Chapter 13

*Camp Half-Blood, Mess Hall*

When the nations were about to go back to their table, a light appeared on Lovino's head. Everyone stood up and Chiron just stared at the holographic image on the Italian's head.

Lovino followed the stare of the centaur and gasped. The holographic image was 'SPQR' with his grandpa's weapon, a spatha, at the back of Rome's motto. Then it quickly dissappeared and was replaced with a faint bloody spear and a boar.

Reyna and Frank stood up, with Frank announcing, "Ave, Lovino Vargas! Descendant of Mars!" The teenagers wearing purple shirts shouted the same thing as well, even if they were just a small number.

Frank stepped forward, "Praetor Frank Zhang, son of Mars. Fifth Cohort. Look for me after dinner." The newly-claimed descendant of Mars nodded and went with his friends.

A buff dude wearing a Camp Half-Blood shirt shouted, "Oi, curly! Where are you going, to your lame, newbie friends? You're staying with us, the Ares Cabin!"

Lovino searched for the voice of the boy and saw buff children that looked like the bullies of Camp. A boy around 17 stood up, his brown hair unruly.

The nation frowned, "Do I have to, idiota?" He whispered the last part though.

The boy's eyes widened and growled, "What did you call me?"

"Idiota." Lovino repeated calmly, bored even.

Alfred looked at the boy then back at Lovino, "Dude, what are you doing?" Lovino rolled his eyes. Then felt dull blade near his heart, making him fall on his bottom at the floor. Everyone gasped at this. He looked up and saw the dude from before, holding a spear, his eyes burning with fury. He said slowly, "My name is Sherman Yang. What if I were the one to call you an idiot?"

Lovino scoffed, "Please, you could've said something about my friends in a nicer way. But you didn't, so I was rude to you."


"You almost destroyed Roma, by the way. If Roma collapsed, I'm gonna put the charges on you, okay?"

Sherman Yang blinked in confusion, "What?"

"See, this is why I called you idiota." Lovino rolled his eyes once more and stood up, as if he wasn't shocked by the blunt blade. But oh no, Lovino still had the nerve to sit at the Ares cabin. Fortunately, the buff kids didn't taunt or beat him up. Clarisse just grumbled, "Not another one..." While her half-brother sat away from Lovino.

~Percy's POV~

Dinner tonight was interesting. There were 3 newcomers at Camp. One was Italian who was wearing the Camp Jupiter shirt, the other one Greek and of course it's already obvious on which camp he's staying, and the other one, well, I dunno which Camp he's staying, since he was only wearing some kind of military uniform and an aviator jacket. The blond's name was Alfred, and judging by the way he talked, I have a feeling we'll be friends. The descendant of Mars who owned one of the Ares' kids butt, Lovino Vargas, I'm not sure about him, but I respect him. Not everyone has the nerve to annoy an Ares kid, more so on their first day. I don't understand the almost destroyed Roma part though. Maybe I'll ask Annabeth later. And Heracles Karpusi? I don't like his name, but he looked like a good guy, a little too quiet, but probably nice.

~Time Skip after dinner~

Jason, Hazel, Piper, Nico, Annabeth and I waited at the mess hall for Frank, since he was still talking to Lovino. And it seemed like Alfred and Heracles were waiting for Lovino.

I asked Annabeth, "Hey, Wise Girl, do you know by what Lovino said, 'almost-destroyed-Roma'?"

Annabeth shook her head sadly, "That was what my entire cabin thought about the entire half of dinner. And we have no clue on what he meant."

Piper and Hazel gasped, "This new lot must be smart, if the Athena cabin weren't able to understand what Lovino was talking about."

"It could just be an inside joke, though." Jason thought. Nico countered, "But if it was an inside joke, why would Vargas still use that when he's talking to a near stranger?" After a few more minutes, Frank joined our group with the newcomers.

Alfred said, "Hey guys! Mind if we join ya?"

I can't help it but I smile, "No problem, dude. The name's Percy." Alfred grinned at me, "Thanks!"

Thanks for what? I was about to ask but the others were introducing themselves. A meow was heard while Annabeth was talking to Heracles something about architecture. All of us looked down and saw a brown cat with a white spot on his right eye. "There you are." Heracles said while picking up the cat and he patted its head. The cat purred at this action. Everyone aww'ed, well except for Nico. As we were walking, I noticed Heracles looking around, as if he was trying to absorb the scene around him.

Lovino muttered, "Now with the peace and quiet, and with the things happened today, I can finally comprehend what happened; we are in a camp that believes in gods and goddesses and worship them, sì? The Pope is gonna be dissapointed in me."

Jason chuckled, "Not exactly. We don't believe in them, because they are real. And why the Pope?"

Lovino seemed to have ignored the second question, "What makes you think of that?"

"Because we're demigods. We're their children from their mortal affairs. I'm a son of Jupiter."

"Roman form of Zeus, huh... Makes you quite powerful, then. Why aren't you praetor though?"

"How do you know the system of Camp Jupiter?"

"I, uh, have a relative who knows a lot about Roman stuff... I think he was a demigod too..."

"You mean your dad?"

"Not exactly..."

"Who then?"

" grandpa... Why does it matter to you anyway?!"

"I'm just curious!"

"I..." Lovino continued mumbling to himself even if we were already at the lake.

Heracles asked, "What are we doing here?"

"I thought we were supposed to hang out together, Heracles! Come on, lighten up!" Alfred said obnoxiously. The others laughed while I was getting ready to dive at the body of water in front of me.

~Normal POV~

After spending a great time with each other, it was announced that it was time for curfew. Frank led Lovino to where they were going to stay for the night before leaving tomorrow to their respective Camp. Before seperating ways, Alfred asked Jason, "Since the Roman camp is called Camp Jupiter, do you call it Camp Dad?"

Jason groaned, "Not that stupid joke again." Everyone else laughed at Jason's unfortunate luck. When the others went to their cabins, Alfred was just leaning at the side of the tree, breathing in the fresh air, considering he doesn't breath fresh air often. Percy saw him alone and decided to ask the blonde, "Hey, Alfred. About a while ago, what did you mean, by thanks?"

Alfred blinked at the question and answered, "For saving my ass from being bedridden."

"Um, I'm sorry 'bout this, but I don't remember saving someone like you, I would've remembered that defying piece of hair." Percy pointed to the mentioned piece of hair.

"My cowlick, you mean? Of course you wouldn't remember... Say, do you like hamburgers?"

"Do you have some if I say yes?"

"Yeah, want one?"

"Of course, I haven't eaten one for a week." Alfred gave Percy a neatly wrapped hamburger, "Official burger buddy?"

"Official burger buddy." The two teens brofist and laughed quietly, not wanting to disrupt the peaceful night air.

"So," Percy said as he took a bite, "where you gonna stay? I mean, Hermes cabin lights are already out."

"At the Big House. What about you?" Even if Alfred already knew the answer.

"I have my own curfew, ever since we got back from the Giant War. Chiron knows I have trouble sleeping."

Alfred played with his gloves before asking, "This Giant War, was it really that bad?" Percy nodded, "I mean, if you were one of the heroes, definitely."

Alfred sighed, "I understand, bro. I've been through the same thing. Heck, I was even dragged into stuff like that."

"You're kidding."

"No, I'm not."

"But...there aren't any wars in the mortal world now. Unless...?"

"Trust me dude, this is my first time to be in a Camp like this, but there are wars in your so called 'mortal world'." Alfred hated to lie to Percy, to anyone really, but he had to for the meantime. "Can I see your cabin, Percy? With all the blue on it, it's practically telling me to stay there for at least one night."

Percy laughed, "Alright. But just for one night, k?"


~Time Skip~

Percy jumped to his cabin bed, stretching his arms and legs. He was wearing pajama pants only. While Alfred was wearing boxers, nothing else. Percy heard a buzz from Alfred's clothes, "What was that?" Alfred picked the buzzing thing up and Percy's eyes were filled with realization and worry when he saw it was a phone.

"Put that thing away!" Percy pleaded Alfred.

Alfred raised his brow, "Why would I?"

"Because monsters! They'll attack! They can sense those waves-thingy from gadgets."

"It's just an e-mail from my boss. Don't worry. If there are monsters that are gonna attack, I'll fend you."

Percy blinked at this but relaxed himself nonetheless. Alfred read the e-mail from his superior and he paled at what he read. He sighed loudly, "Not tomorrow of all days! Can't I just have a break?!"

"Is everything okay?" Percy asked. Alfred shook his head and spoke before even thinking about it, "Superior wanted me to go to that stupid conference with the representatives that's gonna be held in his place 'cause he's gonna be busy tomorrow! He thinks I'm at my house, when in reality I'm here in New York! Do you think I could get there to Washington in 4 hours, huh, BOSS?! You may be the President, but I'm-" Alfred quickly clamped his mouth shut, finally realizing what he was ranting on about. Oh, shoot... He thought.

Percy's eyes widened, "Y-you have a position in the g-government?"

Alfred looked at him warily, and nodded his head slowly. "You're-?" Percy asked curiously. Alfred sighed, "I'm...the secretary of the President."

That seems good enough, he reasoned.


"G'night!" Alfred said too quickly and jumped to bed.

"Wait!" Percy said. Alfred looked at him, "What?"

"Aren't you a bit too young to be a secretary? Of the President nonetheless?"

Alfred bit his tongue to avoid cursing himself, "Well, my older brother is really the secretary...but, I just fill in his place from time to time. Boss understands why, 'cause my older brother has..." Alfred racked his brain to remember any famous British illnesses that England once had, not the Black Death, though, " older brother has arthritis..."

"How old is he?" Percy asked, getting a little bit suspicious.

"...45?" Alfred said, although it sounded more like a question. Percy decided to drop it, "Okay." Alfred let out a small sigh of relief, but Percy was wide awake enough to hear it. Definitely suspicious, Percy's last thought before he slept.

(A/N: um.... first of all, I apologize for the hella long hiatus, I just.... lost the will to update this book, plus schoolwork [grade 11's a bitch, especially if you're a new student], so if there are any inconsistencies that's because I can't remember wtf I was thinking when I first wrote this. Anyway, I decided to update it again cause there was a notif of someone commenting to please update, so thank that person. I'm gonna make it official now though: this story will be on an indefinite semi-hiatus; There will be an update whenever I remember what to write in this story. If any of you want to talk to me, just message me. Toodles!)
