Big things

Guys I got a fever.... Let me if I messed up somewhere in the chapter...


The hot water streamed down my human body, washing away the dirt and sweat from the run through the forest. I closed my eyes, letting the warmth soothe my muscles and the steady stream drown out the chaos of my thoughts. The night had been perfect, a moment of pure connection with her.

I'm glad the idea worked and she started feeling better. I had thought of so many things to do but nothing seemed like it would work. Taking her out on a run was the last thing I thought of.

Closing my eyes I took a few deep breaths, recalling how she stuck to my body, laying herself on me.

As I stood there, under the comforting spray, a piercing scream shattered the tranquility.


My eyes snapped open, heart lurching painfully in my chest. It was Seraphina's scream. Panic surged through me, vivid and unrelenting, as a flood of terrible possibilities crowded my mind.

Was she hurt? Was there danger nearby? Why is she screaming? What happened!?

Without a second thought, I turned off the water and bolted from the shower, not bothering to grab a towel or any clothing, forget about grabbing, it didn't even cross my mind. The cool air of the house hit my wet skin. I raced through the hallway, dripping water and leaving wet footprints on the floor. My only thought was to reach her as quickly as possible and luckily, it was possible because her room wasn't far from mine. But is she in her room?

"MY GOODDDD!!!" She yelled again.

Her screams echoed, and I followed the sound, my pulse pounding in my ears.

Her second yell confirmed that she was in her room and I darted towards it.

"What's wrong!?" I asked as soon as I opened her door.

When I burst into her room, I saw her standing on the bed, clutching the blankets to her chest, her face pale and eyes wide with fear. But it wasn't her expression that froze me in my tracks. It was the massive Komodo dragon sprawled across the floor, its forked tongue flicking in and out as it regarded her with cold, reptilian eyes.

I paused, looked around the room, then was relieved when I found nothing else but the reptile there.

"Azef!! Get it out!!" She turned to look at me then she froze. There was fear in her eyes.

I stepped forward, muscles tensed, ready to confront the unexpected threat. "Stay calm," I said, my voice steady despite the adrenaline surging through me. "Don't make any sudden moves." I told her while her gaze slowly traveled away from me with her cheeks turning red.

She looked disturbed, her expression a mix of terror and bewilderment, clearly struggling to process the bizarre reality of a big Komodo dragon in her room.

"Just stay where you are," I replied, edging closer to the beast, my eyes never leaving its massive form. I knew how dangerous these creatures could be, their bites laced with toxic bacteria. "I'll get it out of here."

"...Okay," She replied as she spared me a glance, her face got further red and she looked away.

The Komodo dragon hissed, its tail twitching ominously. I took another step forward, trying to make myself appear larger, more threatening. The creature seemed to hesitate, its gaze flicking between me and her.

My muscles tensed and elongated, bones shifting painfully as my human form gave way to the werewolf within.

In seconds, I stood on all fours, a massive werewolf, my fur bristling and teeth bared. The Komodo dragon hissed, recoiling slightly at the sight of me. I took a step forward, growling low in my throat, making sure to position myself between her and the threat.

I advanced slowly, muscles coiled and ready to strike if necessary. The beast hissed again, its tail twitching ominously, but it began to back away, clearly intimidated by the larger predator I had become.

With a final snarl, I lunged forward, making it clear that it was not welcome here. The dragon hissed one last time, then turned and scurried toward the window from which it had entered. It climbed awkwardly, its heavy body scraping against the sill, and then it was gone, disappearing into the night.

Once I was certain the danger was gone, I turned to look at her. I wanted to make sure that she was okay but the moment I looked at her, I noticed she wouldn't meet my gaze and her face was pretty red.

"Thank you," She said, "You came to help me out in such an emergency..." Her eyes were darting around, looking at everything but at me

Her words and actions made me freeze, It was that moment it hit me.

I ran into her room naked.


Oh shit,

I quietly turned around and left the room.


I watched him close the window and then turn to me. But the moment he did, I turned my head away shyly.


Azef walked over to the bed, then paused at the edge. I looked at him, but didn't meet his eyes. I couldn't. He was in his wolf form yet still the image of him naked was very fresh in my mind.

In fact, it was all that kept replaying in my mind.

"Thank you," I still said, "You came to help me out in such an emergency..." My eyes were darting around, looking at everything but him.

He quietly turned around and walked out of the room.

After Azef left the room, I stayed on the bed for a few minutes, trying to calm my racing heart. The adrenaline from the encounter with the Komodo dragon was still coursing through me, making it hard to settle down, but now it wasn't settling down due to another reason.

The sight of Azef, his body, the water dripping down his muscles, the steam evaporating from his skin

I gulped

Goddamn, his abs, his skin, his form,

I pursed my lips as a shiver ran down my spine

I know I thought about riding him, but I take that back... for now at least

I had no idea he would be that big!!

'"Oh My God," I whispered as I placed my hands on my cheeks, they were hot.

I shook my head.

I did not expect things to get this awkward.

How am I going to face him?? I feel like every time I'm gonna look at him I'm gonna think of his 'Big thing' down there!! My heart skipped a beat, then it started racing again as racy thoughts entered my head

"My God..."

Why is my heart acting weird!!! Am I a pervert!??!


Oh God! Damnit!!! My cheeks burned with embarrassment as I remembered the state in which I had rushed to her aid. I was dripping wet, completely naked, and had transformed right in front of her. I hurried back to the bathroom.

Once inside, I shifted back, shut the door and leaned against it, letting out a long, shaky breath. The reality of the situation hit me like a ton of bricks. I had shown her everything—literally everything. My face burned hotter, and I ran a hand through my wet hair, trying to compose myself.


Where did my brain go?! I've never made a blunder like this before!!

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror—still naked, still dripping, and now I filled with embarrassment. I quickly grabbed a towel, wrapping it around myself in a futile attempt to regain some dignity.

"Oh, God," I muttered to my reflection. "What have I done?"

I could still see the wide-eyed look of surprise and awe on her face, the way she had clutched the blanket to her chest. The memory replayed in my mind, each detail sharpening my mortification. I had burst into her room without a second thought,

She didn't even meet my gaze afterwards!

She didn't take me for a creep did she?

I would never do that to anyone! God! I have no such thoughts! Ever!

I gritted my teeth.

With the way she was avoiding my eyes, she must be disgusted. I could have at least taken a towel with me! Why did I run out naked!?

And I had barely managed to get her mood better





I went down to eat.

After seeing Azef like 'that' I don't know why but I suddenly felt hungry. I don't want to admit it, but it might be because I started stressing over things I have no reason to stress over. Like having my first time with him


Why am I worrying about that!!??

I let out a sigh as I entered the kitchen.

"Oh!" A maid was there, "Would you like something to eat?" She was clearing up the things there. Good thing I caught her on time.

"Yes," I nodded to her as I sat down at the kitchen table, while she placed a bowl of steaming soup in front of me.

"If you need anything else, you can call for me," She smiled

"Thank you," I smiled back at her, "But I'm alright."

"I'll leave the soup here," She placed the pot on the table, "In case you want more."

I don't think I'll need it again but I simply nodded at her. I can just put it in the fridge when I'm leaving.

She left after cleaning up the rest and I started to eat.

The warmth and the savory smell started to calm my nerves. I took a few sips, feeling the heat spread through my body, bringing a sense of normalcy back. I had just begun to relax when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.


It made my heart skip a beat as I dreaded it being Azef

OH God!! I don't think I'm ready to face him yet!!!
