Chapter 8: First Encounter with a Special Princess

A few days have now passed, and today was now finally the day that the newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends would arrive at the Crystal Empire. Flash didn't know what to expect from them or the visit itself, but he was prepared to do his necessary duty, Flash got up, took care of himself, then put on his suit of Armor, and while he was patrolling, he saw Princess Luna coming towards him.

"Are you prepared for this Visit Flash?"

"Yes you're majesty"

"Good, stay in your position with the other guards while we wait for them to arrive"

After Flash and all the other guards got into their positions, it soon became pretty clear to Flash that this was one of the most boring things to do in the world, and he was yawning quite a lot"

"So, what? Do we just stand here and... Do nothing?"

"Yep, unfortunately"

Flash sighed as all he could do at that point was wait, finally though, after a few hours, Princess Cadance came in with a message.

"Alright, they're here, everyone make sure you are in your positions!"

Every pony in that room then got into their positions, and as soon as the doors opened, the guards blew their trumpets, as Princess Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the Mane Six along with Spike, started walking, but for a moment, the newly crowned Princess accidentally bumps into Flash Sentry himself, Flash was a bit surprised, but went ahead and announced her.

"Her Highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle!"

While everypony was talking and greeting each other though, Flash took another look at the Purple coated Alicorn, and whispered to himself.

"She's prettier than I thought she would be"

Princess Celestia then gave the final words.

"Well, there's a lot to discuss and talk about Tomorrow, but i'm sure you girls are tired from your journey so, you can go to your rooms, and we'll discuss tomorrow"

Flash at that point was relieved his first main duty was now done without any major mishaps, and by nighttime, when his shift was now done, he decided to head to his room and get some good night sleep, he was pretty tired himself and didn't want to oversleep too much, and that's exactly what he did.

The Next day though, when Flash woke up, he realized he had indeed overslept and was gonna be late for his shift. So Flash rushed himself with his mane style not really being brushed well, and putting on his suit of armor, he did look a little messy, but he didn't really care too much, and he immediately reported for the third floor, though to his surprise, he didn't find any of the Princesses.

"Hmm, that's a bit odd, I wonder where they could be"

Flash then decided to go to the first floor, and there he found everypony except for Twilight and Spike. And judging by the looks on their faces, they looked a bit stressed and worried.

"Hey there, what's going on?"

Princess Luna then answered to Flash what happened.

"A unicorn named Sunset Shimmer had stolen Twilight's Magic Crown, and took it with her to another dimension, we're currently waiting for Twilight and Spike to come back with the crown"

Cadance added to the convo.

"But if she doesn't come back in three days, the portal will be closed, and it won't be opened up again for another thirty moons.

"Oh, well, I hope she finds it quick then, are you sure all you other ponies don't need anything?"

The Rest of the Mane Six told flash they were alright.

"No thanks, we're good"

However, day by day passed, and it started seeming more and more unlikely that Princess Twilight would return, and even though they were really getting tired, The rest of the Mane Six did not want to leave the room where the Magic Mirror was. Flash however did not want to see them go hungry, so he offered them meals at different times of the day, which they kindly accepted, and even brought pillows for them so they could sleep by that place.

It was now the third and final day possible remaining, and it was now nighttime, it seemed like now everypony at this point was beginning to lose hope that she would come back in time, Flash then talked with another guard.

"You think Princess Twilight will come back?"

"I hope so, Equestria needs all four Princesses"

Then the guards heard chatting from the distance, and it sounded familiar, and sure enough, it was Spike and Twilight talking with their friends and the other Princesses, but as they were walking and talking, Twilight ended up bumping into Flash again, and Flash this time just looked at Twilight and couldn't help but smile at her, then he lent out a hoove to help Twilight get back up, which Twilight took and made the princess blush.

"We've got to stop bumping into each other like this"

Flash Sentry then just smiled and continued walking on his way, cause he knew if he stayed by there longer, he was going to break the guard code, Flash couldn't exactly tell what this feeling or sensation was inside of him, but it felt great, he went to bed that night, feeling warm and fuzzy inside, hoping that he could have more opportunities to see the Purple coated Alicorn Princess.
