

A backup light got switched on but it barely provided any illumination. It was too dim but the eyes did their work and it got better as the seconds passed. The sound of Azef's coughing reached me from the bathroom in the corridor and Concern gnawed at my insides as I got up and watched him stumble towards the bathroom, a trail of crimson droplets staining the floor in his wake.

What is happening?!? Does he have a serious illness or something?!?! One doesn't just cough out blood!!

Without a second thought, I followed after him, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and desperation. The sound of his coughing echoed through the narrow hallway, each hacking cough a painful reminder of the danger that lurked within his chest.

The bathroom door was open and I stepped into the room, the sight before me sent a shiver of dread down my spine. Azef stood hunched over the sink, his face contorted in agony as he coughed up blood, his hands trembling with the effort.

"Sir!" I cried out, my voice trembling with fear as I rushed to his side. "What's happening? Are you okay?" I wasn't sure if I should pat his back to ease his body or not but in the end I decided not to do it.

Azef didn't answer me, I could only hear the sound of his ragged breathing and the sickening splatter of blood against the porcelain sink. Panic surged through me as I realized that something was seriously wrong.

What if he's dying??! Oh God! I need to do something!!

"I'll call the emergency services!" I told him, "It's raining outside so it's better if an ambulance comes to pick us up!" I tried to move away when he caught my wrist

"STOP!!!" He yelled

I froze, "But," My voice came out meek

"Don't do anything..." He breathed heavily, "I'm fine," He looked ragged and he was shaking his head, looking like he was getting a headache.

His words hung in the air like a dark cloud, but seeing his condition sent a chill down my spine. Confusion and fear churned within me as the urgency of the situation weighed heavily on my mind.

"But sir," I protested, my voice quivering with emotion. "You need help. We need to call someone before it's too late."

"I said no!" He spat the words as he breathed heavily, "Do you think I can't handle this on my own?" His voice broke, "I said, I'm fine," He let my hand go and turned the water on, letting the blood that came out of him and dyed the sink red dissolve away.

I had no idea what was going on with him but I couldn't just do nothing about it. So I stepped back and opened my phone to dial the emergency services. As the line tried to connect I brought my phone next to my ear waiting for someone to pick up. Azef noticed though and before I knew it grabbed my hair from the behind with one hand, yanking my head back while he snatched the phone from my ear with his other


I turned around to look at him, "I told you not to do it." His grip was strong, "What part of 'I'm fine', did you not understand?" At first I was shocked, then his next action scared the shit out of me. He threw the phone across the room and it struck against the wall, shattered and the pieces of it scattered across the floor.

Tears welled in my eyes as I recoiled from his actions,

'I-I," I fumbled with my words. I turned my body to Azef, my heart lurching in my chest, "I- I'm just worried-" I didn't get to complete my sentence as I saw him clutching at his chest, his face twisted in agony. He immediately let me go and recoiled back, both of his hands clutching his shirt in pain.

"Azef!" I cried out, my voice trembling with fear as I rushed to his side. But as I reached out to comfort him, he pushed me away, "Don't push me away." I said, "I'm just worried!" I said and he looked at me.

His lips were dyed red, his saliva mixed with the blood, causing it to look crimson, drooled down from the middle of his lips.

"My wolf..." He whispered

His wolf?!??!


What is that supposed to mean?

He fell to his knees, and Panic surged through me like a tidal wave as I knelt beside him.

"W-what can I do?" I honestly had no clue what to do.

Azef looked at me but before he could say anything, his eyes rolled back and he fell Un conscious


I immediately grabbed him before his head hit the floor. My heart drummed in my chest as I lay him down gently, my hands trembling as I tried to shake him awake, "Sir," I patted his cheek, "Oh! God! Azef..." But he lay motionless before me, "Oh! Shit!!" Tears welled in my eyes but the confusion wouldn't let me think straight.

I got up and paced around in a panic. Lightning struck the sky again, painting everything purple for a split second.

What do I do!??! What do I do?!??! I looked back at him and stopped.


His chest was rising and falling in shallow, uneven breaths.

I knelt back down with the tears still in my eyes as I cradled his head in my hands, my heart aching with the weight of uncertainty. I sat there for what felt like an eternity, unsure of what to do next, my mind racing with a thousand frantic thoughts.

His breathing got better and noticing that made me feel a bit better too

He's not dead. I nodded. He'll be fine.

With trembling hands, I got up beside him, my fingers fumbling with his limp body as I struggled to drag him back to the lounge. The weight of his unconscious form was a little too heavy for me. To begin with Azef was sure to be taller than six feet and he has a pretty good build as well but I refused to give up, I should at least get him to a better spot.

That's the very least I could do

It took a lot of effort, and I was starting to think I was going to break my back while trying to take him just to the lounge. As I finally managed to hoist him onto the couch, exhaustion washed over me, leaving me trembling with exertion.

Before I sat down on the sofa myself, I stretched my back and my shoulders, then turned to look at Azef again.

He wasn't making any sounds. I sat down on his head side and with trembling hands, I cradled Azef's head in my lap.

I stroked his forehead as I kept my eyes on him. But as I gazed down at his pale, motionless form, a sense of helplessness washed over me

He broke my phone... Thunder rumbled again, making my skin stand up. I glanced out the lounge window. What am I supposed to do now? But when I looked back at Azef's unconscious form, there was ease on his face


I guess being unconscious took the pain away. I kept gently stroking his hair. I wonder what's wrong with him though? Why would he stop me from calling for help?

I did not have any way to get the answers so I just waited it out. A few minutes passed and the electricity came back.

"Whew," The place lit up which made my anxiety calm down a little.

About half an hour passed by when Azef stirred from his unconsciousness,


He slowly blinked his eyes open, his gaze darting around the room in confusion.

I watched him intently, my heart pounding with a mixture of relief and apprehension. Is he alright now? Would he remember what had happened? Would he be angry for dragging him all the way here?

But when his gaze landed on me, and he realized where his head was, a softness crept into his expression.


"Are you okay?" I asked,

He nodded softly, melting away the tension that had gripped me. In that moment, as our eyes met, I saw a glimmer of something tender and vulnerable,


"I'm fine..." He looked at me, "Did you stay here the entire time?"

"Yes..." I avoided his gaze, "I didn't know what else to do,"

And then, with a slow, almost imperceptible nod, Azef reached out to me, his hand touched my cheek tenderly

"Thank you," As Azef's gaze lingered on me, his expression softened even further.


But his actions only confused me further.

I can't understand him. At times he's so nice and other times so violent and stern.

"Why wouldn't you let me call anyone?" I asked and he retreated his hand, putting it on his chest.

"The reason is simple, I can't have my brother finding out something is wrong with me." He didn't attempt to move from my lap, "He's in my emergency contact."

I frowned, "But what if something happened to you?'

He smiled, "I told you I'm fine,"

"You don't look fine," I whispered as I looked at his extra red lips and the drops of blood that had made their way to his shirt as well.

"I am," He whispered back, "I know what's wrong with me."


"What is wrong with you?" 
