chapter 10

Ilayda's POV :

It's been a week since Mrs. Elfonso spoke to me about the thing between Christian and me, and since that time I've been trying to stay away from him as much as possible, of course, I didn't tell him what his mother said I couldn't, and I couldn't tell him that I seriously considered breaking up with him, but I tried to not let my fears conquer me, I wanted to give myself a chance, to do something for me for the first time, but I still didn't want to lose my job so was increasing the distance between us and of course it didn't go unnoticed by him and I remembered that day when he got angry at me.

       he came sneaking to my room in the middle of the night while I was just getting ready to go to sleep.

" Christian what the hell are you doing here, what if someone saw you are you crazy"

"I couldn't help it sorry but I just missed you so fucking much I was really going crazy" he looked at me with dreamy pleasing eyes that I couldn't say no to him but what if his mother finds him here I will be completely roasted.

" no you need to go back to your room before someone wakes up" I pushed him slightly toward the door but he held my hands and started pushing me backward.

"no I'm not leaving, I've barely seen you these two last days and that would be when you serve us meals, and whenever I try to speak with you you're gone and I have so many things I wanted to tell you and discuss with you, but I just get the feeling that you're staying away from me and I don't know what to do" I couldn't look at him because I felt so guilty and so weak, I didn't deserve him.

" look at me" I couldn't, I was so ashamed of myself. " Please " his voice was so full of sadness, I looked at him and he holds my face with one arm and my hand with the other, he placed my hand on his chest right on his heart.

" It hurts in here so much, when you're away from me, it's so much pain "

"I'm sorry " I whispered with tears threatening to come out any time.

" no don't be sorry, just talk to me, I'm here, for you, just tell me did I do something wrong? I don-

"no" I chocked on my words but he continues

"-'t know this things I've never had something like this with someone before I've never felt like this with anyone besides you plea-" he stopped for a second as if he found out something, then he looked at my eyes very deeply, and held me closer to him with his arms around.

" do you want to leave me? is that it ? " before he could do other  assumption

" no, no I don't want to leave you. i ....i" I didn't know what to say

" you what ?"

"I thought, that know that your family is here, we... had to care because they might know." I felt his arms relax around me and a small tiny smile forming at the corner of his lips.

" Geez, that's it,that's why you've been away from me " he  closed his eyes and smiled, then he opened them once again  but he didn't smile, he was serious"

 "I don't give two fucks about my family or about what they fucking think, in this family, they are all bunch of crazy mother fuckers, and right now I only care about what you think, you have no idea what I've been through this past couple of days, I didn't know what to think"

he kissed me on the lips and dragged me toward the bed.

"come here, I've missed you so god damn much I just want to hold you right now" 

I looked at him smiling and he looked back at me.

" what? "

" you're like a baby, you like to cuddle "

"well of course I like to cuddle my girl and hold her close" then he pushed me closer to him and we fall asleep. 

 My girl.

I still remember that night and I just smile whenever I do.

So right now I was in the guest room getting it ready for Mrs. Elfonso 's guests apparently they are coming from Paris and they are supposed to arrive within a couple of hours. I was working when I felt a couple of eyes watching me, I turned around and found Christian leaning on the door, he looked a bit upset.

"you don't have to do this you know ? " he came a little forward inside the room.

" do what "

" you know this, working here, working as a maid, I can-"

"no," I said brutally "I want to count on myself, thank you for your concern but this is my life and I want to achieve everything I want, on my own I didn't need someone 's help before and I won't ask for it now, and if you have a problem with what I do than there is nothing I can do about it"

" Wow, easy there tiger, I was just suggesting that is first, second" He came closer to me " this isn't your life anymore it's our life, I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere so you are not on you own and I'm not saying don"t work baby I'm just saying would you consider another work not that I'm ashamed of you or something, on the contrary, I'm so proud  of you but you simply deserve better" 

"  I...."

the sound of the doorbell cut me off. They're here.

" Let's continue this later, I need to go"

I went downstairs and I found a beautiful mid- forty woman by the door standing next to Mrs. Elfonso wearing what looks like very very expensive cloth.

" Oh ma chère , vous m'avez manqué tellement , ça fait si longtemps j'ai presque oublié la ville, j'ai cru que je me suis fait perdu."the french woman was so joyful.(tr: oh, dear, i missed you so much , it's been a long time i almost forgot the city , i thought i was lost)

Mrs. Elfonso looked at the other girl who was a younger version of her mother

" Nathalie,  ravie de te revoir ma chère, ravissante comme toujours " she pointed toward us." regarde Christian est là-bas je suis sure que tu lui as manqué aussi"

( tr: Nathalie, good to see you honey you look beautiful as always, look Christian is over there I'm sure  he missed you too.)

While the two women kept talking the girl was heading toward Christian, and I was studying her,

She looked very beautiful, she was probably the same as Christian, her shiny blonde hair was mimicking her every move and her makeup looked so on flick she was just beautiful.

"I missed you, "she said. She was close to  Christian but she didn't stop it happened so quickly that it took me a moment to understand what happened.

what the fuck she kissed him on the lips.
