
I knock on the door of Annabeth Chase's apartment. My name is Peter , king of West View High. Smarter and stronger than every guy at West View. And the girls? Please! Women are  just eye candy. I really have no clue what Annababe is even going to teach me during this tutoring session!  2 + 2 maybe? I've had that down since middle school! I'll probably end up seducing her and I'll do my classic date and ditch! ( WHERE IS MY BUTTER KNIFE!! I MUST STAB!  I am so weird...) 

A guy about Annabeth's age opened the door. He had black hair and sea-green eyes and was covered in scars.

"Hey! Are you Peter?" he asked. 

" Yep, Peter Johnson," I smiled. The guy choked. He literally collapsed with laughter. I stood there awkwardly for a minute while he laughed. He stood up wiping tears out of his eyes. 

" What's you deal?"

"Are you-you friends with a-a Perry Johanson by any chance?"

"Yeah, why?" I growled. The guy had another laughing fit. A female laughed from behind him. Annabeth popped out from behind him. Her golden ringlets fell loosely around her face and her strange grey eyes glistened. I somehow noticed she also had scars.

"So this is why you made me answer the door?" he smiled. 

" Yep," she said, popping the P. She kissed him on the cheek. 

" Hey, Peter. This is my boyfriend Percy!" she smiled. What she's dating someone? I'll just have to get her alone...

" I don't get what's so funny about me and Perry's names but whatever..." I said, stepping into the apartment. Annabeth mumbled something about grammar. 

" Anyways, wise girl? Why don't you and Peter get down to some school things! I'll be in my room." He kissed her and hurried off. Annabeth and I sat down and started talking about my Remedial math class. Remedial obviously means advanced right? (* bangs head on keyboard*) After a few minutes of questions, I smile flirtatiously at Annabeth. She raises an eyebrow. 

" So you know how you met my boyfriend?" she says casually.

" The one you're about to ditch for me?" I winked. Annabeth leaned in. She smiled dumbly. This was it... more prey, more women falling for me. (*screams*)

Then she slapped me. She slapped me so hard, I almost passed out. I'll admit it, but only if you tell anyone. I screamed like a little girl. My face aflame, I leaned in and kissed her. She stood up, her lips not even against mine. Then I felt pain, tasted blood, and saw stars. Annabeth had judo-flipped me. Percy ran in, saw me lying on the floor, and sighed. He hurried to Annabeth's side. 

" Get out, now!" Percy yelled. I crawled my way out the door, and into the hallway. I gained enough energy to make my way to Central Park. Half walking, half crawling I made it there.when I got there a bunch of girls ranging from ages 10 to 17 all in silver clothing approached me. One with spiky black hair and electric blue eyes, came up to me. 

" Hey cutie, wou-"  The girl punched me. My knees buckled. I fell to the ground. 

" Lady Artemis," gestured the girl. A girl around 12 stepped forward. 

" I wouldn't pass up my favorite, Lieutenant," the young girl smiled. her eyes held thousands of years of knowledge. She waved her hand at me. I blacked out. When I awoke, the girls were gone. I was no longer in Central Park. Then I noticed I had hooves. I was no longer humid. I was no longer Peter, the king of West View. I was Peter, the weird bunny with antlers. I somehow understood I was a jackalope. And then I heard howls, and hooves. Voices shouting, " South Dakota! Let's pummel the jerk!" Today was very weird. Then I was hit with a paintball and the world went dark. 

I really have no clue what this is. But here it is so.... 

