My opinion on BoTW Zelda

Okay! So before I start this chapter, I just wanna say that you may not have the same opinions as me. Good on you! So if you wanna make an argument against what I say in this chapter, alright. Whatever. Second this is that this will contain spoilers most likely for Breath of The Wild. You have been warnedddd.

Okay, so right off the bat, Zelda is the first voice you hear in the game. She actually is the one who talks most often, mainly in memories, though. But anyways, speaking of memories, in a few of them, two or three if I remember correctly, she doesn't necessarily treat Link in the best way she can. Which, to me it makes sense. As Urbosa said in the ceremony memory, Link is a living reminder of her mistakes, likely because of Calamity Ganon actually existing. Moving on, in the next memory where she treats him horribly, she snaps at him, am I correct? Well, she has a good reason for this. I have a feeling that Nintendo was trying to make her somewhat realistic. Someone who people can relate with. And honestly, I can. If my dad was making a person who barely talks follow me around 24/7, I'd actually get annoyed too. But then again, I get annoyed pretty often.

Anyways, other than those two memories, I haven't seen any of her 'temper' or 'hate' at all. Sure she may have tried to speak up against her father when he told her to stop focusing on tech, but I can understand why she would be so fascinated. Going on, seeing that I haven't finished the game since I'm still trying to get enough hearts for the Master Sword, I have a little less than I'd like to go off of. Going on, may I point out that in these memories, Zelda is sixteen and seventeen years old? She obviously hasn't completely matured and could actually act childish as well. In other memories, we see her stressed and even crying because she can't get her ancient power to actually work, even when she started to actually try.

I do have a few more arguments up my sleeve just in case, but that's where I'll leave off for now. For those of you who hate BoTW Zelda, okay. Go ahead and bash me. But I'm pretty sure that she isn't as bad as a lot of people make her out to be. Also, I'm just saying that she isn't my favorite Zelda, cuz she's probably a lil lower on my list.
