Chapter 25

Ilayda's POV :

I tried to open my eyes but it was in vain, they were covered. I tried to get up but I couldn't I was stuck in what seems like a chair, my hands were tied, fear started to take over me, I couldn't remember anything that happened after I opened the door house, I don't know where am I, I don't know who took me and I could only hope that it's not her.

I started to freak out, but I knew that I had to keep myself calm in order to get out of here alive.

Or maybe I'll die here.

NO, I won't I'm going to fight I
have a reason to live now.

I heard a door being opened.

" Well, well look who do we have here today "

I heard that sinister voice again.....

Christan's POV :

I'm about to go mad, I'm about to lose my mind, this can't happen. This can't be happening.

"Chris, I'm sorry this all happened because of me" Belle came to me, crying.

"Shush, don't say this, you did nothing, and really glad that you're alright"

"I am, but Ilayda might not be, I still don't understand why those people would want to hurt us, our family, why would they take her ? "

" it's a long story sis and I don't have time I need to go look for her, I can't just wait here I can't stay here doing nothing " I was on the edge of crying, the only woman I love in the entire world and probably the only one I will ever love is missing, they took her from me. But I'm going to find her and I'm going to punish every single person who hurt her.

Ilayda's POV:

" AAAAH " she dragged the knife inside of my leg for the tenth time now. I kept screaming, begging her to stop, but she never did.

" Please, I'm begging, please stop plea-  AAAAAH "

" I was begging your father like this when he was killing my husband but did he listen? No" she started laughing and twisting the knife inside of my leg  " you know you are one lucky bitch, I heard your employer is looking everywhere for you . That makes me think about stuff" she twisted the knife again  " what if you were not just a simple little maid for him ? what if you were more then that? Well that will make me hit the jackpot and I will get you and that fucker all in the same time even though it means I can't kill you right now, so..." she took the knife out of my leg " let's call your boyfriend ".

She took her phone out and dialed his number, I was losing consciousness with every single second passing, I was tired, my body was tired, I was bleeding and the pain didn't make it any easier.

" Hello there mister, how are you doing? I don't care really about the answer, but guess who I have here today with me keeping me company " she went silent for a few seconds. " wow, don't need to be aggressive you know all that will hit your girlfriend not me, let me put you on speaker  I think you two miss each other " there was silence for again a few second then,

I heard his voice.

" Ilayda " sounded broken, and that only broke my heart more. I couldn't speak, words refused to come out of my mouth. "talk to me please, let me hear you, I need to know that you're alright".

" Looks like a kitten's got her tongue, don't worry I'll make her talk " the devil spoke again and I watched her take the knife again and planted it in my other leg.

" AAAAAAH " I screamed again, the pain shot in all over my body.

" Oh, look she can speak now "

" I swear if you ever hurt her agai-

" What? You mean like this? " she twisted the knife inside of my leg. And I screamed.

" I'm going to kill you, I swear to god I'm going to kill you, you're dead " I heard Christan saying.

" you'll have to find me first handsome " she hangs up

" I'm tired now and bored, see you later " she left and closed the door behind her, and for the first time in what seemed like a long while I let the darkness consume me.

Christan's POV :

I will find her, and I will kill her. She will pay for what she did, she will be begging for mercy. I'm going to save you Ilayda just hang on.

One of the guards came rushing through the door

" Sir "

" what is it? "

" I think we found her sir "

" let's go "


just hang on in there a little longer I'm coming to get you.
