Chapter 41

Theo POV

I woke up and groaned immediately. There is no way I slept more than two hours.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked to my right. I saw Noah on the other side of the bed, sleeping peacefully.

Why the hell am I awake?

I turned my head to look at the clock. 8:27 am. Way too early to wake up on a summer morning.

I sighed and turned on my left side, closing my eyes and trying to go back to sleep.

I buried my head into the pillow and smiled. God, I love sleep.

But something started bugging me.

Something felt wrong, but I couldn’t figure it out. My brain worked very slowly in the morning, making me frustrated. I wanted to go back to sleep, but I couldn’t. I wanted to figure out what was wrong, but I couldn’t.

Stupid brain.

I shut my eyes even tighter, taking a deep breath and convincing myself that everything was alright.

But then I figured it out.

The middle was empty.

My eyes snapped open, and I jumped up, turning to look at the empty space Lucy was supposed to be sleeping in right now.

The middle was fucking empty!

I felt my heart start to beat frantically. I could feel it in my throat.

“LUCY!” I screamed, jumping off of the bed and running through the door.

“What the hell?!” I heard Noah yelling after me, but I ignored him.

She was gone! She was fucking gone!

I was in the middle of the stairs, when I saw her leave the living room and start to run toward me. Relief hit me like a fucking train.

“Lucy.” I called her, running down the rest of the stairs.

I grabbed her and pulled her to me, wrapping my arms around her.

“I’m okay, Theo.” she mumbled. “I was in the living room with Carter and Matt.”

“Why did you leave?” I asked as I let her go, looking down at her.

“I woke up early because I had cramps and I wanted to eat ice cream, so I came downstairs.” she explained, looking behind me.

Noah was walking down the stairs, rubbing sleep from his eyes.

“I’m going to get a heart attack one of these days, Theo.” Noah grumbled. “You need to stop screaming this early in the morning.”

“She was gone.” I said angrily. “I was scared.”

“Hey, Sunshine.” Noah smiled at her as he walked around me, placing a kiss on the top of her head. “Where were you?”

“Eating ice cream.” Lucy smiled.

“Why did you have cramps?” I asked, remembering she mentioned it before Noah interrupted us.

“I got my period.” she said.

“That’s great, Sunshine.” Noah smiled. “Are you okay, though?”

Her gynecologist told us that she lost her period due to stress and malnourishment. We were very worried, especially after Nate explained how losing her period at such an early age can lead to other problems such as osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease, pelvic pain, and, of course, infertility.

The fact that she got her period means she is getting healthier, and I couldn’t be more happier about that than I already am.

“I’m fine.” she smiled. “I was in pain this morning, but Ezra gave me a painkiller. And I got to eat ice cream.”

“Ezra let you eat ice cream in the morning?” Noah asked, surprised. “Maybe I should get a period.”

Lucy laughed, and I shook my head at his silliness.

“He didn’t let me.” she said. “I ate it, and he forgave me.”

“Lucky.” Noah chuckled and placed an arm around her shoulders.

They walked back into the living room, and I followed them.

Carter and Matt looked up, smiling at us.

“Good morning, guys.” Carter said.

“Morning.” Noah smiled, sitting down on the couch, pulling Lucy behind him. “What were you doing?”

“Choosing a movie.” Matt said, grabbing the remote and opening Netflix. “Carter and I couldn’t agree, so we let Lucy choose.”

“What’s with the frown, Theo?” Carter asked me.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the TV.

I’ve been pissed as fuck lately. They were constantly in the house, wanting to spend time with Lucy. I wouldn’t have a problem with that if they cared about her safety as much as I did. They were constantly trying to take her outside, like there wasn’t a psychotic fucker trying to take her from us. It was driving me crazy.

Sometimes I thought that Noah and I were the only ones who were still concerned. Well, not the only ones. Ezra and Liam were as protective and as careful as we were, but our family seemed to be a little less concerned. They were focused on getting to know Lucy, and it seemed like they forgot about the danger sometimes.

I knew that they didn’t have bad intentions, but I wanted to scream at them. I was sure Jack and Brian wanted to take her. I was sure they were close.

I talked to Liam about it, and he assured me Lucy was safe. The police and our men weren’t able to find them. Liam thinks they are in hiding, and they don’t plan on hurting Lucy. He said that they would be crazy to try anything with all of us around her. I agree with him, but the thing is, they are crazy. Normal people don’t abuse children.

Carter sighed when I didn’t respond and looked back at the TV. They were getting used to my bad mood.

I saw Lucy looking at me worriedly, so I turned to look at her. I took her hand in mine and gave her a little smile. I didn’t want her to think I was angry at her.

“Good morning, my beautiful grandchildren.” grandpa’s voice made me look up.

“Morning, grandpa.” we said simultaneously.

“Hey, sweetie.” grandpa said to Lucy, walking toward us.

He leaned over the couch and kissed the top of her head. She smiled at him.

“I have good news, Lucy.” grandpa said, sitting on an armchair opposite us.

“What good news?” she asked happily.

“I want to take you out Saturday.” grandpa smiled. “Just you and me. We could go out for ice cream and a little walk. I want to get to know my granddaughter without all these boys around. I talked to Liam, and he said it was okay. What do you say?”

My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest.

He wants to take her outside? Without me? And Liam said it was okay? Is he crazy?! Of course it’s not okay!

Noah frowned and glanced at me. He didn’t agree either.

“No.” I said before Lucy could answer.

Grandpa looked at me and frowned. “She will be okay, Theo. She will be with me. Nothing will happen to her. I am more than capable of keeping my granddaughter safe.”

“No.” I repeated, shaking my head. “She isn’t going without Noah and me.”

Grandpa sighed. “Theo, I know you are worried, but there is nothing to be worried about. We will go for a short walk and ice cream. We will be gone for an hour, tops.”

My heart was beating so fast that it hurt. My palms started sweating. He was saying that like it was decided, like he was actually going to do it, like he was actually going to take her away.

I am going to beat Liam’s ass.

I saw Noah wrapping his arm around Lucy’s waist. He didn’t agree either. We wouldn’t let that happen.

“I’m sorry, grandpa, but until they are caught, she will not leave without us.” I said. “You can get to know her here.”

“You can’t keep her locked up in this house, Theo.” grandpa said, getting frustrated. “It is not your decision to make. Liam is her guardian, and I am her grandfather.”

Oh, I am definitely beating the shit out of Liam.

I clenched my fists, and I was on the edge of exploding, when Lucy stood up abruptly, pulling me and Noah with her.

“We will be right back, grandpa.” she said, smiling at him.

“Okay, sweetie.” grandpa smiled back at her before he looked at me with concern.

Lucy pulled us behind her, and we followed her to her room.
