Alria Keys: Part 1

"Ria!" Thalia shouts. I ducked, but the paw of the last hellhound, grazed my mouth.

"Tartarus," I curse under my breath. I quickly turn and shoot at it with my bow. An arrow lodges itself in the monster's dodge. Thalia sends a blast of lightning and just like that all the monsters are gone, the only injuries, a small gash on Thalia's leg and blood dripping from the scratch on my lower lip.

I exhale and fall back the grassy hill that was our former battleground. I adjust my ponytail, running my fingers through my light brown hair. Thalia cheers and puts her own bow away and collapses next to me. She gives me a fist bump and I laugh. The sun setting slowly makes the sky turn darker. She sighs.

"We should get back to camp. Nix will be pissed." She rubs the gash on her leg and stands up. She reaches out a hand and I grab it and stand up.

"That we didn't catch the Minotaur or that we didn't find the Minotaur?" Thalia laughs. We start the short walk back to camp.

"Hey so we're really close to Camp Half-Blood, and I realized, my immortal best friend hasn't met my demigod one and her sister, so I think we should stop by."

"Ah yes, the great Annabeth Chase. Sounds cool we will. Tomorrow. After we endure the wrath of Nix."

Thalia laughs and the camp comes back into view. And as soon it does the silhouette of a 16 year old girl comes into view. Phoenix Alvarez, her brown hair with tints of red flying behind her as she runs towards us.

"I can tell by no horn you didn't catch the Minotaur. Faith spotted it in this area. Hades, Thalia. That thing is dangerous and it needs to be sent back to Tartarus by someone other than Percy Jackson for once."

"Don't sleep on Theseus, Nix," I roll my eyes. "Cut the gas Nix, you don't control us." Thalia's electric blue eyes flicker with annoyance towards the boisterous new addition to the Hunters.

"Look, Nix, I outrank you so you cannot boss me around. Got it Miss Alvarez?" Thalia crossed her arms. She walked off and I followed her. We split up and went into our separate tents.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP TO MORNING~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The next morning, after a quick breakfast and getting dressed Thalia and I grab our weapons and get ready to head to Camp Half-Blood. The sun glows in the late morning and a cool breeze lingers in the air.

I fix my braid and sling my bow over my shoulder. Thalia fixes her silver circlet and reloads her quiver with arrows.

"Ready?" I ask. Thalia nods and starts walking south towards Camp Half-Blood. I jog to catch to up to her.

"So anything I need to know about Annabeth? That I already don't know? Her being the unofficial queen of Camp Half-Blood and all."

Thalia laughs."Just don't mention two things, Tartarus and Hera. One sends Annie into a panic attack, the other a fuming rage. Also, don't call her Annie." I give Thalia an awkward grin and thumbs up, just as her tree comes into view, Peleus the dragon circling it.

I exhale. I've been a huntress since the 50's but, I've never been to Camp Half-Blood or met Annabeth, who's also a daughter of Athena. Anytime, there was a small chance I could've Artemis had sent me on a different mission. Thalia and I walk up to the tree. Peleus snarls at me but, backs down when he sees Thalia.

"Hey P. She's a friend, no worries." The dragon bows his head and Thalia and I step into the grounds of Camp Half-Blood. Thalia runs a finger down the bark of her pine tree and sighs. I adjust my bow and then Thalia turns to me.

"Race you!" she calls, already running down the hill.

"Hey!" I yell running down after her. We come to the halt at the arts and crafts cabin where a girl with fiery red hair sits sketching on a bench.

"Can you please- Thalia?" the girl looks up from her sketchbook, and smiles.

"Hey RED," Thalia smirks.

"Haven't seen you since Percy's birthday a few months ago!" the girl stands up and hugs Thalia quickly.

"Who are you?" she asks turning to me.

"I'm Alria Keys, Thalia's friend. And you are?"

"Rachel Elizabeth Dare.The Oracle of Camp Half-Blood" She holds out her hand and I shake it. I've really been living under a rock haven't I.

"We're here to visit Annie. Do you know where she is?" Thalia asks Rachel.

"Last I heard, Percy and Annabeth are sparring in the arena."

"Thank RED. C'mon Alria,"Thalia grabs my hand and we go sprinting towards the arena and past the Big House. We enter the almost empty arena except for two people sparring in the corner. The clanging of blades together rings throughout the arena as the two spar.

"Hey Annie, Kelp Head!" The two sparring stop mid parry, and take off their helmets.

"Thalia?" The girl says running towards Thals. She embraces Thalia as the other guy jogs up to them. The girl, who I assume is Annabeth pulls away from Thalia and the other guy gives her a quick hug.

"Sup, Pinecone Face," he says pulling away, Thalia playfully punches him in the stomach.

"Who's this, Thalia?" Annabeth says as the guy, who I'm almost positive is Percy Jackson, puts his arm around her.

"Oh, this is my huntress friend, Alria. She's also a daughter of Athena." Annabeth smiles and shakes my hand.

"Hi," I say, happily, trying to hide my nerves at meeting my best friend's closest friend. The guy, kisses Annabeth's cheek and offers his hand to me.

"I'm Percy!" he declares. I shake his hand.

"What are you doing here Thals?" Annabeth asks.

"The hunters have been tracking the Minotaur, as its been spotted in this area so we decided to drop by and visit!" Thalia smiles.

" My old friend, the Minotaur?" Percy chuckles.

"Anyways, Thalia, since your here and I want to get to know Alria, let's go down to the lake and hang out!" Annabeth suggests.

"Great idea, Annie!" Thalia smiles. Annabeth glares at Thalia and steps up to her. Thalia makes weird faces and noises as Annabeth prepares for confrontation.

"I have one rule-" then she bursts out laughing.

"I can't," she laughs. We all join in the laughter.

"Should we go to the lake?" Thalia asks, through bursts of laughter.

"Race you?" Annabeth says, jumping on Percy's back.He laughs and takes off towards the lake.

"Huzzah!" Percy cries as they run towards the lake. Thalia and I jog after them laughing.

Thanks to @SJC456 for Alria Keys! Also so sorry but half of this was written at 3 am so some of it's not my best so yeah

