Chapter 12


The two newcomers stared dumbly at the centaur. Alfred couldn't help but snicker at his two friends, "Guys, you look so weirded out it's too funny! Anywho, this is Chiron, trainer of heroes. And that includes me, for I am the hero!"

Chiron just chuckled, "Although I did train you just for a short while. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. Alfred, give them a tour will you?" Alfred nodded eagerly and led the two outside.

"So, that over there are the bathing stalls. Change in there." Alfred pointed to a small building.

~Time Skip for like, 45 minutes~

"And these, are the cabins!" Alfred showed Heracles and Lovino proudly. Lovino asked, "Shouldn't these be temples? I mean, it's way too grand to be cabins."

"You'll be surprised on how many campers there are here. Here, you stay in your respective cabin, according to your parentage." Alfred remarked.

"What? They're judged by who their parents are? That's just rude." Heracles commented, looking at a cabin at the right side. The cabin was simple, with grey walls and a figurine of an owl at the top of the doorway.

"Nah, not really." Alfred explained, "It'll be easier to explain this if you watched the video, but Chiron wanted you to be comfortable here first. Let's hope we don't have to wait for 4 years before you guys get to watch it. Poor Percy, being clueless all the time just because he wasn't able to watch it..." Alfred glanced at his watch, and said, "Oh shmowzow! It's almost dinner time. I'm starving!" He led the way to the mess hall and they saw Chiron at one of the tables. Alfred approached him and seemed to ask a question. Lovino sat at one of the tables with a purple tablecloth and a bloodied spear with a boar's head imprinted on it while Heracles just stood. Alfred came back and frowned at Lovino. The American said, "Uhm, Lovino, dude, we're not supposed to sit there."

Lovino raised an eyebrow, "Why?"

"Like I said, you sit with your respective cabin mates here. But in our case, half-siblings."

Heracles gawked, "But you said that there are many campers here. It's impossible that all of them have the same parent!"

"What?! No, most of them are half-siblings, but some of the campers from the other camp are like, descendants. So not all of them. Come on, we have to sit with the Hermes Cabin!" Alfred pointed at a table with a caduceus printed on the tablecloth. They sat there and waited. Until they saw campers within the range of 13-19 years old wearing a mix of the purple and orange shirts filing in and sitting on their respective tables.

Then, two boys with the same features, one shorter than the other, came to their table and asked, "What are you three doing here?"

Alfred said, "We're new here, and Chiron told us to sit here."

Lovino was about to protest that it was Alfred who showed them around so he wasn't new here but Alfred gave him a glare as if telling him to shut up. The two boys accepted this and teenagers with the same pointed ears and glint in their eyes sat with them. The taller boy who asked the question said, "The name's Travis, and," he pointed to the boy beside him, "he's Connor. Who're you guys? Aren't you too old to be new?"

Alfred grinned and said, "The name's Alfred F. Jones while the guy with the curl is Lovino Vargas," he pointed to mentioned nation and pointed to Heracles, "And this is Heracles Karpusi. What do you mean by 'too old to be new'?" Connor butted in, "You guys are claimed when you're thirteen. That's the oldest age to be claimed. And you guys are like, 19? 20?"

"19." Alfred said, but Lovino and Heracles mumbled, "We're 20..."

~Time Skip after they did the sacrifice thing~

While the nations were warming up with the Hermes cabin, Chiron announced, "I would like your attention, please."

The girl, with a purple robe wrapped around her, beside him looked up at the centaur questioningly. A boy, with the same robe and Chinese features did the same.

Chiron said, "We have new campers today, as the Hermes cabin may have noticed." He glanced at the mentioned cabin, who was waving at the others as if they were a famous group. A boy with blonde hair and a teddy bear on his belt rolled his eyes at the Hermes cabin's stupidity. At least that was what he thought.

"The newcomers?" Chiron called. Alfred, Lovino and Heracles stood up warily. Well, Heracles and Lovino stood up warily, since Alfred was already approaching the centaur giddily. They trudgingly followed and Alfred introduced himself, "Hello, fellow campers! My name's Alfred F. Jones, and I am the HERO!" Everyone laughed at his childlike innocence. The blonde boy with the teddy bear scoffed loudly at Alfred.

A boy with piercing blue eyes and a scar on his upper lip said, "Sheesh, Octavian, lighten up! Or are you jealous of the fact that everyone is a hero except for you?" Everyone 'oohed' at this remark, while the mentioned boy, Octavian, blushed red from anger and embarassment.

Lovino snickered at the sight and commented, "He's redder than a tomato!" Everyone howled in laughter at this, even Chiron (although it was more of a chuckle), the girl and the boy were smiling. Octavian growled and turned to the mentioned girl and said, "Look at this new Roman, Reyna- NOT YOU TOO." The girl, Reyna, finally laughed and said, "What do you think, Frank?" The boy, who was called Frank snickered and replied, "Just leave him be with his tantrum, Reyna." Octavian ruffled his hair in frustation and left the mess hall without even finishing his meal.

"Anyway, back to the introductions." Chiron coughed after a few good minutes of laughter. The next to introduce was, "Lovino Vargas, ciao." The Italian said bluntly.

Frank commented, "I have never seen an Italian who is a Roman camper. Hey, Nico! What'ya think?"

Nico, who was a 15 year old, stood up and gave Alfred and Heracles the chills. Nico was a boy with jet black hair, dark chocolate eyes with eyebags underneath, but it looked black because of the shadows, and paled olive skin. He practically looked like a ghoul, Lovino and Heracles thought, especially with his clothes that were all black.

Nico stared at the newcomers with a poker face. After a few seconds of silence, Nico gave a small nod and said, "At least I'm not the only foreigner here." Heracles and Alfred let out a sigh of relief, which they didn't know they were holding. But Lovino had to hold back a smile. He knew his people well, and he had to admit, Nico wasn't Italian, he was Greco-Roman. And Nico's mother was Feliciano's friend, Maria di Angelo. Too bad she had to die because of that freak disaster, Lovino thought sadly as he remembered his brother bawling out tears when the Northern nation realized his beloved friend was gone. Wait, he thought, Maria had children during the 1940's. Why is this kid 15?! Then Heracles stepped forward, "And I am Heracles Karpusi. Pleased to meet you." Majority just nodded, while some snickered, entertained to know that he was a full Greek, maybe he would be helpful with their Ancient Greek classes.
