Juliana Harrington


Hi! I'm Juliana Harrington! I'm the most beautiful girl at Goode High! I have natural straight blonde hair (bleached) gorgeous pale blue eyes (contacts) and a perfect natural tan(fake). I have my eyes set on swim team captain, Percy Jackson. He has these gorgeous sea-green eyes, black messy hair and abs. He's so perfect in every way. The only thing strange about him are the scars on his body. But that just makes him that much more desirable, don't you think? (this is so awkward)

I was wearing a pink crop top black skinny jeans and 8 inch heels and had just dumped my 23rd boy toy in September when the thing attacked. It looked like a giant dog with big scary teeth. It tore apart everything in its path. Students ran around screaming. I saw Percy running towards the dog with a sword in his hands.

"PERCY! SAVE ME!" I cried, falling into his arms. The sword blade passed through me like an illusion. Percy's eyes went wide. Everyone was screaming. The dog seemed to ignore them. His fiery eyes landed on Percy. Percy dropped me to the ground and charged the monster. He ducked and swung at the dog's hide. A few more slashes and the monster disintegrated. Everyone stared at him.

" The Mist..." he grumbles. I stand up and hobble over to him.

"Why'd you drop me, sweetiekins?" His sword transformed into a pen. He pocketed the pen and turned on his strange looking phone. He opened to his contacts. He swiped through a few weird contacts such as Wise Girl 💙😘🦉, Blond Superman😎⚡️, 40's Girl 💎, Pinecone Face 🌲, and G-Man🐐🌮. ( couldn't find an enchilada so it's a taco) He video calls one labeled Beauty Queen 👊💅. A girl with chocolate brown choppy hair and eyes that change color answers.

"Percy! Thank the gods! If you already haven't guessed the-"

"Mist is down. A hell hound attacked and everyone saw it. Pipes, what's going on?" he asks. Pipes notices me and scrunches wrinkles her nose.

"Tell the Barbie to go. Then I'll tell you." Percy glares at me. I pout, strut and stand by my shocked followers. They whisper some gossip to me but I'm to busy trying to listen in on the call.

"Piper, what happened?"

"The best we can guess is something happened to Hecate. Hazel and her kids say the Mist isn't even responding to them." says the girl, barely audible. "The Gods might have to go public. Overheard that Chiron thinks it might be at your school. Filmed and everything."


"Yep. Rachel hasn't gotten a prophecy yet and we have no clue where the goddess could even be."

"Pipes, two favors."

"Shoot, Aquaman."

Percy sighs. "Have there been any attacks? Is Annabeth okay?" Annabeth?

"No attacks. And yes, Percy. Your betrothed is fine."

Percy turns a bright shade of crimson. " She's not my betrothed. We're not even engaged."

"Right, and if I looked into your mind I wouldn't find thoughts of children and a life with her. I hang out with Grover too, you know. Empathy link and all."

" Errrrrrrrr.... he told you about those things? Uh never mind, uh charmspeak? If the gods go public I want them to find out I'm a demigod with them. Also I want to kill that satyr." Piper laughs.

" Everyone you shall stand up. You don't remember any attack. You have to go to your next class. Besides Percy." Piper says. I straighten up and hurry to my next class like any other day.

-----------------------------------this time skip is sponsored by Kronos ------------------------------------------

I'm in my fifth period class when the school is called down for an assembly. I sit down next to Percy in the bleachers. 14 adults ( the 12 main gods plus Hades and Hestia) and 11 teenagers ( the rest of the seven, Rachel, Thalia, Nico, Calypso and Grover) stand up front. One them appears to be part goat! How is that possible! ( not going to describe them because you know what they look like) Percy smiles and shrinks down. A man in a pinstriped suit and black hair walks up to the microphone.

"Who here knows of the Greek and Roman gods?" Since that's what we've been studying in History,half the school raises their hands.

"Well they're real and awesome!" Electricity sparks from the man and he seems to flicker off and on to a man with a purple toga. The punk girl with the silver circlet whispers something to blond glasses hottie. He chuckles. Half the school screams. Percy laughs. The guy Zeus starts to explain how the gods have moved to wherever the heart of Western civilization was and about Rome and Greece. A goddess with grey eyes and brown hair keeps on correcting him. She's so ugly! Zeus introduces the other gods and they display a few powers. Zeus sends wind flying, Poseidon sprays the kids with water, Hades melts into a shadow and appears in another, Hestia smiles and sends everyone smiling, Aphrodite transforms into a dove and reappears in another outfit, a spear appears and lands in Ares's hand, Dionysus makes a strawberry plant grow, Athena grows an olive plant and makes an owl appear. So far Aphrodite is my favorite. Hermes holds up a staff with two snakes.

Bring us rats! George, quiet down! You're scaring them!Whatever Martha!

Artemis resumes the state of a 12 year old girl and shoots five arrows at Apollo. Apollo's weird music thing transforms into a bow and his 5 arrows clash with hers and start playing music, over the howls of animals. Everyone claps and cheers.

"Alright! One more long thing! We have kids with mortals from time to time. Our children are demigods. They are saviors of the world and heroes. Some of our most powerful children are here with us. Stand up and state your full title," Zeus says. The eyes turn to the group of kids.

"I'm Jason Grace, son of Jupiter and Beryl Grace, pontifex maximus of the gods. I'm a former prater of the Twelfth Legion. Slayer of the Trojan Sea Monster, I toppled the black throne of Kronos and destroyed the Titan Krios. I helped to defeat the giants. I helped to delay the rise of Gaea, freed Hera and am one of the Seven to help to stop Gaea once she rose. Boyfriend to Piper Mclean." says the blond hottie with glasses. The girl next to him nudges him. She turns to the crowd.

"I'm Piper Mclean, daughter of Aphrodite and Tristan Mclean, yes the famous one. I am counselor of Cabin 10. I helped to delay the rise of Gaea, and helped to defeat the giants. I was one of the seven to defeat Gaea once she rose. Girlfriend to Jason Grace."

"I'm Leo Valdez! Son of Hephaestus and the late Esperanza Valdez. I'm the counselor of Cabin 9 and engineer of the Argo ll. I helped to delay the rise of Gaea, was one of the seven to defeat her and the giants and am the only man to return to Ogygia, the land of my lovely girlfriend Calypso twice." smiles a Latino elf.

"You guys need to stop saying one of the seven to defeat Gaea! Jason and Festus flew her away from her territory, Piper used her charmspeak and sent her to sleep. Leo, you exploded her!" argues a young african american girl.

"Haz, we couldn't have gotten close to her if you guys led the armies into battle!" Piper smiles. Apparent demigods introduce themselves as Frank,Hazel,Thalia,Reyna and Nico got ve their titles. We learn that the ugly frizzy haired is the speaker of prophecies and the stupid goat guy is a satyr and lord of the wild. ( my thumbs hurt) Then a girl with ugly grey eyes and blonde curls steps forward. Percy smiles next to me. No way is this bitch going to steal my Percy from me. The girls eyes scan the crowd they land on Percy and light up.

"My name is Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena and Frederick Chase. I helped to retrieve Zeus's Master Bolt to prevent a war among the Gods. I helped to retrieve the Golden Fleece and have heard the Siren's sing."

Next to me, Percy is smiling and staring at the girl with pure love.

"I've held the weight of the sky and ventured into the Labyrinth. I fought in the Battle of the Labyrinth and watched it be destroyed. I fought in the Second Titan War and-"the girl looks up at Percy.

He smiles sadly and nods.

"I held the cursed blade to defeat Kronos. I followed the Mark of Athena, defeated Arachne, and saved the Athena Parthenos. I-I I've been to Tar-Tartarus and fought in the Giant War and helped to defeat Gaea." Annabeth finishes, her eyes watering. Everyone stares at her. A few clap their hands. Poseidon steps forward. Percy sighs.

"Can my son come down here?" he says. Percy straightens up next to me. He stands up. Everyone turns towards him. Percy's a demigod!! He hurries down and towards Annabeth. Poseidon steps in front of him.


"After your title."

"Fine. I'm Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon and Sally Jackson. I helped to retrieve Zeus's Master Bolt to prevent a war among the Gods. I helped to retrieve the Golden Fleece and have held the sky. I fought in the Battle of the Labyrinth,ventured into it and watched it be destroyed. I handed the knife to Luke so Kronos could be destroyed. I have been to Alaska, the land beyond the gods. I rescued the Eagle of the Fifth Cohort. I've survived Tar-Tar-Tartarus. I helped to defeat the giants and Gaea. Now can I see Annabeth? And my friends?" Poseidon nods. Percy hurries to Annabeth. They embrace and kiss. They kiss.... The crowd claps.

I get to my feet.

"You guys forgot me! I'm a daughter of Aphrodite! I've been to Tartar Sauce too!! I been in the Lab too! I defeated Krony amd Gayey too!" I yell. The demigods and some of the gods start laughing.

"Mother!! Defend me!" I order. Aphrodite states, "Come down here, child." There's a certain venom in her voice. I strut towards her. The goddess glares me in the eye.

"I can tell you have a crush on Percy. You want to break up Percabeth. The fangirls do not approve of this! Neither do I."


"Juliana, you are no daughter of mine. Maybe you're a daughter of one of my sons, Phobos or Deimos? You certainly strike a certain fear and panic in someone with all that makeup, don't you?" She flicks a wrist at me.

I gasp. My natural brown hair falls around my shoulders. My glasses are on my nose, meaning my eyes are an ugly shade of brown. I'm wearing a pair of jeans and a T-Shirt and have my natural skin tone.

"There! Much better! Beauty is natural and skin deep dear. And love? Love is not want or based purely on physical attraction. It's based on need and someone you can't live  without!" Aphrodite states. 

"Now leave." she states. I stare at the goddess. I groan and stomp out of the room. Past Percy Jackson holding Annabeth Chase in his arms. 

1873 words... this is so long and I have no idea how that happened but okay. So yeah..

