Jessica Madison Part 2

I sigh, as I squeeze water out of my hair.  Sophia and Marissa Jackson sit playing with toys in the corner of my office, while we wait for their parents to come. When I called Perseus Jackson, he said that he had a few minutes of a class left and then would be right over. He's a marine biology professor at NYU. When I called Annabeth Jackson, she said that she had a meeting to finish up and then would be right over. She's the head architect and owner of Olympus Architecture.

I start thinking about what to say as I watch Sophia and Marissa build a tower with a bunch of books.

"No Soph, put the block here," corrects Marissa. Sophia changes the placement of her block. Marissa laughs. The girls continue building their tower, as  I wonder how the hell I'm going to tell the parents how their daughter exploded a pipe? (They'll understand)

Just then my office door, swings open to reveal a flustered woman in her mid 30's. She has blonde curls that are up in a ponytail and grey eyes that seem to storm. She's wearing a stylish black dress and holding and brown briefcase.
"Hello Mrs. Madison," she smiles.

" MOMMY!" scream the girls in unison. They abandon their block tower and tackle Mrs. Jackson.

"Girls," laughs Annabeth, returning their hugs.

"Now what did you do Marissa?" she says pulling away. Sophia laughs and kisses her mother on the cheek. Marissa frowns. Annabeth straightens up, places her briefcase on the floor near the door and blows a curl out of her face.

"Sophia, honey, go continue building the Empire State Building," Annabeth smiles warmly. Sophia laughs and hurries over to the blocks.

Mrs. Jackson leads Marissa to the couch that sits in front of my desk.

"Marissa Zoe Jackson, what did your dad tell you to do?" I raise an eyebrow. Maybe Annabeth and her husband are fighting?

"Nothing," chuckles Marissa. Annabeth sighs exasperatedly. 15 minutes pass, Marissa playing with a block she somehow produced out of nowhere.

"Where is that kelp head?" Annabeth mumbles, twisting a ring on her finger, in some sort of trance.

"Ma'am?" I ask. No response. Marissa looks at her mother worriedly.

"Momma..." she says. Annabeth snaps out of her trance and smiles at her daughter. Then the door flies open again and Annabeth exhales. A man stands at the door black hair flying and sea green eyes glittering.

"Sorry, I'm late," comes Mr. Jackson's voice.

"Daddy!" yell the girls. They collectively tackle their father. Percy laughs and wraps an arm around each. He smothers them with kisses and tickles them under their chins. ( Percy is an amazing father and nothing will change that)

Percy pulls away from the girls and stands up straight. Annabeth stand up from the couch and looks at Percy, her brow furrowed. Drama is about to go down.

"Wise girl..." Percy says, prompting. Annabeth
walks up to him. She grabs his chin and kisses him.

"Glad your here, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth says, pulling away. Percy looks at his wife, flustered.

"I just had a memory of almost dying in maze..." he says the words, like he can't breathe. Annabeth laughs. Marissa and Sophia laugh hysterically.

"Now let's see what in Zeus's name your daughter did."

Ahhh this has turned into three parts but I have to sleep because I have a really bad cold. I really wanted to post something today so here we have this!

