Chapter 3

•1 month after Giant War•

"Alright, I think you two are good to go." Germany said. They were already allowed to go walk around, but seeing that they aren't fully healed, they had to call for assistance whenever they feel pain on certain areas, particularly on the back (much to Romano's dismay). "Thank you, Germany." Greece said, while holding one of his kittens. "What he said, Potato bastard." Romano muttered, back to his tsundere-like ways. Italy clapped his hands happily, "Fratello's back on his feet! I'm gonna go make pasta to celebrate!" Romano's ears perked at the word pasta, of course, and went to the kitchen to help his brother out. Japan helped Greece out and they both left to go back to the Greek's home. Germany sighed and pinched his nose, leaving him to tidy up the beds the two injured nations used. He went to the one Greece occupied, considering his was neater than the Italian's. When he was finished with Greece's, he went to Romano's and fluffed up the pillows, when suddenly he noticed several pieces of paper and a pen underneath the pillow. Out of curiosity, he warily looked around, making sure no one was around to see this, and when he was sure that the coast was clear, he picked the top paper and noticed the date at the upper left corner of the paper, which was just today, but the time said 4:37 AM. And it was clearly Romano's handwriting.

Why would Romano wake up in the middle of the night to write this?

He then proceeded to read what the Southern Italian nation wrote, and to his surprise, it was written in Latin.

It's getting more and more suspiscious, the German thought. But then again, the Italian brothers had a postition in the Catholic Church, so it was explainable why it was written in Latin. Let's not forget they were descended from Rome himself, who wrote and spoke Latin in the early days. But as his eyes scanned the paper, he saw a paragraph written in English, but its content itself gave shivers down his spine, not believing Romano could contemplate something so deep.

'Looks like I'm back to the ancient ways and my façade must soon dissappear. And I will not let my poor fratello be dragged into this web of craziness just because he will, most likely, want to help me. But he will be clueless through it all! I must not... Feli's all I have left...'

((A/N: Hey guys! I have a feeling you guys didn't expect that, huh? I mean, Romano-acting-cowardly-but-secretly-strong-all-this-time part? Yeah, well, I got that idea from here: . And I have to admit, with the author-chan's explaining his/her reason [with a bonus of history] why she thinks of that, it's pretty believable. Thank the gods I'm not the only one who thinks Romano is the 'more than what meets the eye' type of person. Anyway, just wanted to give JerichosPhantom of credit and probably kudos. That is all bye!))
