There are five parts left in this book.

As I have said many times before, I'm ready for this book to be over with,
I don't want to really waste chapters, sooo
I'm gonna do meme spams.
For the rest of the chapters.
That isn't a waste.

Also I'm making my heart hurt by thinking of a memory thing for a character. I may explain her and her world now-
Yeah let's do that. ^^'

So pretty much the main premise is that there's this gigantic world, but only two kingdoms because normally people from the first are afraid of exploring. The first kingdom is ruled by a king who I have yet to name and his daughter, Iris.

Don't get to attached to the king and Iris because invaders from the second kingdom take over the first kingdom and kill a crap ton of people in the castle, including them.

That's not where the story ends. Normally when something like this happens, not exactly like it, but somewhat like it, a fallen hero is chosen to be brought back to life by a spirit dude who's basically God named Maximus. Iris was the chosen one, so she was reborn with a scar across her back as well as one on her back and on the same place on her chest. Where she was slashed and then stabbed through the heart. Now, you may think that this problem may be easy to end...
But it isn't.
First off, it takes a whole year to regenerate a fallen hero, and when they do regenerate, the hero has no memories, nor do they have emotions, seeing that Maximus is only able to regenerate their bodies. So, in order to actually get the heroes to have the drive to do something, Maximus (or whichever spirit is keeping an eye on the hero-) gives them some of his own drive, not too much seeing that he himself would need it.

So this happened to Iris, except Maximus didn't give her the drive, a spirit boi named Rory did. So after a bit, Iris looks for these orb things that has her emotions and four important memories that relate to the emotion in them.

Edit: Also in an AU Ringabel helps her because why not. FinalHero-

And yeah a lot of angst happens as she slowly starts to realize that like everyone in her memories are either dead or in the castle.

So I also may or may not have based this off of BotW kind of??? I mean, it was unintentional, seeing that I realized how similar the two stories were after I stated, but screw it Im keeping this story since I'm proud.

Also I got inspiration for it from this song even tho it literally has nothing to do with anything smh:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I'm not playing the original video song because honestly this is how I first found the song so yeah.
It's from RWBY I think.
