Chapter 3: Time for a Change

It was now the next morning and Flash was beginning to wake up with a headache, but when he looked around, he realized he was at his work place, then when he turned around for a few more inches, he saw his Father looking at him.

"Good, you're awake! Come on, we have to get moving to working"

But Flash was very hungry at that point cause he hadn't eaten for pretty much one and a half days.

"Can we at least grab something to eat?"

"No, a planned storm is coming today, it's best if we finish earlier rather than later"

Every time Flash's Father checked on how he was doing, Flash would give him a disgusted look, he could not forget what happened to his mom the previous night, and to make things worse, they didn't even have enough bits for a proper burial, and they also never had a picture of her, so they pretty much had no remaining memoirs of her.

Flash after a few hours, was now almost done with his work, and also, just as Flash's Father had predicted, a Thunderstorm started brewing by the Pegasai, and Flash's Father came to him, irate that his son could not finish his work on time before the storm came, as they passed by a lake, Mr. Sentry started scolding his son

"Why the hell are you not done with your work yet? Didn't I tell you to finish it up before the storm came?"

"Look Dad, this is a lot of supplies, and they're not easy to carry"

"Don't talk back to your father like that!"

Flash Sentry at that point was pretty much done and fed up with his Father's behavior, he had to keep up with all the abuse he was giving him these past few years, and Flash was ready to tell on him.

"Why? Why should I not? You didn't care about my mom's health and wellbeing and just yelled back at her, and now she's dead all because of you!"


Just then, Flash's Father then kicked his son to the ground, but right after he did that, a Lightning strike hit Flash's Father right on his head, instantly making him collapse to the ground and killing him. Flash looked at him in shock, knowing that his previous nights' wish had come true, and that he now no longer had any parents, he was a bit stunned at first, but after a while, it turned into calmness and relief, knowing that he no longer had to deal with his Father's abuse, and Flash didn't know exactly what to do next, but he knew he had to find and do something new.

"It's time for a Change"
