Letter #4

My Dearest Ex-Wife,
Audrey I have failed you again. I am drunk and I bet you already know that. I'm so sorry. I couldn't contain myself. I had to drink. I love you so much. I hope you know that. I am so glad you chose me to marry and settle down with. I wish I never cheated on you. I wish I never did you wrong. I regret my decisions. I know you probably can't forgive me. I just need to forgive myself. I want you to move on and live your life. I don't you want to keep coming back to me. I'm a horrible man and you don't deserve me you deserve someone so much better but I can still try and get you back. I'll try everyday day. No matter what I will always love you. I hope you can forgive me but I know you can't and that's okay. I'll try to move on and not dread over the past. I love you Audrey. I hope you still love me.
- Love, Luca
