Sick Ronance

Steve pulls up in front of Nancys house
"Thanks for the ride dingus"
"Yeah yeah no problem"
Robin hops out of the car and walks to Nancys front door. The wheelers had gone on vacation and Nancy had stayed back. Robin knocks on the door. And waits for a moment. She stands there waiting for 5 minutes before opening the door slightly and poking her head in
"Nance you here?" She calls into the house
"Up here"
She hears a quite voice from upstairs. She closes the door and walks up the stairs to Nancys room.
She walks into Nancys room.
"Hey Robin"
Robin sees nancy laying in bed with a trash can on the floor next to her and a box of tissues on the bedside table.
"Nance are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm finee"
Robins sits on the bed next to Nancy
"Nance sweetie you don't look fine"
"No no I'm fi-"
Nancy let's out a quiet burp before grabbing the trash can and vomiting into to.
Robin scoots closer and collects all of nancys hair in her hands. She gently rubs nancys back as she throws up into the bin. Nancy places the bin back on the floor as robin wipes her mouth with a tissue
"Yeah nance you seem fine"
"I'm sorry my being sick ruins our plans"
"It's ok nance we can always do our plans once you get better"
"A-are you sure your ok with this"
"Oh course i am"
Robin gently kisses Nancys head
"I love you"
"I love you too Rob"
