*Deep breath*

Okay so I'm annoyed at the moment.

I logged into my Vaati account and saw that two people got triggered at what he was saying. Now, I realize that he's a jerk, so they'd—no, one of them—would be a jerk back. That I can understand. But there's this other person. She's such an attention seeker. Now, I don't know her in real life, but I know for a fact that she's trying to get attention. She has sent rants and things of the like, one of which contained something that made me hate her. I'm not going to say what she said, but I'm just going to say that I do NOT agree with it. Now, note that I deleted the chain that it was from, but she commented two more times on the same chapter. And now, she's commented on the ask or dare book (Prince_Sidon) chapter. Now, seeing that Vaati is, again, a jerk, he said he would answer her question, but gave a rude remark. Right? Now, the two went back and forth and eventually, I actually got annoyed with it, and told her that she honestly seemed like she was drawing attention to herself, so I asked her to stop. And she sent me a rant saying that she was 'beat up in school' and things of the like. And she said hat she was 'lonely' when she has mentioned maybe two times before that her friend had done something or that her friend was typing. So that is obviously a lie. I am just so sick of her. The other one I can handle because honestly, I'm surprised that no one has snapped back at Vaati before, so I can stand it. But this other girl... UGH!

I'm sorry about the rant. If you want to know exactly what she said, go look for all I care. But please don't comment. I'm not replying so she won't give me any more bull crap.
