Homework with matt.

Its after school and me and Matt are lying on the sofa, a movie blasting in the living room. My little sister is sat in the dining room worming and all of a sudden she bursts out shouting.

" i cant do it." She yells, i look at matt and we both scramble to the table and she has the paper scrambled in her hands.

" whats wrong Emmy." I ask and she has her head in her hands. I stroke her hair and she releases the paper.

" math homework?" Matt asks and takes the seat next to her, patting her back.

" too hard." She sobs and matt puts her on his lap and shows her him straightening the paper out flat. I take a seat across them and watch them.

" first question, its okay. Ill help you." He whispers and she wipes her eyes with her hands. " read the first one." He asks her. She sucks in a breath and sighs.

" 4+5." She sobs and matt holds out four fingers on one hand and five on the other. I smile at his patience and he smiles back at me.

" Now you need to count how many fingers." He asks and she runs her fingers over his and counts along. " 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9!" She exclaims and claps her hands. " 9 Matt!" She shouts and he smiles and nods at her.

" write it down Emmy." He instructs her and she writes a 9 on the line on the paper. She moves onto the next one and she reads it out.

" 7+3." She reads and he realises he dosent have enough fingers. " here." He says and he puts 7 dots next to 3 dots and she counts them with a smile on her face.

" ill get you both a drink." I say and grab matt a Pepsi and Emmy some juice. When i get back in they have done 2 more questions. One more left.

" this one is hard, you can do it though." He says and she looks exited, I've never seen someone so exited to do math.

" 10+ 4." She reads and he puts the dots on her paper and she counts them again. After the paper is done she runs off to get her book bag and matt puts it in for her.

" Good luck Emmy." He wishes her and she smiles back and climbs back on his lap and they both drink the rest of their drinks.

" can we watch movie?." She asks and Matt and Emmy sit on the chair, her juice in matts hand. Shes getting princess treatment. I sit in the sofa next to them and we watch cartoons instead of a movie.

" thank you matt." She whispers and just randomly runs off, she sits on the rug playing with her barbies, giggling randomly.

*I love doing imagines like these, there so cute. He's just husband material. If you got any more requests like this chapter, put them in the comments. Ly all!!!!*
