Blood Elmax

Tw blood, mentions of someone being shot, crying

El was sitting on the couch waiting for her girlfriend max to get home from work, max was a detective for the local police so Els work day was much shorter than maxes and she was often bored while waiting for max to get home. She sat there staring at the door for a bit till she heard the lock click she jumped up off the couch and ran over to the door just as max was opening it. Max stepped into the house and el noticed she was covered in blood and rushed over worried

"Max what happened? Whose blood is that? Are you ok?"

Max chuckled at her girlfriends worry "don't worry I'm fine it's not my blood.

"So whose blood is it?!"

"It's Beverly's" Beverly is a fellow detective who works with max.

"Max did you kill Beverly?" El asked slowly

"No i didn't kill Bev!"

"So what happened then?"

"It's a long story and i should probably wash this blood off"


"What?" Max called while walking up to their bedroom

El follows her up the stairs and into the open bathroom where she finds her shirtless wiping blood off her bare arms with a wet towel.

"Want me to help?"


Max hands el the towel and El starts slowly wiping the blood off of maxes arms and and chest.

"Do you feel like telling me what happened?"

"Um... maybe after we've gotten all the blood off"


El continues cleaning the blood off of max giving her a kiss on the cheek once she'd finished, max quickly changed into a different less bloody outfit and the two sit down on the bed.

"So what happened?"

"We were chasing a perp through the abandoned factory on fifth and he suddenly pulled out a gun and shot her with no warning"

Max started crying and el pulled her into her arms

"H-he escaped a-and i called an ambulance b-but i sat with her in a pool of h-her blood a-and that's why i was covered in it"

The tears start streaming down maxes face quickly now as she fully leaned back onto el who kept kissing her head trying to calm her down.

"I'm sorry you went through that sweetheart. But did she surv-"

"Yeah the a-ambulance arrived fast enough and got her to the hospital, though she l-lost a lot of blood"

They sit there in silence hugging for a while till max eventually calmed down a bit.
