Chapter 2

•3 weeks later~

*Romano's POV*

"Dammit Potato bastard can't we just be bedridden for like three weeks? I don't wanna lie around anymore DAMMIT!" It's only been two weeks and I can't stand seeing the same room, same people and THE SAME ROUTINE OH MY GOD IT'S FUCKING DRIVING ME INSANE DAMMIT.

"When I say one month, it really is one month." The potato bastard replied. How can he be so calm?! Well, then, idiota, why not try being bedridden for an entire month huh?

"Merda..." I swore one more time before he said, " Well, that's about it for today, gute nacht." He left the room.

Greece left our house to stay in his several days ago, but with the accompaniment of that sushi lover of course. So basically it's just me and Feli and potato bastard. Dammit.... Why did this happen anyways? I try my best to make the economy in the Southern part good and make sure that everything's in good hands but this still fucking happens! Even I'm smart enough that this isn't Feliciano's fault, but seriously, I know that this isn't my fault as well. The potato says otherwise. Veneziano doesn't say anything, but I'm sure he's siding that potato. AGAIN. Ever since he met the guy, I always see fratello with that potato and heck, Veneziano stays in one of our villas now not in the main house. I swear, this is all Germany's fault, he's influencing il mio fratellino*. It's not that I'm bothered, it's just that... Germany might betray Feliciano, and, what humans say, history repeats itself. But it's gonna be literal in our case, I guess. I just don't want anyone in my family to be hurt again like all those centuries ago...

Anyways, maybe I should get a shut-eye...

Ugh, dammit, what's with the sunset and sappy background? Wait.... I-is this what I think-?

"ROMANUS!!" A roar came out of nowhere. Out of instinct I straightened my back and stood still like a soldier. No wait, is that even required...? Oh right, no need. 

 "Yes, nonno?" A slightly higher-pitched voiced toddler said as I turned around to find a smaller version of me. He wore a white robe of a sort and had a sober look on his face. The older nations were right, I did look cute when I was younger.

Smaller me took a few more steps until he reached the far edge of the cliff. Not a good idea... And he can't actually hear me since I shouted at him not to stand near the edge. What am I in this, a mirage or something? I poked the kid's shoulder. Well, attempted to. I just passed right through the body like it was nothing.

Definitely a mirage.

Then, a man stepped out from his shady place so he could carry the kid on his shoulder. Is it just me or did he wear...? Dio mio...

It's Grandpa Rome. And he had a smile on his face as he carried the kid version of me. 

Smiling, as if his empire didn't fall. As if all is well with the world.

Smiling as if he didn't he leave me and fratello to fend for ourselves.

He was smiling and pinching my smaller version's cheeks while the kid was just laughing and trying to get rid of Rome's hands. It would've looked like a complete family if younger Veneziano was around. And if the younger Veneziano was in the scene I am seeing right now, maybe it could be my only memory where all of us are there, happy, smiling, as if all is well with the world.

A few chuckles later, Rome put the kid down and he sat on the grass, admiring the sunset. Romanus, my younger version, however, was playing Rome's cape. Rome noticed this and put Romanus on his knee. A few silent seconds later, Rome said, "Romanus, uh, I hope you understand this..." 

"What is it nonno?" Romanus interrupted. Rome sighed and continued, "Patience, puer meus (my boy). What I was supposed to say, is that, I hope you understand that one day, I am going to disappear..."

Ah shit, not this.

...And I might not see you again, for this will be our last meeting together... AH! Shh, nolite flere (don't cry), there now..." Romanus was weeping quietly when he heard this. Yeah, it was that sad. Romanus wiped his tears with his white sleeve and nodded, encouraging nonno to go on. Nonno smiled and said, "As I said, this will be our last meeting," he hugged Romanus tightly and didn't let go while he continued, "so I want to tell you something. Other than that, I also want you to promise me something...

"You do know the story of how the empire Rome was founded?" Romanus nodded quickly and said, "Yes, nonno. Two brothers, Romulus and Remus, were washed up by the River Tiber as babies. A she-wolf found them and decided to take care of them. The wolf's name was Lupa. When they were a little bit older , a shepherd found them and adopted them. When they became adults, they decided to make a new city. Romulus wanted their city on Palatine Hill," he pointed where the city was making merry at the distance, "while Remus wanted it on Aventine Hill. They fought and Romulus killed Remus, so Romulus named their new city 'Rome'!"

 Rome laughed heartily and said while nogging Romanus' head, "Ah, I taught you well, Romanus. But, you see, there is a catch in the story."

 "Huh, really? What is it?"

 "It said that Romulus survived the fight, right?" 

"Yes, nonno, but I don't see the catch you're telling me about." 

"Hehe, well you see, do you know what happened to Romulus after his city became successful?" 

"Uhm, he died?" 

"No, not even the slightest! No, that's not the case, my dear Romanus. Well, now that I think about it, how do I explain this?... Ah! Romanus, do you know that Romulus is with you right now?" Romanus' eyes lit up with excitement and said, "REALLY?! Where is he?"

Kiddo, if only you knew the twist that's gonna happen. Oh, and watch out on how people use their words. Wait...

"Romanus, look at me." Rome said gently. Romanus followed and stared at Rome's eyes. Rome continued, "You didn't listen closely to the words I used."

 "Sorry, nonno..." 

"It's okay, but what I'm trying to tell you is that, I am Romulus..."

 "W-what? You're Romulus? I-i, uh..." 

"Is the idea hard to understand?" Romanus nodded, and Rome explained, "You see, I was the one who was washed up by the River Tiber, I was the one who was taken care by the she-wolf Lupa, I was the one who was taken care by the shepherd and his wife. And all of it, I was with Remus.

"But when we decided to create a new city, that was where things got a little bit crazy. With the founding of a new city, there should be someone who will personify the nation as well. We knew that, but the problem is, there should only be one personification. And the only option was to kill the other. I won the fight and became the personification of Rome. But as I look back, I realize there were so many options for him to live but at the same time there's a personification. Heck, one of the options was that I had one side of the empire while he had the other. But it was too late, so I had to live with it. One thing I learned, though, along with something I gained, I also lost something. I lost a brother, Romanus. I lost someone who I could rely on, I lost someone who I could share my wins and losses with, I lost someone who had connections with my former life, I lost someone who I loved." By this time, Rome had a tear slip from his eye. He rubbed it and chuckled sadly, "Huh, never shed a tear ever since Remus' death."

 "N-nonno..." Romanus said, looking worried. Rome looked at him and smiled, "No need to worry about it. A-anyways, Romanus, about the story I just told you... My life experience was the reason why I separated you and Venezianus apart. When you were born, I was overjoyed. I was determined to never abandon you, to apply the lessons I learned from my past, to love you as much as I loved Remus, maybe even more. I was also determined to train you so you could defend yourself, so the same death Remus had wouldn't befall to you. Everything I promised changed when Venezianus was born. I was scared, Romanus," Rome was already letting the tears flow freely and Romanus looked like he was about to cry as well, "I was so so scared. I feared that the same thing might happen to you and your brother, that's the reason why I made that decision. I didn't want you two to kill each other, whether the both of you are still children or not. Since I didn't want to risk it, I decided that I will keep Venezianus away and raise him on my own, since you already know how to mingle with the people and I have taught you well enough about defense an other vital things. So, Romanus, if you ever felt like I didn't give you much attention, ma paenitet (I'm sorry)."

 Romanus sobbed and coughed before speaking, "I now understand, nonno. But, why did you teach Venezianus about the arts while you taught me about survival, defense and everything about the military?" Rome smiled and kissed Romanus' forehead, "I hope that you two could balance each other and learn something from the other. You two will need each other when you grow up. But one thing I hope from the two of you, even if you barely know each other, I do hope that you will eventually learn to understand each other, to be considerate to the other, to support each other, but most of all, to love each other as brothers." 

"But what if I won't be able to do that? From the stories I heard, Venezianus easily makes friends and loves other people readily. Nonno, you know I'm not like that! You know that I don't easily warm up to people. I only talk to strangers if I need something. What do you really expect from someone like me?! To change my personality to be like Venezianus?!" Rome shook Romanus slightly but it must've been enough for Romanus since he shook his head. Rome chastised, "Of course not! I'm not asking you to do that, it'll be like a different Romanus I am talking to right now, and I don't want that. What I want is that you two will know the other of who the other really is. Look, try to do what I told you earlier, but if you think you can't do it, just be considerate of him. BUT, try your best to do the things that I told you earlier, alright? Protect each other at all costs. Remember, I love you both equally and nothing will change that." 

"I-I'm sorry, nonno..." Romanus whispered, but enough for the older nation to hear, "I'm sorry if I let you down. I-I'll try my best, I promise!" Rome chuckled and pat Romanus' head one more time and whispered back, "You didn't let me down, Romanus. Come now, it's almost midnight. Wouldn't want to catch yourself a cold, would you?" Romanus giggled (Yes, I giggled.) and hopped on Rome's back. They smiled and went back to the bustling city.

(A/N: Now you're leaving Romano's dreamland. Say good-bye to it while it lasts!)

I took a deep breath as I realized that I'm back to reality.

Did I just witness a memory so long ago? Is there something that I should know?... Now that I think about it, was I able to keep my promise? Was I a good brother to Veneziano despite of my personality? Did I reach the expectations of nonno?

Is there something that's making me reminded of this certain memory? Or is it someone?

Ugh, my head is pounding. I should write all of the linking situations that could make me remind of this memory down before either I pass out or someone caught me.~Normal POV~

Romano shot up with his eyes wide open, and then lied back down, sudden pain at his side. When he was relaxed, he began pondering the unusual dream he had. It was a memory, no doubt about it. But why, out of all days, would that memory pop out from his mind? Does it have to do something with the injuries he had?

Does it have to do something with his promise?

((A/N: Hey guys! I have a feeling you guys didn't expect that, huh? I mean, Romano-acting-cowardly-but-secretly-strong-all-this-time part? Yeah, well, I got that idea from here: . And I have to admit, with the author-chan's explaining his/her reason [with a bonus of history] why she thinks of that, it's pretty believable. Thank the gods I'm not the only one who thinks Romano is the type of 'more than what meets the eye' type of person. Anyway, just wanted to give JerichosPhantom of credit and kudos. And if there is anything wrong with the translations please tell me immediately so I could fix it. That is all bye!))
