Chapter 17

Ilayda's POV :

I woke up this morning feeling someone's arms holding my waist, I knew it was Christan, I tried to wiggle my way out but all I end up doing was being pushed closer to the warm body next to me 

" No....mhm....stay....stay with me" he whispered with his husky sleepy voice and for some reason, it was such a turn-on.

" baby wake up it morning already" I turned around so that I can face him, he was still closing his eyes, I touched his beautiful face and kissed him slightly and quickly on the lips but he ends up pushing me further to him and deepening the kiss

" no, baby, morning breath" I was trying to get out from his hold but his arms were firm around me

" sweetheart you know I don't give a fuck about that so come here" I smiled and let him do what he wanted.

 Waking up next to him had sort of became a routine and a necessity for me, I don't think I can have a life without him anymore. 

Suddenly I came to remember where we are and why we're here and I looked at Christan and it seems as if the same ideas are crossing his mind, he left my side and got up pretty quickly, 

" good morning babe, pack your bags again we're leaving after breakfast " before I can protest he stood up and left. 

I knew there was something in his mind and I wished he can share with me and the events of last night, no one came to explain what actually happened, and now here we are ready to go back again, without knowing anything, it seems that Christan and his father had a mutual agreement as they both did whatever Christan was saying, but in the other hand the rest of us were left in the dark. 

We soon arrived thanks to Christan's fast and furious driving, as we were about to get inside the house Christan stopped us

"I want all of you to stay in the house and no one is supposed to leave until I arrive, and I'm being serious " he looked at Maribelle " belle I'm being serious no one is allowed to leave the house and if anything happens to call me and the police " 

" why wouldn't anyone of you tell us what's going on, we're all scared here and we have the right to know, you've been dragging us back and forth and now telling us to stay still, if you don't let us know I will get out on my own to find out " responded a very angry Maribelle.  Christan lowered his head and took a deep breath then looked at us again 

"I know this whole situation is confusing but I'm asking you right now to trust me and do as I say please " we all nod and each one of us went to her room tired from everything that just happened, but not before making tea to Mrs. Elfonso.

 I was hiding in the panic room when the door suddenly opened and  I was scared that it might be them, but my father came into the picture 

" sweety, come here " he held me in his arms " I want you to be a strong girl, alright ? And I need you to know that we will always be here for you, watching over you " his words seemed strange to me and I didn't know what he means

" Daddy, where's mommy " he looked at me with tears threatening to leave his eyes "baby, your mama is gone okay" I started crying, I knew what he meant " daddy, I'm scared please let's leave this place they can find us " 

" Okay baby, will leave trust me, and now I want you to be a good girl and do as I say and remember everything  I'm saying" I nod 

" Good girl, now I want you to take this bag and be careful don't drop it and I want you to go inside there" he assured me with his fingers towards a mirror and I looked at him confused to what he wants me to do, then he slowly pushed a button and the mirror opened like a door to reveal a secret passage 

'"go, get inside and don't wait for me just run get to the road and ask someone to get you to the city someone will come for y- " we heard a crash outside and we both knew that it was them "dad please i don't want to go please i want to stay with you please " he held me in his arms and i cried " baby we don't have time  go now , i love you don't you ever forget that okay " he pushed me towards the passage " no daddy come with me no,no" he kept pushing " don't look back just keep running " the door closed and i could still see what was going on on the other room because of the glass, i started running but i did the mistake of looking back , it's then, that i saw my father getting shot no one but multiple times but the deadly one was in between his eyes , i stayed watching his lifeless body fall on the ground while a woman  with blood covering her face standing next to him laughing , the last thing i saw was her picking a knife and getting down to my father , i couldn't watch it any more i started running , as fast as i can , running until i can no more.

 I woke up screaming and crying, it had been a while since I had such dreams, but why suddenly I'm starting to see them and for the first time in a long while I was scarred remembering that woman's face.

Christan's POV :

If I was going to start this war I needed first to make sure that everyone will be safe, that's why I hired men to protect the house and the building where we work and every member of the family.

 I knew that getting in the middle of all this will require me to do things I never did but I was more than ready for the safety of my family and the love of my life I had to do this, I had to correct my father's mistakes.

 And now it's time for the next step.
