Little sister.

" y/n are you coming over today." Matt asks me, i stop dead in my tracks and i remember that i said i would hang out with him but i have to look after my sister.

" i cant, i have to look after Lexi." I apologise. He laughs and i pull a face.

" ill come to you, lets take her for lunch." He offers, a smile plays on my face and i call Lexi down.

" want me and matt to take you to lunch." She blushes and nods at the camera. I pick her up to wash her face and get her washed.

" ill come and pick you up, love you baby." He says and i blow kisses before he hangs up the phone.

" alright lets get you ready." I say and pick up Lexi to wash her up and change into a nicer outfit. I go into my room and change my outfits and i hear a knock on the door.

Lexi goes running to the door and i let matt in and he scoops her up in his arms, shes immediately grinning.

" someones exited." I say and he buckles her into the backseat. She smiles and i hand her my phone to watch some Netflix.

" thank you, im sorry for today." I say and he kisses my hand and reassures me its okay. He pulls up to a small restaurant and Lexi requests  he picks her up and takes her in.

" lets get a seat, come on." He says and runs to a table with Lexi. I grab her some crayons and when i get to our table i see her cuddled up to matt, both of them smiling.

" i got colouring." I say and hold up the sheets and crayons in the air, she looks at matt and pouts.

" can you help me." She asks passing him a blue crayon and points to a drawing on the paper. The waitress comes to the table and takes our orders and shortly returns with the food.

" can we go to the park after matt?" She asks, shes finished half her meal and is almost sat on matts knee, he dosent mind. And she loves him.

" you have to ask y/n, shes in charge." He says and i laugh.

" eat your meal and of course we will." I say and we all return to our food. After matt pays the bill and I've finished taking Lexi to the bathroom she takes his hand and we head to the park across the street.

" catch me!" She squeals and runs off, matt slowly follows her and grabs her under his arm and puts her in the swing, sending her high into the air.

" i love this." She screams and the swing goes higher and higher in the air. She smiles brightly and when she tells him to stop she walks to me and climbs on my lap.

" im tired now." She yawns and i laugh to matt, who plops down on the bench next to me. He laughs and she grabs for matt, who takes her and carries her to the car.

After we get home i tuck her in and matt heads home, after i thank him for today.

" love you so much." I whisper and kiss his face, long and meaningful. He smile and kisses me back.

" love you." He whispers.

*Sorry for being gone, im back now trying to post around exams that start on monday:) ily all 🤍*
