Robins mom Ronance

Tw abuse, scars, bruises, trauma, yelling,

Her mom yells while roughly slapping her, Robin let's out a quiet whimper before pushing her mom away and running to her room.

She cries as she covers the bruises with makeup. She finds herself thinking about her girlfriend Nancy, her smile, her eyes, her skin, her hair robin loves her so much. She hears her alarm going off and gets ready for work.

Honk honk 
she hears from outside, she runs out the door
"Robin you better not be home late!"
She hears her mom yell as she runs to Nancys car.
"Hello handsome"
"Hiya Nance"
Robin clicks her seatbelt in and Nancy starts driving.
"How are you?"
"I'm ok how are you?"
"I'm pretty good"

They pull up in front of family video and robin hops out of the car
"Thanks for the ride babe"
"Yeah no problem i will be here to pick you up at 5:30"
"Thanks Nance love you"
"Love you to"
Nancy drives off as robin walks into the store.

She was working alone and it was a very slow day out of boredom she started rubbing the makeup she had applied over her bruises
Ding Ding
She hears the bell over the door ring assuming it was just a customer she kept rubbing at the makeup
"Rob? Sweetie what are you doing?"
Robin try's to pull her sleeve over the now almost fully visible large bruise but Nancy grabs her arm and pulls the sleeve up looking at the large bruise worriedly.
"What happened?"
"I just tripped"
"How did you get this on your arm then? Don't lie to me"
"I b-but"
"It's ok Rob I'm here for you"
"M-my m-mom"
"She did this to you?"
Robin nods tears flowing down her face. Nancy walks behind the counter and wraps robin in a gentle hug.
Nancy pulls away from robin
"Yes sweetie?"
"W-what should i do?"
"You should tell someone who can help, does your dad know?"
"He d-did but he l-left last month"
"Oh Rob I'm sorry"
"Do you think i should go to the police?"
"I mean we can try"
"Thanks Nance, i love you"
They close the store and go to Nancys car

Nancy pulls out of the parking lot and starts driving to the station
"Nance, what should i tell them?"
"Just tell them what your mom has been doing to you"
"I d-don't know if i can do that"
"It's ok babe i will be there with you"
They pull up in front of the station

They walk in robin clutching Nancys hand tightly, they walk over to the front desk
"Hello girls"
"H-hi I umm"
"We need to speak to chief hopper"
"Oh ok umm let me call him for you"
She calls hopper and he tells the girls to go to his office

They walk into the office closing the door behind them
"Hello girls how can i help you?"
Robin looks at Nancy nervously
"You want me to tell him?"
She whispers to her girlfriend
Robin nods in response
"So um we are here to report an abuse case"
"Oh? Who is being abused?"
"It's um m-me"
Robin says in a small voice
They discuss for a little while till they decide that hoper will go investigate while robin stays with Nancy till it's all sorted out

Back in Nancys car
"You ok?"
"Y-yeah i guess, are you sure your parents will be ok with me staying?"
"Yeah they will after we explain what's going on"
They drive the rest of the way in silence

They walk into Nancys house and are greeted by mrs wheeler.
"Hello girls"
"Hi mom, can robin stay over?"
"Oh well I'm not sure"
"Robin go wait in my room"
Nancy explains to her mom what's going on and she agrees that Robin can stay as long as she needs

Nancy goes up to her room and finds Robin sitting on the bed she closes the door and goes to sit next to her girlfriend
"Hi honey how are you doing?"
"I'm ok"
"Could i ask you something?"
"How long has she been doing that to you?"
"Umm since i was around 6 I'm pretty sure maybe a little younger"
"Really wow that's so young"
"I guess"
"Do you have any other marks from it?"
"Yeah some bruises and a bunch of old scars"
"Could i see?"
Robin takes off her clothes and makeup and shows Nancy All the scars nancy gently planting a kiss on each scar and bruise.

They both put on pyjamas and cuddle together till they both fall asleep
