Walk out then.

I gave birth to our little baby girl 3 months ago and its been hard, my body is taking a while to recover and matt isn't helping at all.

" why didn't you wash the dishes." I ask matt and he's watching tv and the baby is asleep in the baby chair. Toys are spread around the floor and i could cry.

" i was trying to get her to sleep." He says and i see him roll his eyes. " did you just fucking roll your eyes." I shout and he shakes his head. " no."

" can you wash up, please." I say sarcastically and i go upstairs and i shower. When i hear the baby cry i go downstairs and she is crying while matt is laid on the sofa fast asleep.

"WAKE THE FUCK UP." I shout and then pick up the baby. He wakes up and looks confused. " why are you shouting." He says and i feed the baby and she calms down and she is awake and smiling against my chest.

" the washes aren't done and the house is a mess." I say and he shrugs. " ill do it now no problem." He rolls his eyes and i snap.

" IT IS A FUCKING PROBLEM. All i want is you to do the dishes and you were asleep, all i wanted was a shower." I shout and he stands up and rubs his eyes. " sorry im fucking tired." He says and i shake my head.

" no dont you fucking say your tired, you havent stayed up at night once since she was born." I say and he rolls his eyes. " dont roll your eyes." I say and he sucks in a breath.

" i take care of her in the day while your out doing shit." He complains. " GETTING FOOD AND DOING STUFF FOR MY FUCKING FAMILY." I shout and he shakes his head.

" i do as much as you." He shouts and i shake my head.

" i feed her and try go get her to sleep her every night and then sit with her all day while you play on your games and hang out all day. YOU DO FUCK ALL." I say and he storms to the door and slams the door.

" WALK OUT THEN." I shout and he takes the car and i see him drive away in the window.

Lilly starts to cry so i rock her and play on the floor with her and when shes watching tv i wash the dishes.

Matts pov:

I dont know where to go so i drive to nicks and Chris' house. Since i moved out i feel awkward just walking in but im so mad i practically take the door off is hinges.

" YO MATT." Chris exclaims and nick bursts through his bedroom door. " wheres my fav niece." He smiles and i shake my head. " not with me." I sigh and they look between each other.

" what happened." Nick asks and i slump down on the sofa. " y/n bitching at me for not doing the dishes." I sigh and nick rolls his eyes.

" did you do them?" Chris asks and i shake my head to say no. Nick tuts and waves his finger in my face. " oh matt. Sweetie no." He teases and i swat his arm.

" dude dont laugh, its not funny i really fucked up." I say and nick nods. " you did. You need to go back do the dishes and apologise. SHE BIRTHED YOUR GODAMN CHILD MATT. At least have the decency to be there while she's recovering shes probably exhausted she already has one child she dosent need another one." Nick scolds me. Ive never seen him that engrossed in a topic before.

" fuck you." I sigh, because i know he's right.
" your welcome, go over and apologise, show her you care." Chris says and i get up and drive back home. When i get in i see the dishes are done and they have been put away. Mu heart sinks and i head up to the baby's room to see her fast asleep and then i see y/n asleep on the nursing chair.

" im sorry." I whisper and kiss her forehead, she moves and rests her head on her shoulder, i freeze and pick her up. I lay her in our bed and cuddle next to her.

" stop, leave me alone." She says and i sigh. " im sorry, you do so much for me and Lilly and im so sorry for taking you for granted. Next time im a dick please shout at me." I say and i see a smile tugging her lips.

" you like that." I taunt and smash my lips to hers. She smiles against my lips and i pull her in and hold her tight.

" wait. Say sorry again." She says and i cringe. " im sorry." I say and she smiles. She pulls me in and kisses me so hard she almost suffocates me. I smile and she falls asleep in my arms.

That night when Lilly starts to cry i get up and grab her and sit downstairs with her and get her a bottle out the fridge. She drinks the whole bottle and i change her nappy and rock her in my arms until she stops crying. She lays in her crib and i watch as her eyes get heavy and she falls asleep with her arms tangled over her face.

" thank you." Y/n says when i get in bed and i kiss her. " dont thank me. Im sorry...again." I joke and she smiles and i spoon her and she falls asleep.

A/n: this idea was from ARC2CUTE they have amazing stories on their page and they have amazing ideas. Follow them!!!
