Chapter 13: Twilight's Coronation

Flash Sentry's past few weeks have been giving him some mixed feelings, cause yes, while defeating probably their biggest threat ever to Equestria with everypony else was very satisfying and rewarding, with how all ponies and creatures were in Perfect Harmony, that means that there probably wouldn't be any more serious dangers or threats to Equestria ever again, and Flash really hoped that the satisfying feeling he got from that, would not be his last.

So, today was the big day, it was the day of Twilight's Coronation as becoming the new ruler of Equestria, and it was the guards' job to make sure everything went on smoothly and didn't have much hiccups along the way, but, when the Coronation happened, it was a bit of a mess to say the least, it looked like some ponies came unprepared, Twilight tripped on her dress as she was making her entrance, which earned a small gasp from the crowd, but an even bigger one when she almost fell off the Balcony trying to reach her crown, luckily she was alright though, and also turned out that the wrong drink had also been given to the guests, after all that, things went alright during the Coronation, and after it was over, most ponies decided to go home, but Twilight went to talk with her friends for a bit more as Flash Sentry and the other guards were having to clean up the mess that was caused during the Coronation, after the jobs were done, Flash Sentry decided to go home, felling a little bit tired, but as he was about to leave, he bumped into none other than Twilight Sparkle, and the memories starting coming back to Flash, all those years ago, when he had first bumped into Princess Twilight, both of them started feeling a little bit awkward as Flash began to scratch his mane.

"Oh, why Hello there Flash Sentry, it's been a quite a few years since we last talked, how have things been?"

"You-You know my name?"

"Yeah, Princess Cadance told me a few years ago, sorry that we haven't interacted in a while"

"Oh no, it's completely fine, you were a Princess at that time, and now you are the ruler of Equestria, those duties should always come first"

"Well, I hope we get to properly know each other at some time, was nice meeting you again"

"You too your highness"

Just as then Flash and Twilight were beginning to walk on their own separate ways, Flash stopped in his tracks, turned back around and asked Twilight a question.

"Princess Twilight!"

"Yeah Flash, what is it?"

"Just in case we don't get many opportunities to talk to each other, is there a specific time in your schedule where we can spend time together?"

Twilight thought for a little while, then gave Flash an answer.

"Well, every thirty days, I will get a day off to spend time with my Ponyville friends, if you'd like, you can come along with me and spike on the fifteenth of every month, we could then get to know you better and get to know us as well"

"Alright then, thank you very much, see you later Princess Twilight"

"Oh, that won't be necessary, you can just call me Twilight, and bye Flash, hope I see you soon too"

Flash then however tripped on some stairs and fell down, which earned a few giggles from Twilight.

"Are you Okay?"

Flash immediately tried to pretend that he did it on purpose.

"Yep! Never been better!"

Flash then flew happily in circles in the air, knowing that he got his first genuine interaction with a Princess that he liked, he somehow felt warm and fuzzy inside, he couldn't quite tell what the feeling was, but he felt so happy inside of him, and Flash pretty much enjoyed how he spent the rest of his day.
