Chapter 2: The Worst Day Ever

A few years have passed now, it is now winter time and Flash is a late teen, he woke up in the morning and headed out to his workplace, but usually before Flash goes there, he flies and looks at the view, as he thinks and dreams about how much better he and his family's lives would be if he was given an opportunity to show his worth and to prove himself, even though he had no idea what he would be good for.

But, as he was having all these big thoughts, he bumped into a carriage that was carrying Prince Blueblood, the Stallion yelled "Hey! Watch where you are going you useless colt!" Flash kindly tried replying to him "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry about tha-"

Then Prince Blueblood's carriage rode over a mud pile and it splashed dirt and mud all over Flash, much to his frustration, Flash tried his best to be calm and collected and stay cool with his emotions, but now he had to clean himself up before he could get to his work, after he cleaned himself up by a garden hose, he then flew toward his workplace, but when he arrived there, he was fifteen minutes late and as a punishment, Flash had to work for an extra four hours in order to "Compensate" for it, Flash however didn't complain and just stuck to it and continued to work all throughout the day, no matter how tiring and exhausting it was.

By the time he was finally done, it was late at night at around nine PM, and Flash was exhausted and just couldn't wait till he got to the corner of his street, find his parents, eat their meal together, and then go straight to sleep.

But... From a Distance away, he could hear some yelling and arguing noises, and it sounded like they were coming from his corner of the street, when he got there just a little distance away, he saw his father and mother having what seemed to be, a pretty loud and feisty argument, and just as Flash was running to find out what the argument was all about, he saw his mother collapse to the ground, and Flash stood there for a moment in shock, and then immediately went to check on his fallen mother, however, Mr. Sentry was not showing any remorse or sympathy towards his son.

"Flash! Where the hell have you been son? Have you been slacking on the job?"

Flash Sentry just kindly replied back to him.

"I can explain all that later, but right now, please take care of my mom while I get help"

However, Mr. Sentry still did not show any kindness in the slightest.

"No! You tell me where you have been right now!"

Flash's Father then slapped him hard across the face, making Flash drop down to the ground hard, the young stallion began to cry.

"What is wrong with you!? Can't you see my mom is in desperate need? I'm going to get help right now!"

Flash then went from house to house around Canterlot, asking any of the residents to come and help his mom, but none of the ponies cared since Flash was a low-class pony, Flash started to panic and was now really getting worried and terrified, after one hour of trying and no luck convincing anypony, he decided to head back out to his street, hoping by then his father had found a way to help his mother. But when he found his street, he saw his mother still on the ground not moving, but this time, his father looked a lot more quiet and the look on his face seemed quite pale and shook, Flash then slowly approached his Father, fearing the worst, asked him a Question.

"Is my mom okay?"

Flash's Father then took a long pause, and then finally spoke to his son.

"Son, your mom..... Is gone"

Flash couldn't believe what he was hearing, and wanted to make sure he didn't hear that right.

"W-Wha-What do you mean?"

"You won't be seeing her again"

Flash just stood still for a little while, in shock and looked like he was in a daze, then, that shock turned into anger, hurt and hate, and then, he lashed out on his abusive Father.

"You killed my mother! If it weren't for your yelling and your carelessness, she would still be alive, I hate you!"

Flash then turned and ran away from his Father, and despite him demanding his son to come back, Flash just kept on flying and running until he knew his Father had lost track of him, when he arrived at another street in Canterlot, he found a box in which he could get inside, hide and sleep in there, it wasn't very comfortable, but it was the best he could find and come up with, then, he started crying a lot, the one pony who he thought he could still be happy with and rely on to make him feel better about situations and genuinely cared and loved him was now gone, Flash then started cursing his Father in his breath.

"I wish my Father was dead!"

Flash then, with a broken heart and an empty stomach, cried himself to sleep and asked himself if it could get any worse, and hoping that his father wouldn't be able to find him, but unfortunately for Flash, his abusive Father did find him just fifteen minutes later, and his father grabbed the wooden plank, hit Flash hard on his head with it, and knocked him Unconscious.
