even me.

Me? I became closed off. People who don’t know me call me ruthless. I guess that is what I am to the people outside my family. But my siblings are everything to me. I promised them I would make us complete again, and I just did.

We found her. We found our Sunshine.
