Chapter 8

•5 months after Giant War•

"SEAWEED BRAIN!!" Annabeth screamed, looking panicky while dashing away from the Athena cabin. The other campers looked but quickly went back to their activities. Percy, upon hearing his nickname, looked for Annabeth. But he really didn't need to, because next thing he knew Annabeth was saying gibberish, but he was able to translate. 

"There's a spider at your bed, again?" He questioned. Annabeth nodded, making a pout. Percy thought it was cute, actually. He jogged his way to Cabin 6, and went to Annabeth's bunker to swat the eight-legged arachnid and Annabeth immediately stomped on it when it reached the floor. Annabeth, looking relieved, kissed Percy on the cheek, mumbling a thank you. Percy chuckled, "No problem, Wise Girl. I haven't seen you so panicky like that over a spider." Annabeth was about to glare, but suddenly they heard familiar, cheerful voices, "YOU TWO!" They both turned, seeing Hazel waving and Piper smirking. Jason and Frank popped out behind them as well. 

"Hey, Sparky. Long time no see." Percy teased the son of Jupiter. Jason just scoffed, "Hello Percy." 

"Back to being Roman, are you?"

 "Nah, just giving you the cold shoulder because of the nickname." 

"Hey!" The others laughed at their bromance. Hazel sighed and asked, "Where's Nico?" 

"Probably at his cabin." Annabeth replied. Hazel nodded and left to fetch his brother.

When Hazel reached the Hades cabin, Nico wasn't there.

Hazel frowned. If her brother wasn't there, "maybe the Big House..." She mumbled. Hazel, who was excited to see Nico, decided to run to the Big House. She really needed the exercise anyway.

Hazel spotted her elder brother at the porch of the mansion-like farmhouse, but for some reason Nico's ear was pressed against the door. Hazel smiled and was about to greet him when Nico put a finger on his lips, signaling her to be quiet. She quietly obeyed. Nico's face was a look of pure concentration. But after a few minutes it became a look of shock, and was that fear? He definitely looked like a deer caught in headlights.

Nico suddenly removed his ear from the door, tiptoed away from the Big House, and grabbed Hazel's hand along the way. When they were a safe distance away from the blue building, Nico screamed things in Italian and making wild hand gestures. And fortunately, her friends were nearby, and was able to hear Nico's "tantrum". So they decided to come over and see what was wrong. Nico wasn't able to notice them though, and continued on the one-sided rant. Hazel looked over to the others to silently ask what they could do to make him stop. 

And it seems Jason has a way to make the son of Hades shut up. By slapping his face.

Nico was shocked at first, then his arms lay limp at his sides. Frank asked, "What happened?"
