

Oh no!

He's asked me something so sensitive!! I wasn't sure how to answer him and as I was thinking about what to say, I noticed that most of the pack members were staring at us from inside the house.

They were at different windows, and a few of them were stuck on the backdoor, their eyes glued to us.

"No!" I panicked, "You have to tell me why you changed your mind! It seemed like an important commitment too. Marrying someone is no joke and you agreed to it. Why did you change your mind?"

All the eyes that were on me, shifted to Azef and I'm sure he felt it even though he had his back to all of them.



She's cornered me.

'Why are you all staring at us?' I mind-linked with all the people in the pack house, 'Is this an entertainment show?!' I could feel their gazes on me.

The heck is wrong with all of them?!?

None of them replied back to me yet they kept staring. And it pissed me off.

"I won't answer, unless you do." I replied, making everyone in the packhouse facepalm themselves. Which in turn was very satisfactory for me.

Seraphina on the other hand pouted, looking extremely adorable. Looking at her like this made my wolf howl too. He was delighted. But on the other hand it felt a little weird to see him so active.

"This isn't right," She said, "I asked first."

"But you ran away first too," I replied and she frowned. I don't want to get ahead of myself but she ran away after what Zena said and I might be wrong, but she ran away because she thought Zena and I were going to become a thing, or that we might have had something between us, didn't she?

I really don't want to get ahead of myself, so I just need her to say it. I need her to say one line.

That she got jealous, or it hurt her seeing me with someone.

Just one line

That's all I need.


I know my actions were childish. And it was so childish, anyone would have noticed why I ran away.

I looked at Azef

Didn't he notice it too?

Wasn't it enough?

He can't tell that I ran away because I couldn't see Zena being all chummy with him while he had planned to get married to her?

Do I have to say it?

We looked into each other's eyes.

"I," I started but speaking felt like a burden. I was afraid. What if I say it and he ends up laughing at me? And then tells me I could never be his mate because he can't forget his true mate? "Azef I-"

'Be assertive'

I remembered what Runy said. I can't just assume things and never get an answer.

"Okay," I nodded, "But you won't laugh at me, promise?" I brought my pinky up without thinking. He stared at it, and chuckled.

Oh shit!

This is something I do for Eris, so I did it without thinking!!

I was about to bring it back down when Azef wrapped his pinky with mine.


With a toothy smile, he answered me, "I won't," He promised. I stared at our pinkies, the childish act made me feel nice.

"Okay," I felt pressured at that moment. So I let out a deep breath and let our pinkies go, "The thing is, I-" I didn't get to say it. Before I even got to the main point, Azef's phone began to ring loudly.

It made me freeze mid-sentence.

And it made the pack members who were staring at us facepalmed themselves again. Then some of them strangled the others in frustration while I pursed my lips.

Azef took out his phone to see who it was.. He was going to cut the call when he saw the called ID

"It's the Alpha," He whispered, "I'll have to take this," He glanced at me.

I nodded, "Okay," I replied, "We can talk later," I stepped aside, "When we're alone," I whispered and glanced at the house.

He smirked, "That's a better idea."



"Yes?" I sighed as I answered the call, walking away from Seraphina, in the direction of the forest.

"Did I call at a bad time?" Matthew replied.

"Ah...," I shook my head as I looked back at Seraphina. She was walking towards the house, "It's fine."

"I was at the airport, so I thought I'd call." He said, "You haven't gotten the key yet?"

I closed my eyes

Oh shit,

The key

"No..." I replied, "I tried to talk to the dealers, give them another transaction but they refused."

"Why would they refuse now?" He asked.

"I feel like they're playing games with everyone." I sighed, "There won't be any point in going to the casino if we don't have the key."

"Well, we won't be able to open the safe without the key, but I still want to see where it is."

"If you go, people will know we have the deed to the casino,"

"The rumors already had us walking on eggshells anyway." He answered, "And while we're on the topic, I heard the Somas are looking for us."


"Ah... Yea," I tapped my foot on the ground, "Somehow Somi found out we killed Silas."

"Her suspicion will be confirmed when I go to the casino," Matthew replied, "..." He paused to think.

"Or somehow she found out we took the deed, so she's already after us." I clicked my tongue, "How about you come back," I replied, "We don't even have the key. It's a useless trip."

"But we have the deed," He said, "And only the owner of the deed can see where the safe is in the first place."

"Matt, your actions might cause trouble for your mate. She's a human too."

"I know," He replied, "I'll be careful." He paused, "Wait, a human 'too'?"

"Ah, it slipped out of my mouth." I replied.

"You have something to tell me, don't you?" He replied

"..." I looked back at the house. Seraphina has gone in, and all the pack members who were staring at us were gone too, "Yea,"

"What is it?" He asked.

"My wolf has woken up."

"What?!? How!?!"

My wolf went dormant when my mate died. I was always able to use my wolf abilities but now they've grown stronger since he's awakened fully. I don't want to show it, because Matthew is the Alpha and I want him to keep that position but I might have gotten stronger than even him.

And now that my wolf has woken up and has been interacting with me, everyone is going to be surprised. I think the pack members might already have noticed.

I was beyond surprised when it happened. Before, it would wake up sometimes, and go back to sleep for months, but not now. It was a slow process. So it took some time for me to realize what was happening. I can't believe I didn't realize it right away. It was so obvious

"Remember the girl you saw," I said, "The one I sent to make a delivery at night."

"Ah! The one who came to the office?"

"Yes," I smiled, "Her,"



"I'd say he agreed to marry Alpha Zena to get the pack to grow stronger." Ben said.

"We're a relatively new pack. The Lycan king has approved of us but the werewolf packs haven't. There's a lot of controversy about us." Tuilum said

We all hung out in the kitchen as they made assumptions as to why Azef was planning on marrying Alpha Zena. Azef actually got really busy after the call, and we didn't get to have our private conversation. He had to leave for a short while for something, and I have no idea when he came back or if he's even back yet or not.

"Why?" I asked, "Why would the other packs not acknowledge you?" I was sitting on the counter.

"Because we don't fit." Runy answered.

"You don't fit..." I tilted my head, "In what?"

The pack members smiled, "In the werewolf standards." Tuilum answered.

"Oh, thus the name 'misfits?" I asked and they nodded.

"I have a question. If the other wolf packs don't want to acknowledge you guys yet. Why does Zena want to marry a former rogue?"

They all spared each other a glance, "Zena has seen Beta Azef fight."

"And she's seen his wolf too."

"He's big." Ben said and I nodded.

Oh yes, he's big. In more than one way.

"And recently there's this thing that's been going on." Hoor said

"What thing?" I asked.

"It seems that Beta Azef's wolf might have woken up." Runy answered

"Huh?" I was a little confused.

"It hasn't been confirmed but his wolf is even bigger than it normally is." Lila said.

"I know right!!!" Hoor said, "When I saw his form when he took you out on a run, I was in awe! That definitely means his wolf has woken up."

"If, and I mean if," Runy said, "His wolf is up, that means he's stronger too. And anyone who knows that knows that the Beta is a powerful asset in the werewolf world."

"So Zena is just being greedy?" I asked.

"Or she's smitten." Lila chuckled, "The Beta is really handsome after all."

They all, including me, nodded at her words after which they all turned their heads and stared at me


"Hey!" I got shy, "If you all are agreeing, why can't I agree?" Then they all chuckled at me, making me flush


"Guys!" A pack member came running in, "There's a door missing!!"

"Loid?" Hoor looked at him, "Why are you panicking over a door?"

"It's a full moon tonight," Loid entered the kitchen, "The Banshee's going to be here."

Banshee? What's a banshee?? I looked out the window. It was already night, but the sky was very dark.

I looked at the pack members and froze


They all were pale.
