Chapter 12: A Huge War

It's been a little while since Flash has lived in Canterlot now, and he had missed two more opportunities to prove his worth, there was the time when Magic was being drained from Equestria, but by the time he found out, the problem had already been solved and turned out a Young Philly Pegasus named Cozy Glow was responsible for it and was sent to Tartarus, and when King Sombra came to invade Equestria, Flash was mind controlled before he could even act or do anything, and the effects only wore off once King Sombra was defeated by the Mane Six, at this point, Flash Sentry was rest getting fed up, frustrated and pissed off, cause he had again missed out on more Opportunities, and he was really beginning to wonder if his opportunity was ever going to come.

A month after those events, it was almost the day for Twilight's Coronation as the new ruler of Equestria, and that Princess Celestia and Luna were stepping down from their Royal Positions and retiring as well in the process. But as Flash was entering his guard post for that day for his shift, he noticed that the place was a lot more quiet than normal, and that part of the Canterlot Castle had been destroyed, and that there were Windigo's circling around the Sky.

"Windigo's? What are they doing here in Equestria? What the hell is going on here!?"

"Pssttt, Flash, in here!"

A Guard whispered to Flash, and then he saw that almost all of the Castle and Royal guards were hiding in a hideout bunker, Flash then got inside and joined them.

'Okay, so, all of you are here, can you please tell me what is going on?"

All of the guards then told Flash exactly what was going on, on how there were rumours that the Earth Ponies, Pegasai, and Unicorns were turning against each other and apparently the Castle getting attacked by three Villains.

"Alright, but do you think there's a Possibility that all of this can just be a Misunderstanding?"

"I'd like to believe that, but, the evidence is there, crops are getting destroyed, clouds have started being blocked in the sky-"

"Hold up, didn't you say three Villains attacked Canterlot?"

"Yes? Why do you ask?"

"Doesn't that seem a little suspicious to you that they started attacking us just as soon as we were at each other's throats? Guys, I think this might have been a Sabotage"

All of the guards then thought about it, and realized Flash was actually making a lot of sense. Also, Flash realized that with this going on, this could be a big moment and opportunity for him and all the other guards, to do something exciting and be heroes.

"Come on guards, what are we? Castle and Royal guards! Our job is to scout, protect and Defend the Princesses and Equestria from all sorts of problems and danger, and make Equestria a better place for Everypony, those Earth Ponies and Unicorns are our Friends, they are our neighbors, we have been living in unity with them for so long, are you ponies ready to give that up now, just because of some silly rumours that aren't even one hundred percent proven? Come on now fellow guards and soldiers, we're better than that, let's get out there, and help everypony! They need us!"

All of the guards then cheered, and they followed Flash Sentry's lead and got out of their hiding bunker.

Then, to their Amazement, they saw all kinds of Ponies and other Creatures of all kinds, standing together in unison, and heading towards the center of Canterlot, Thorax yelled from that huge group.

"Come on Every Creature! Twilight and her friends need our help!

The guards then joined the massive group, and they all headed towards the center of Canterlot. Flash Sentry was in absolute awe and amazement, the sight of all these different Creatures coming together was something special, and after a little distance, they saw the Mane Six and Spike, about to get blasted by Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis and Cozy Glow.

And just before they got hit by their power beams, all the Unicorns put up a shield for them, and then, everypony charged to distract and fight the three Villains, much to the Mane Six's and Spike's Amazement, but after a little while, the villains started swatting away the Changelings and the guards, but then Twilight gave her speech with her friends, the Pillars, and the Student Six all by her side, and together with their combined magic, they cleared the Windigo's from the sky, and then blasted the three Villains with their Rainbow powered beam, draining them of their magic, and after they got squashed by a giant cupcake, courtesy of Pinkie Pie using Discord's Chaos Magic from Grogar's bell, Princess Celestia, Luna and Discord all blasted the three villains, turning them into stone, all the crowd cheered as the battle was over, and Twilight announced that she would be delaying her coronation until the Castle got fixed, and went with the rest of her friends to Donut Joe's store.

Meanwhile, the guards, including Flash Sentry, had a big feeling of satisfaction and relief now that it was finally over, and Flash had finally felt like he contributed and did something that was meaningful, he and the other guards decided to go to a bar and have a few drinks of Cider, practically enjoying themselves for the first time in a while, all the guards had a blast and enjoyed the moment, Flash was full of smiles throughout the whole night as well, as he and the other guards partied all night long.
