Bonus chapter 1

Here as promised the first bonus chapter of My One And Only Maid had been published. Tell me what you think and stay tuned for the next one and follow me to get notified when I post the next one. Enjoy reading

Ilayda's POV

"And action"

"Wait Belle what am I suppose to say" Maribelle was shoving the camera in front of my face.

"Just be you and say what you're feeling and what comes out to your mind"

"Hmm, hello " I stood awkwardly looking at the camera.

"That's it I give up" she pointed the camera towards her again. "I'm going to be asking questions and you answer"

I nod.

"So Ilayda what does it feel like to be about to marry the one and only Christan Elfonso?"

The camera was again pointed at me.

"Well, I'm not sure how to answer when you put it like that. But I'm very excited but a little scared at the same time"

"Oh, our bride is shy, what we're thinking about that you got all red like that?"

"I... I ... Maribelle"

A sudden laugh made us all turn our faces towards the door

" Come on now Maribelle stop embarrassing her" Mr. Elfonso was leaning on the door already in his tux.

"Dad I'm doing a documentary on the wedding so that a few years from now we'll watch it and cringe and laugh"

It was noon and I had already taken a bath I was waiting for the hairstylist and makeup artist who is supposed to be here in half an hour.

"Here I brought you something to eat I'm sure you are very hungry" the plate was placed in front of me.

"Ooh thank you, Nona"

She sat down next to me.

"It makes my heart so happy to see you smiling like this" she grabbed my hand and placed it inside hers.
"Among all of us you're the one who deserves to be happy the most. God knows all the things you've been through and now he wants you to smile"

Tears suddenly left my eyes.
"I'm so happy Nona, and so blessed to have you here with me. I've lost family once and found you instead."

She caressed my cheek

"God knows I love you like my own daughter dear "

"I love you too Nona, I consider you a mother as well"

"So then tell this mother of yours what's preoccupying your mind. What is it dear?"

"It's nothing..."

"Ilayda...come on now no lying to your mom"
The word mom drew a small smile on my face.

"I'm so happy and so blessed like I was years ago before my parents died. And I can't help but wonder if after all this something bad will happen again. The idea of losing what I have now scared me the most."

"As I already told you, honey, you've been through a lot it's your right to be happy and you shouldn't be scared of that. We are all here with you and we're not going anywhere so rest assured. And smile because your beautiful bright smile can chase away the darkness before it reaches you"

"Thank you Nona I really needed to hear that"
I hugged her

"I'm here for you and trust this old lady when she says that everything is going to be okay"

"Nona you're not that old" she laughed

"I would like to believe that too".

We kept talking for a while as I finished my food and she stayed with me making sure that I actually finish it.
Even since what happened my relationship with Nona only grew stronger and deeper and I thanked God every time for that.

I haven't seen Christan since yesterday and to be honest, I missed him he always makes sure to come to say hi to me in the mornings. And since we still live in the same house I was always with him.

I'm no longer a maid at the Elfonso mansion as I now have inherited my father's company however I don't understand much about this so Christan is still helping while handling both companies. He also asks so that I can be his personal maid.

He always likes the idea of me being his maid although I don't do anything maid-related it okay I let him be, he likes to tease me that way, but I love everything he does or says.

But he embarrasses me, all the time.

A message popped up on my phone.
Speaking of the devil.

Hi baby, I didn't get to see you this morning I was wondering how are you doing. I was about to sneak into your room this morning but my father caught me. I know you must be nervous. I am too but I just can't wait to be with you. Look at your face, hold your hand, still a kiss or two when you're not looking...
I'll see you in the aisle
Yours forever

I was smitten by this man who was able to open wide the doors of my heart and came inside as if he already owns me. But that he does.

"Ilayda. Ilayda.."

I was brought back from my rivery by the sound of someone calling my name.
I looked up to see Nona and Maribelle looking back at me.

"Huh...what is it?"

"Ilayda, daydreaming again?"


"Okay now the hairstylist and makeup artist have arrived"
I looked behind them expecting to see two people, but now it was a whole team.
About seven people walked inside my room

"We need to get started"

"Alright" a man answered "what should I do with the hair"

"Up to put it up I think a bun maybe with a braid under it".

"No it should be down, she has beautiful hair that must show up," Nona said caressing my hair.

"Oh god, both of you no." The hairstylist was clearly having a hard time. "Let's take a look at the bride" he kept playing with my hair and tossing it around holding it up then down...

"Hah, I found the perfect hairstyle for you "

"Which one is?" Belle asked curious to know.

"Honey, you hired me knowing I'm the best so just go sit and watch I'll accept nothing but perfection when I'm done."

"But Antoine" Belle was going to start speaking again when Antoine held her mouth closed.

"Honey, no not a word"

"Now let Antoine do his magic on you, honey."
