Sorry Henclair

Lucas bikes quickly through the rain his mind racing. Max had recently broken up with him for El. Dustin had recently told him he was into him but Lucas has shut him down quickly but was now regretting that, he going to go apologize and ask Dustin out. He skids to a stop in front of the Hendersons house. He parks his bike in a dry spot so it's safe from the rain before knocking on the door. The door opens revealing Dustin's mom
"Oh hello Lucas"
"Hi ms Henderson, could i talk to Dustin?"
"Of course he's in his room go on up"
"Thank you"
He walks into the house and up to Dustin's room, knocking on the door
"Come in"
Lucas walks in closing the door behind him
They stand facing each other in awkward silence
"Why are you here?"
"I'm sorry i shouldn't have reacted like that i just was not expecting you to ask me out so casually in front of our friends. But if you still want to go out i would be interested."
Dustin steps closer to Lucas
"Yeah. Would you maybe want to go on a date on Friday?"
"Sure i would love that"
"Great! Let's maybe not tell out friends as we don't know where this is going yet"
"Yeah that's fair"
Dustin pulls Lucas into a hug
"Thank you"
