Wedding bells 🥹

7 months ago...

" y/n, I've never felt more full than the day you said yes to being my girlfriend. And now im asking you to be my forever. Will you marry me, i love you." Matt asks. Its christmas morning and he's holding the ring box i just unwrapped.

" aww matt! Yes!." I yell and wrap my arms around him, i tackle him and lay on his chest. I peck his lips and smile. He slides the finger on my hand and i admire the simple gold band with the diamond. " i love you." I smile and take his face in my hand and kiss him.

" now i feel bad all i got you is new shoes." I laugh and he smiles. " you just became my fiance. The best christmas wish i could ever have." He says. We finish opening presents and then i make pancakes for breakfast. We head to matts parents house for lunch and i show them the ring. There all so happy.


Its my wedding day, im on my second glass of champagne and my mom is pulling a worried face. Im having my makeup done and my feet are tapping along to music. This is the happiest I've ever been.

The weather is warm and there is the right amount of breeze in the air. Preparations are being finished outside and all i want to do is see matt. We were going to scrap the whole cant-see-the-groom-before-the-wedding shit but mine and matts mom protested.

" are you almost ready?" I call to the bridesmaids. They all shout back yes and no's. Once my makeup is finished Mine and matts mom help me get into my dress.

I stand in the mirror and admire myself. I look amazing. My bridesmaids stand behind me and my mom passes me my flowers. Im getting married! It all hits in one and i could cry but i dont want to ruin my makeup.

" lets get you married." Ellie exclaims. I smile and she walks me to the car with her arm wrapped around mine.

" you look amazing." My dad smiles and he takes my hand to help me into the car. His eyes are watering and were off to the venue.

Matts already stood at the altar and i just want to hold his hand but all my bridesmaids walk out with the grooms men. My dad takes my hand and its time. Time to get married.

He walks me down and as soon as i see matt i start to tear up, screw my makeup. His eyes look like there welling up and if i could run i would. Once my dad reaches his seat he kisses my cheek and i join matt.

" I've missed you." I whisper in his ear, he smiles and wipes my tears with a tissue from his pocket. " i missed you too." He whispers. " lets get married." I say, and guests laugh and my mom is already crying.

" matt time for your vows." The officiant smiles. " i want to say thank you for being here first but i also want to say thank you to Y/n for sticking by my side. Your the woman of my dreams and i couldn't choose a better woman to make a life worth living with. I love you and i want to be by your side, no matter what. Bring it on." He says. Im crying by the end and he holds my hand while i unfold my vows.

" matt, i love you. I knew you were the one for me when we had our first argument. I was blatantly wrong but you stuck by me and i promise to be there for you and stick by you like you have me, since day one." I smile. He smiles and wraps his hands around mine tighter.

" i do." Matt confesses, sliding the ring on my finger. " i do." I say, sliding the ring onto his finger. I pull him in first and kiss him. I smile and cheer. We walk off down the isle and soon its 10pm and were both drunk and the party is still going strong.

Im sat outside with a drink and the breeze blowing my hair. Someone wraps a blanket around me and i look up to see matts bright eyes smiling at me. " well hello husband." I say. He laughs. " hello wife." He repeats.

" its all just too much." He sighs, he puts my hand in his and kisses my palm. " why do you think im freezing myself outside." I joke. He laughs.

" we could sneak out." I suggest. He looks at me that suggests he just made his mind up. "
Ill go in and grab your bag and you wait in the car." He says. I nod and waddle to the car with the blanket around me. I give the driver the hotel address and matt is fast walking to the car.

My feet kill so i take off my heels and matt carries me to the room. Its white and gold and there is a bottle of champagne on the bed.

I fight with my dress and lay under the covers sipping from the bottle, to tired to grab glasses. Matt slides in next to me and kisses me. " im so  glad i married you." He whispers and kisses me. " i love you." I whisper and kiss him. He smiles against my lips and wraps himself around my body.
