101 parts




(Just kidding it's obviously Vaati-)


Okay so I'm at my cousin's birthday party and I'm on my period (obviously-) and so I can't swim, right? Well, I got out of the car since my cousin is about to open her presents, but these kids started to ask if I was going to get in the water and I was like 'no-' and they asked my why and I said 'I'm bleeding' because I'm not going to lie to a bunch of 5-7 year olds and then they started to ask me where and telling me they didn't see blood and then I said 'o you can't see it' but yeahhh-
I'm back in the car now.
I'm only going to leave for food and her presents-

I'm back in the car after grabbing a cupcake.
I feel kinda sick-


I remember when I was younger and I used to get like thirty presents but now I only get money and like, clothes only-

These children need to sit down.

I'm going to wade around in the water without getting my shorts wet now.

My shorts are wet dang it-

To be honest, I've been tempted to play a villain in some sort of roleplay and I may use some villains from my new original world if I'm able to do it.

Okay so I'm planning on adding a few quotes to my bio and frankly I don't know whether to use a quote I came up with earlier that's like, pretty meaningful, or just come up with something stupid.
The meaningful thing would be:
"Don't focus on the obstacles, focus on the path leading through them."
Which is something I came up with while playing dancing line.
And he goofy thing would probably be:
"I don't even know what I want to order at Wendy's. How do you expect me to know what college I want to go to?"
Which I haven't said before but I'll probably say it in the future-

It's so hot outside right now I can't even-

I was told like twenty minutes ago that we were about to leave and we're still at the lake-

Okay we're back now.
