Letter #1

My Dearest Ex-Wife,
How have you been? I know this is a little cliché that I'm writing you letters after you wrote me some. I have been going to AA for a while now. Drinking all the time wasn't right so I changed. I have been trying to cure away any hesitation of writing you. I read all of the ones you wrote me. I can't believe I made you feel the way you felt. I'm a horrible man. I had urges that I shouldn't have had in the first place. Being this way has not only affected me but it has affected everything and everyone around me. I miss you all the time. When I'm all alone and when I'm around people. You said you don't love me anymore. That hurt. Honestly you have the right to hurt me. I can't turn back what I did but I can make myself better and make you see who I am going to become. I still love you and want to be with you again. I will do anything for you even if it means making you fall in love with me again.
Love, Luca
