Thoughts of a wild Mae

'Crap I shouldn't have put my clothes on top of my towel.'

'Who to ship my BD OCs with...'

'Wizanna could sail, but eh I'm lazy.'

'What OC should I use this weekend?'

'I should start getting the aesthetic and stuff ready. Wait it's only Tuesday. Eh. Never hurts to be ready early.'

'Should I use a guy OC? I mean, that usually starts more conversations, sadly.'

'I really hope my grandparents get back after I get out of the shower.'

'What song should I listen to?'

'Oops I almost put my pants on before my underwear. That would've felt weird.'

'Should I actually have my Agnés account?'

'My sister is gonna read this and be so confused.'

'I need to put the rest of my BD OCs in my RP book.'

'I wonder what it's like to live as someone else and see myself moving around and stuff.'

'Do I have diabetes?'

'Why the heck am I so tired?'


'Why is my family acting like I'm some elusive cave creature that only comes out on the blue moon?'

'The fast and the Urbosa's Fury-ous.'

'Ringabel needs love.'

'Why do I ship my cinnamon rolls with everyone?'

'What else have I thought of today that I can put here?'

'I want this to be over 200 words.'

'I feel sick and tired for some reason.'

'Dat boi.'

'Why the heck is someone who can't even speak English following me???'

'What's with this 'Prodigy' website? It's pretty much Pokémon except with math and less fun. Probably.'
