Chapter 9

Ilayda's POV:

Mr. and Mrs. Elfonso came back home a couple of days ago. Mr. Elfonso went to the company as soon as he arrived and Mrs. Elfonso had a gathering with her friends at home, where she started to tell them about all the places she went to and all the expensive things she got. You know how can be a typical rich middle-aged woman.

At the end of the day, I found myself in my room, this day went by pretty normal and I was a little tired so after taking my shower I went straight to my bed to get some sleep.

I woke up terrified, the same as every other night, because of my nightmare but as I was trying to get out of my bed, something was pushing me and keeping me from getting up. I turned the lamp on my nightstand and I saw Christian, lying by my side.

"wh....what are you doing here" I whispered screamed at him, I was terrified at the idea that someone might find him in here.

"What? I can't sleep next to my girlfriend?" he looked at me with sleepy eyes.

"Well yo-

He did not let me finish, he brought me closer to him.

"I just wanted to know what it would be like to sleep next to you and see first thing when I wake up in the morning"

I couldn't say anything after that, how could I? Therefore, I snuggled into his arms enjoying his warmth and the few moments of peace that I get to spend with him.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you. You smell divine, it's driving me crazy"

I smiled at his words and gave him a small kiss on his cheek.

That night all of my nightmares and fears seemed to fade away.

The next morning I woke up feeling someone showering me with kisses all over my face, I smiled because I knew who it was, and I opened my eyes.

"Good morning"

"Good morning baby," he said smiling at me. He was about to kiss me when I stopped him.

"Morning breath, I still didn't brush my teeth," I said a bit shyly

"I don't care " he positioned himself on top of me and he started kissing me, connecting our lips, inserting his tongue inside exploring every corner, his lips left mine and I felt them again on my neck; sucking and biting on the smooth skin of my neck. He started going gown toward my breasts leaving hot and wet spots on my neck. He threw the covers on the floor and his full weight now was on me it didn't feel heavy it felt surprisingly good. He pulled my tee-shirt up and connected his lips with the bare flesh of my breast, caressing me slowly with his tongue, and sending shivers into my body, and making me moan at the feeling that got to me. He reconnected his lips with mine keeping his hands on my breast tugging and massaging slowly.

I suddenly glanced at the watch and I was late for my work.

"Wait...Christian wait" I said holding his chest with both my hands.

"What is it baby did I hurt you?" he looked at me, and all I could see, were his eyes full of love desire, and lust. This man is killing me; I don't even understand when I fall for him.

"No, it's not that" he looked at me with questioning eyes" I'm going to be late for work.

"Baby, forget about work for a little bit"

"I can't it's the only thing I have in this life," I said with a low voice.

"that's not true you have me know" he smiled at me and I did the same. I left myself from the bed.

"I'm going to take a shower"

"Need some company" my eyes whined when he said and I shook my head quickly and hurried to the bathroom I heard him laugh as I closed the door. Now I know that a little minute ago we were doing a thing and he saw some parts of me, but the idea of being naked in front of him and such an intimate position scared me a little, no, it scared me a lot.

When I finished my shower, I went out to find no one in my room so I guess he went out, I dressed quickly and went to the kitchen. Nona was already there.

" I'm so sorry Nona I didn't mean to be late, so sorry " she looked at me and gave me a reassuring look.

" it's ok dear, I got everything ready, just don't be late again." I went to help her

Every single day I thank the heavens for sending me Nona, she is the sweetest person ever. The closest thing I now have to a mother.

The whole family was sitting at the table, even their daughter Maribelle, while I completed setting the table.

"Any reason why you didn't finish setting the table at the time before everyone could come?" Mrs. Elfonso asked me.

Your son was keeping me busy this morning.

It is the truth but I could not say anything.

I was about to answer when Christian talked first.

"Mother, you have breakfast right in front of you so just stop, you know they are humans too, sometimes they can be tired just like you when you spend four hours shopping."

Mrs. Elfonso could not utter a word after that, and Maribelle was barely holding her self from laughing, their father was in a whole other world, while I made my way to the kitchen feeling so bad about myself because I didn't want him to have problems with his mother because of me.

Breakfast time had passed and I was cleaning the dishes when I felt a couple of hands slip around my waist, Christian kissed me on the cheek.

"What are you doing here somebody might see you» I turned to face him.

"I know, sorry, I just wanted to apologize to you on behalf of my mother and also to check on you"

"It's fine, I'm okay thank you" I fixed his tie and put my hands on his chest, I think it is my hand's favorite place right now.

"I also missed you" he kissed me again.

"You just saw me a while ago" I laughed at him.

"well I can't get enough of you" he showered me with kisses but stopped brutally when we heard someone coming, so I went a little further than him.

Mrs. Elfonso came through the kitchen door.

"Mother, what are you doing here?"

"Well I should be asking you the same thing, what are you doing here with her?" Christian looked slightly annoyed.

"I just came to apologize to her for what you said earlier"

"Well did you? "



"Yes "

"Then what are you still doing here?" he was going to say something but I shook my head asking him not to because that would have created a problem. He just rolled his eyes and he left leaving me behind with his mother.

Mrs. Elfonso kept looking at Christian until he left. She then looked at me.

"Mind telling me what is going between you and my son?" her question took me by surprise.

"mhmm..... nothing, there is nothing between me and him"

"what you say better be true because I won't allow my son to be with someone like you, you are nothing but a cheap poor maid, so you better understand where you stand, or next thing you will find yourself in the street where you belong, so stay away from my son "

Before I could say anything, she left.
