Letter #7

Dear Luca,
This is so hard to write. It has been two months since you died. Jasper has turned seven. He is such an amazing boy. He can count to 200 and and somewhat do addition and subtraction. He understands about your death. He knows you are gone and never coming back but some part of him doesn't understand it fully. Elian is speaking all sorts of stuff. He is talking my ear off nowadays. As for our unborn baby. She is doing good. I finally decided to find out what I am having. It's a little girl. I was so excited. We finally had the little girl we wanted. She's going to be a little fighter when she grows up. Elian is going to be two and gosh. Time flies by so fast that you don't see it coming. Jasper lost his tooth. He was happy. He said he wanted you to have it. I was a little sad. When he talks about you his little eyes turn bright. He really loves you. I hope you're doing well. I visited your grave a few days ago. I cried a little but I am better now. I just want you to know that I forgive you. I don't want to hold any grudges anymore. I love you forever and always.
- Love, Audrey
