Overprotective matt.

Requested by amelielurel and @hearts4matt hope you enjoy!

Me and matt are walking around the mall getting clothes for our LA trip. " oh lets go to urban." I say and grab his hand and drag him into the store.

" im going to look at pants, ill find you in 5."  He says and i smile and nod and i head over to the skirts and dresses.

" hey." Someone says and i think its matt so i pick up the dress up from the rack and turn around with it. Its not matt.

" oh sorry, i thought you were my boyfriend." I say and emphasise the word boyfriend. " nah, just wondered if i could get your snap." He asks and i laugh and shake my head.

" no, i dont think so." I smile and walk off with my dress to find matt but i hear footsteps behind me and heavy breathing. I need to find matt.

" yo, just give it to me. Fuck your boyfriend." He says and i shake my head and desperately try to find matt.

" Fuck off." I say and walk away but he grabs my arm and i jerk away. "MATT." I shout and he widens his eyes and steps back but before he can walk away matt is walking around the corner.

" sup baby, whats wrong." He asks and sees the guy close to me and tears in my eyes.

" he was asking for my snapchat, and i said no but he grabbed my arm." I say and matts face turns red and his eyes widen, the guys starts out the store but matt walks towards him and grabs his arm.

" hey dude, thats my girlfriend." He says and the guy looks worried. He's trying to back away but matt slips his arm around his shoulder and walks him over to me and has a mock smile on his face.

" say sorry now, apologise you prick." He demands and the guy cant find his words. " i- uh- sorry." I says, ashamed.

" its okay." I say and matt shakes his head and i can see his fingers digging into the guys skin, his fingertips turn white.

" say your a prick and wont do it to another girl again." He demands and presses his fingers into the skin. " dude, this is stupid." He says but turns to me when matt kicks the back of his leg.

" sorry im a prick." He squeals and matt smiles and lets him walk out the shop. " lets pay for these, you okay?" He asks and takes the clothes and holds my hand tight.

" im okay." I say. I pay for my clothes and matt takes my hand and the bag and walks me out the store. When we get out the store there is a big group of guys sitting near a shop.

I feel matts arm slip around my waist and grip my hip. I smile to myself and do the same.

" sorry am i hurting you." He asks and i shake my head and lean it on his shoulder. " i just want you close." He apologises and i smile and wave him off.

" i dont mid, i like you protecting me." I smile and he laughs and kisses my hair.

" my pleasure." He replies and we drive home with my hand in his.
