Kittens Elmax

El and max where walking back to Els cabin
"So that was weird"
"Sorry about Mike"
"Oh it's fine El it's  not your fault I'm kinda used to him being a dick just wasn't expecting him to say that"
"Yeah neither was i"
They walk in an awkward silence till El hears a small sound
"Did you hear that?"
"Hear what?"
They hear the sound again slightly louder this time
"Yeah i heard it"
"It's coming from that bush!"
El runs over to the bush pulling some branches away revealing a small box she gasps
Max walks over
"It's kittens"
Max carefully pulls the box out of the bush to see three small kittens sitting inside of it.
"Can we keep them?!?"
"Calm down, let's take them back to your house and see what hopper says"
"Oh right ok"
Max carefully lifts the box trying to keep it steady as they walk.
"Max look at them! One is orange one is black and one is white!!"
They make is back to the cabin el opens the door for max so she doesn't jostle the kittens. She places the box on the table. Hopper walks into the room.
"Dad we found kittens in the bush and we brought them here and i want to keep them can we keep them pleaseeee!?!"
"Woah there calm down El. Max can you explain what happened calmly?"
"Alright, we found these kittens in a bush on the walk back here and el was wondering if she can keep them"
"If we can keep them" 
El says to max
"El will you take sole responsibility for them"
El nods quickly
"I will help her whenever i come by"
Hopper nods
"You can keep them"
"Yay!!!!!!! Come on max let's go to my room!"
Max whispers to hopper before grabbing the box and following el to her room. She closes the door behind her and sets the box on the bed sitting next to it.
El pulls the little orange kitten out of the box and carefully puts it on the floor sitting down next to it
"What should we name them?!?"
"I'm not sure"
Max puts the other two kittens on the floor and sits down next to el. El lays her head on maxs  shoulder.
"Thank you for helping me convince my dad to keep them"
"Yeah of course"
El leans in and gently kisses max, max kisses back slightly surprised. El pulls back
"I'm glad what Mike said didn't change your mind"
"Of course not El I'm just glad you didn't change yours"
The smallest one of the kittens the little white one climbs onto maxs lap and starts biting her leg.
"Hey that hurts"
Max lifts the kitten off her leg el chuckles
"I think that one likes you"
