Chapter 27

Liam POV

“Fuck!” I screamed as soon as my office doors closed.

I rested my hands on my desk, bending my head forward, trying to keep myself from destroying my fucking office. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I need to calm down.

I turned around to see Ezra loosening his tie with a pissed off look on his face.

“What the fuck are we going to do?” I groaned, running a hand through my hair.

“I’m now regretting not considering Theo’s idea.” Ezra grunted, taking his tie off completely and opening a few of the top buttons of his shirt.

Oh, I’m regretting it now too. I wanted to kill them as much as Theo did. But I knew it wasn’t the right path. None of us could go to jail and leave her again.

“Ezra.” I said warningly.

“I don’t know, Liam.” Ezra sighed and walked to the liquor cabinet.

He raised a bottle of whiskey and gave me a questioning look. I nodded, and Ezra grabbed two glasses. I didn’t need a glass though, I needed the whole fucking bottle.

“We have to talk to her.” Ezra said, handing me my glass. “She can’t be alone for a minute from now on.”

I raised my eyebrow at him. “Like Theo would let that happen. Noah and he are attached to her at the hip.”

Ezra chuckled before frowning. “She’s been so happy lately.”

My heart tugged painfully.

Ezra is right. Other than having a bad day after she had to talk to the police officers about Jack and Brian, Lucy has been a ray of sunshine.

It’s been a week since we left the hospital. Her fever was gone and the cut on her stomach started healing nicely. Nate came every other day to clean it and bandage it. He didn’t want her to have to go to the hospital, so he came to our house. Lucy and he became such good friends. They were always joking around and laughing, which made my heart swell in my chest.

We have been spending so much quality time together. Lucy shouldn’t really move a lot because of her ribs, so we haven’t been outside much, but we have found a lot of different things to do together inside the house.

We watched a lot of movies. We talked and laughed. We played all sorts of board games, which Lucy kept winning, and Noah and Theo were convinced she was cheating. We cooked together and we ate every meal together. Lucy started eating a little bit more and her weight increased slightly. She was getting healthier.

Ezra and I had to go to work, but we made arrangements to spend as much time at home as possible. We have been enjoying each and every moment with our sister.

Ezra and I just came back from the police station. We filed the report against Jack and Brian a few days ago. Lucy gave her statement. Nate gave them her medical records, report of all her injuries, and he made his own statement to the police.

When they called us in today, I thought they would tell us that they had them in custody. I thought they would start rotting away in prison after today, waiting for a trial that would put them away for a very long time.

Never in a million years did I think they would tell us that they couldn’t find them.

The fuckers ran away.

The police officers talked to Jack’s neighbors. Apparently, he left the house the same day Lucy did. He had a small backpack with him, and he got picked up by a 1980 Ford Bronco. Police later found out that the car that picked up Jack was Brian’s and that he was missing as well.

I was angry as hell. I already sent my own men to search for them, and if I find them, I don’t think I can guarantee that they will be handed over to the police.

“Theo will freak out.” Ezra said quietly.

I tilted the glass to my lips and drowned the whiskey in one sip. It burned my throat, and I relished the feeling. I really did need the whole bottle.

“Can you go get them?” I said, setting the glass down on the table. “We need to tell her.”

Ezra ran a hand over his face and stood up.

He left the room, and I sat down in my chair with a sigh.

Ezra and I considered not telling her. But that would be wrong. She deserves to know, and we don’t want to build a relationship with her based on lies.

The doors to my office opened and Lucy entered, followed by the rest of my brothers.

She had a huge smile on her face, and it made my heart hurt knowing that it would soon be replaced by a frightened one.

“Hey, love.” I said softly. “How are you?”

“Good.” she smiled. “Is everything okay?”

“Not really, honey.” Ezra said, kissing the top of her head. “Sit down and we will tell you everything.”

She looked at us worriedly before taking a seat on the couch.

Theo and Noah sat next to her. Noah looked worried, and Theo glared at us.

“We just came back from the police station.” I said, trying to stay calm.

Lucy’s eyes widened. “Did they arrest them?”

I glanced at Ezra and gulped. “No, love, they didn’t.”

“They ran away, honey.” Ezra finished for me.

Lucy gasped and grabbed Noah’s hand. Her face went from confused to terrified in a second. My heart broke in half.

“WHAT?!” Theo screamed, jumping up.

“Theo, please sit down.” Ezra said, looking up at him.

“Sit down?!” Theo yelled. “The fuckers ran away!”

Lucy grabbed his hand, and he turned his head to look at her.

“Theo, please.” she said quietly, her voice breaking at the end.

He was sitting back down in a second, wrapping his hands around her. He pulled her to his chest and leaned his head on hers. Noah rubbed her back soothingly.

“They will never hurt you again.” Noah said. “It’s going to be okay, Sunshine. We will find them.”

“He said he would come for me.” Lucy said quietly.

“What?” Theo asked, pushing her away slightly so he could look down at her.

I clenched my fists, and I could feel anger boiling in my blood.

“He told me not to get too comfortable in my new home.” she sighed. “He told me I would be back with him soon. I should have known this would happen.”

Lucy groaned, leaned her elbows on her knees, and buried her face in her hands.

I was too shocked and way too angry to speak.

One look at my brothers told me they felt the same.

Theo looked pissed as hell. Ezra looked worried. Noah was a mixture of both.

“Why didn’t you tell us, honey?” Ezra asked after a few silent moments.

“I thought it was an empty threat.” Lucy said, her words coming out muffled because her hands were pressed against her face.

“You do know that will never happen, right?” Theo asked her, placing a hand on her back. “He will never breathe near you again, let alone take you away.”

“Also, he would have to take Theo and me with you, and we wouldn’t be such pleasant guests.” Noah added.

“Noah is right.” Theo said, rubbing her back soothingly. “I would be a very rude guest.”

Lucy lifted her head and smiled at them. “Thank you.”

“You are welcome, Sunshine.” Noah said, pulling her to his chest.

She reached out to Theo, who immediately wrapped both of them in his arms.

My heart swelled in my chest.

This is how it was meant to be. The three of them together.

I looked at Ezra, and he smiled at me.

“What happens now?” Lucy asked quietly, making Ezra and I shift our gazes back to her.

“We have to be careful.” I said. “You won’t be left alone from now on. You are healing, so you still can’t go outside. You are safe in the house, but I will add a few more guards around the property.”

“Also, when you do leave the house, one of us has to be with you.” Ezra added. “You will get your own personal bodyguard as well.”

Lucy nodded and looked at Noah and Theo. “What about you guys? Do you have bodyguards? I don’t want them to hurt you.”

“We already have bodyguards, love.” I said. “Not personal ones, but we have them. I am an influential man, and being an influential man with a lot of money comes with enemies, unfortunately.”

“But yes, we will increase our security as well.” Ezra gave her a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry about that part, honey. You just need to make sure you are never alone, and when you do leave the house, one of us and your bodyguard comes with you.”

“As I said, that won’t be an issue until you are completely healed, but we need you to remember that rule.” I added.

“Of course.” Lucy nodded.

“She wouldn’t be going anywhere alone, even if the fuckers weren’t on the run.” Theo snorted.

Noah and Lucy chuckled, and Ezra rolled his eyes playfully.

“I know it wasn’t necessary to tell her that she wouldn’t be alone from now on, considering that you never leave her alone anyway, but I felt like it needed to be said and pointed out. Just in case.” I said, chuckling.

Theo and Noah were glued to her. I’m surprised they let her go to the bathroom by herself, especially Theo.

“Okay, guys.” Ezra said as he stood up. “Let’s go do something relaxing. I’m done with hard topics for the day.”

“Are you coming, Liam?” Noah asked, giving me a hopeful smile.

“Of course.” I smiled back. “I have to make a phone call, but I will be there as soon as I’m finished.”

My siblings nodded and started walking out of my office, arguing about what to do.
Lucy wanted to play Monopoly, but Noah and Theo were against it, saying they were done with her cheating ways.

I laughed, and a warm feeling spread through my chest.

We’ve waited 10 years for this, and nobody will take it away from us. I will do whatever I have to do to stop them.
